Here's one way to put the kibosh on Gay Marriage just as it is gaining steam...


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
:D ;) ;)

Worse, we are discovering that ObamaCare really will "destroy marriage for the middle class the same way that the Great Society welfare state destroyed the black family -- with financial incentives for staying single." ObamaCare's marriage penalty could possibly cost couples over $10,000 a year. This intentional disparity means that U.S. government policy will encourage singleness and create increased disincentives for marriage. Single individuals will have an advantage with the earned income tax credit as well as welfare benefits, including food stamps. This comes as no surprise, of course, because "making the subsidies neutral towards marriage would lead to a married couple with only one bread-winner getting a more generous subsidy than a single parent at the same income-level."

With ObamaCare ramping up subsidies promoting single motherhood and discouraging marriage, an increase in poverty is inevitable -- along with dramatic increases in entitlements and dramatic tax hikes to pay for the increased entitlements. These increases are just one more of the numerous financial incentives in current government policy that increasingly encourage individuals to reject marriage -- the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), housing subsidies, food stamps, child support payments, and the welfare dependency programs that created and sustained the inner city matriarchal culture. These perks are costing American taxpayers trillions of dollars a year. Current welfare programs total close to $1 trillion a year (twice as much as national defense and nearly the size of the federal deficit); ObamaCare is projected to add another $2.5 trillion after all its provisions take effect. There's no end in sight to the increasing costs of these entitlements.

Politically, the "marriage penalty" is also a Democratic vote-getting initiative -- 70 percent of unmarried women voted for President Obama in the 2008 election. Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, a liberal firm that consults for clients such as Bill Clinton and John Kerry, said: "Unmarried women represent one of the most reliable Democratic cohorts in the electorate ... leading the charge for fundamental change in health care."
As the nation's largest public policy women's group, Concerned Women for America has been sounding the alarm about how the fiscal health of the nation and economic crises are affecting America's families. We advocate a fiscal reform plan that focuses on entitlement reform -- offering options that will enable today's families to keep more of the money they earn and rescue our children and grandchildren from the debt and national decline that will otherwise land on their shoulders. We remind legislators that the nation's women are very concerned about the way government dependency is impacting American families. We want to see principled, courageous action to reverse the crisis and bring back the kind of financial and economic stability that propelled America into the world's superpower and enabled families to thrive - having a steady, good paying job, owning a home, and enjoying a bright, prosperous future. We reject any and all tax increases that will cripple families, devastate the economy, and consolidate more power in government. As Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, "The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children."
Janice Shaw Crouse, Ph.D.

Doing for marriage what LBJ did for the black family. :)
Moar politics of resentment, with the Chief's typical "divide and conquer" rhetoric.
One has to think that if gay marriage and the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" had occurred in the 1970s, the Chief would be so much happier today...

Angry old white Yellow-Dog Democrat Racist.

Throb, take off your sheet and let us see who you really are.

Angry old white Yellow-Dog Democrat Racist.

Throb, take off your sheet and let us see who you really are.

I'm not angry at all, chief.

We've got a Democratic president, the recovery is picking up steam, Obamacare is the law of the land, gay marriage is legal, ...***** is pretty damned good!

What's a hater like you got left?
Such an angry, bitter man you are, chief.

A veritable stereotype of half-white resentment.
Just got to keep proving what Democrats are...

Have you gotten to the point of Palinizing my child again?
but you're not one of those people who take the words of one outlier in the democratic party and use them to justify never voting for a democrat because the whole party is to radical?

;) ;)

Now you're defending Throb? :snicker:

You could have said something negative about him..., but no, like sigh, you disagree with me...

One of THOSE people!

One of O's supporters...

kbate and sigh had an excellent chance to talk about the new tax implications of getting married after the years of bemoaning the tax implication of not being able to get married.

I love the smell of hate in the morning...


I'm sure you've gotten quite used to's likely permeated every fiber of your teepee and is the first thing you smell in the morning when you get up, and the last thing you smell at night before you pass out.

Okay, that last part was a bit of an exaggeration...the last thing you smell before you pass out is probably cheap whiskey and vomit.
I like that she can say "possibly" cost couples $10,000 without any actual data or facts. It's very retro. Screw accountability and accuracy.
Now you're defending Throb? ::

You could have said something negative about him..., but no, like sigh, you disagree with me...

One of THOSE people!

One of O's supporters...

Why would I say something negative about him? I don't see thRob's posts or care what he says, he is an insignificant troll and nothing more.

You see that as a defense of thRob, but you cannot see that a comment to you, has nothing to do with thRob?
I like that she can say "possibly" cost couples $10,000 without any actual data or facts. It's very retro. Screw accountability and accuracy.

We're still learning about what's in the Bill now that it is passed.

Some of it has been so bad that the rich, the powerful and the Democrat voting blocks are getting waivers to put off their pain until after the next crucial election.

I would think that gays and lesbians would be just as concerned as to the unintended consequences of the bill as the straight person. ANY MARRIED person should be concerned. My wife's insurance is already trying to dump me which means that I will have to go through my employer and use their insurance which means that as two singles, we'll be paying higher premiums than we were under a family plan.

By using the gambit of Gay Marriage, I knew that I would turn off the critical thinking sectors in many, many people's brains and induce knee-jerk reactions over thought.

It did.
We're still learning about what's in the Bill now that it is passed.

Some of it has been so bad that the rich, the powerful and the Democrat voting blocks are getting waivers to put off their pain until after the next crucial election.

I would think that gays and lesbians would be just as concerned as to the unintended consequences of the bill as the straight person. ANY MARRIED person should be concerned. My wife's insurance is already trying to dump me which means that I will have to go through my employer and use their insurance which means that as two singles, we'll be paying higher premiums than we were under a family plan.

By using the gambit of Gay Marriage, I knew that I would turn off the critical thinking sectors in many, many people's brains and induce knee-jerk reactions over thought.

It did.

Yes, I'm sure you're deeply concerned. You've always been very supportive of the gay and democratic communities. This must be hard for you. Do you need your wubby?