Here goes nothing


Really Experienced
Jan 19, 2013
Hi there

And thanks for stopping by.

I used to be a lurker but now I am to fly straight, I think I wanted to keep a safe distance just to see how this site pans out, I have been to a few forums and have met some truly odd people but that might just be down to my choice of threads or what I type, I have no illusions that this site will be any different but you never now.

I actually created an account to post a story or two but looking at my friend list for the computer world it seemed to be lacking so I thought why the hell not make some friends here.

I am not in the least bit interested in meeting up I am a married man so that base is covered. What I am looking for are great friends female preferably but if your male and can type whole paragraphs I am happy to chat away.

Like I said I am married, sorry if that is a deal breaker buts not going to change any time soon. Love sci-fi, good horror and comedy Movies as well as my Xbox, books (I read too much) and my guitar. I even keep fit and healthy well you have to if you want to survive a possible zombie apocalypse. I love discussing fantasies and experiences just nothing too out there folks or just shooting the breeze over everyday life, at the end of the day if it makes us laugh or makes us horny then bring it on, enjoy life and friends while we still can.

This definitely does not cover everything but then if it did why would anyone reply?

I look forward to any replies or pms
No meet up is a nice reassurance

Also married and not looking to change that.
Conversation is limited by subject of interest, shift work, and probably
The biggest killer of romance familiarity, or the perceived sense of
Thinking that other person is known.
Most typing is done from my phone and hard to edit
I am over 40
I have kids and animals
I am not as fit as i want to be but I am strong and flexible.
He zombies will have a hard time getting past my arsenal of
Hand tools, i pack a mean shovel.
If grammar is your thing say so upfront, please and spare us both.
Thanks for the reply.

I am no grammar Nazi! No one needs 100% grammar if your having fun.
Older, married male here. Retired and just love to discuss fantasies and share ideas with others. Chances of a real meeting are between 0% and -1%. My wife and I have been married over 40 years and have shared a lot. We both love to travel and read, but she does not share my enthusiasm for meeting or chatting with others. Or, at least I don't think she does .... Maybe she has a secret Literotica account ... hmmm. Anyway, I am up for discussions on almost any topics. Not much time this morning, am getting ready to go golfing. O.K. Literotica has nothing to do with golf but it does have to do with playing with balls.
Bump for a great personal!

To paraphrase Frank Arduini, "don't take [the zombie apocalypse] so seriously; no one comes out alive anyway."
Giving myself my very first bump.....feels kind of tingly!

So my email and pm windows are starting to look a little empty gone are my morning smiles at a brand new email (clean and filthy) things settle down, people move on yet I remain.

So come on folks and folkesses why not drop me a line or paragraph and see where it takes us.