Here comes the boom...


Cult Of Personality
Apr 3, 2003
anyone going out to see this? looks pretty stupid more than funny.

what are your thoughts on this
Kevin James is not funny.

They took the MMA House to his premier; they liked it.

Then again, those fuckers get hit in the head... A lot! Choked out too...
Makes me think of that rather "homosexual in denial look I'm so tough" song from the early 2000's....seether I think did it? Yea...hear comes the boom.....lmfao
if i do order PPV, it has to be boxing only.

IDK I have a soft spot for MMA, we call it GFT in the army but I got really into it for a while. I mean in the infantry it's your job to be good at fighting and shooting, so we were not dealing with military bureaucracy we were fighting or shooting...even had Royce Gracie come out to Ft. Benning for a little 3 day training seminar that was just amazing. Holy shit that was almost 10 years ago :eek:'s hard for me to watch boxing b/c I can't stop thinking "LOOK HOW HE IS STANDING THERE IS LIKE 5 MILLION TAKE DOWN OPPORTUNITIES WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? CHOKE HIM OUT ALREADY!! BE THE SPIDER MONKEY!!! "'s hard for me to watch boxing b/c I can't stop thinking "LOOK HOW HE IS STANDING THERE IS LIKE 5 MILLION TAKE DOWN OPPORTUNITIES WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? CHOKE HIM OUT ALREADY!! BE THE SPIDER MONKEY!!! "


get'em monkey!