

Nov 27, 2009
Hey folks, I've got a problem, something is wrong with my account. It looks like the password has been changed, and the password they sent to my e-mail isn't working either...

What's going on?!

I've had that happen before; Even had the site tell me one was "banished", only to have Torg later tell me it was, but he had then un-banished it.
So, the amusing part here is that when you ask Chyoo to send you a password, it sends you a password 12 characters long, when the site tells you the max is 8. Argh...
Ok... now, thinking about it, I'm really confused? (Edit: that's not a question, I'm definitely confused) Does Chyoo generate a new password for your each time you ask it to send you a new one? Or is something changing my password so fast that I can't login?

Further, if Chyoo generates a new password every time you ask for it to be sent to you, and it generates invalid passwords, how does this not happen all the time? The way the forms are set up, anyone can request that a password can be re-sent to anyone, any time...

Finally, if it doesn't generate a new password every time. Then... wtf? Maybe I've been hacked? I can think of only one person who would be remotely motivated to hack my account... though I have no idea how that would happen...
Ok... now, thinking about it, I'm really confused? (Edit: that's not a question, I'm definitely confused) Does Chyoo generate a new password for your each time you ask it to send you a new one? Or is something changing my password so fast that I can't login?

I've had it send me passwords when I ask for them, within seconds of sending me passwords for accounts I never even set-up, let alone requested passwords for.

Further, if Chyoo generates a new password every time you ask for it to be sent to you, and it generates invalid passwords, how does this not happen all the time? The way the forms are set up, anyone can request that a password can be re-sent to anyone, any time...

Can, & do. (See above.)

Finally, if it doesn't generate a new password every time. Then... wtf? Maybe I've been hacked? I can think of only one person who would be remotely motivated to hack my account... though I have no idea how that would happen...

As a multi-time hack victim (seemingly due to things that have happened on CHYOO & Lit), let me tell you that is entirely possible. Good luck getting any of the Powers-That-Be around here to admit to such charges, though.
If nothing else, would it be possible for me to create a new account, have a moderator take control of my two stories, and then hand control over to my new account?
As a multi-time hack victim (seemingly due to things that have happened on CHYOO & Lit), let me tell you that is entirely possible. Good luck getting any of the Powers-That-Be around here to admit to such charges, though.

Yes, the hacking charges that suddenly turned up just as you revealed how poorly you take feedback and Torg unbanned me. It's really quite something that the charges came up just as you stopped getting what you wanted. And it seems like a great deal something more that you claim the powers to be don't admit to it now that Torg jumps through hoops and makes very poor excuses to defend you from claims of childish behavior to criticism and giving malicious feedback and ratings with multiple accounts.

If nothing else, would it be possible for me to create a new account, have a moderator take control of my two stories, and then hand control over to my new account?

Since you have the Literotica account, you don't even need to go that far. Change your password, and maybe your e-mail address, here on Literotica. Then log in with the new password on Chyoo and you should be fine. Then, if you changed your e-mail here, change it there as well. However, if you're getting the password reset e-mails from Chyoo, you shouldn't need to change your e-mail.

Since you have the Literotica account, you don't even need to go that far. Change your password, and maybe your e-mail address, here on Literotica. Then log in with the new password on Chyoo and you should be fine. Then, if you changed your e-mail here, change it there as well. However, if you're getting the password reset e-mails from Chyoo, you shouldn't need to change your e-mail.

As I was reading this, I was thinking "there are a spectacular array of reasons why that doesn't make any sense at all, there is no way that that works." And yet... I gave it ago and it worked like a charm. Go figure.

Anywho, thanks for the help Mr. Hell Kaiser, I owe you one.