

plays well with self
Apr 8, 2002
oh god

a thread got posted TWICE on a story of mine!

is there anything I can do?

It doens't look good.

sorry to say this happens to the best of us. As far as I know there is no way to delete the extra thread. I believe on the writer's threads it will only appear once and to get rid of it they'd have to delete there only one thread. If you wrote the thread yourself, try copying and pasting it to word, then delete the thread, then go through the steps of adding a new thread to the page. That's all I could think of. I myself have the same duplicate option in one of my stories, and am up the creek without a paddle.

-Tim (niceguy2002tim)
How do I delete it?

Ok...I'm the author :) ...and I can view my threads...but how do I delete it?
There is no way

There is no way to delete it, all you can do is edit the duplicate thread to delete all of the text, leaving it blank, so it will cause as little confusion as possible.

They need to get this on the site soon so the person who writes something can get rid of it when it happens. The complexity would be if someone tried to chop a thread out of the middle of a story. But they do need to come up with some type of clean up utility to get rid of garbage.


Am I missing something here...?
Why can't you just reject one and accept one?

I had the same problem last week, emailed the author just saying "Oops sorry, reject one and approve one please!" and he answered back that he would. And did. :)
Don't delete / add new

I think the best thing to do, is come up with a new thread. Then go into the edit thread mode, and replace one of the threads? If that's possible?


As I've seen mentioned before, reedit the bad thread and mark it as "bad thread" letting the reader know not to go there!
Hehe could always put it to the crowd here and have whoever wants to write, write a new thread for that spot, and then pick the one you like the best (or add all of them!).

If all else fails, ask me, I've got a pretty fertile imagination, I could probably come up with a thread to fill a spot. ;)

Similar problem...I need to edit a thread I already approved, but I can't figure out how!
(basically I thought it was formatted funny cuz of my browser size, turns out it really is formatted weirdly and now I want to fix it)

Where's the link to edit a thread someone else submitted to your own story?
If it isn't possible, I guess I'll live, it just looks kinda odd.
Edit a thread

I think you can have the original writer of the thread, re-edit it and resubmit it... (I think)...

Or have the writer re-submit it, and then you edit it... (I think)...

Does that help?

If you wrote the 1st one, you can edit it, by just clicking on it and changing it. (via My threads)

If someone else wrote it, send them an email, asking them to resubmit it. Then before you approve it, make the changes.

I'm not sure if this will create a duplicate thread though... you may want to check with others.


Actually, I'm almost positive that would create a duplicate thread, which I don't want.

So, I guess it's staying weirdly formatted. Oh Well. :/
No, that won't create a duplicate thread. As far as I can work out duplicate threads only occur when you approve a thread twice in the same session.

i.e You've clicked to approve, but Chyoo or your computer is going slow and so you impatiently click the approve button again. So the same thread gets approved twice.

Somebody resubmiting a thread won't do that (although if they get impatient and hit the submit button twice, you will find a similar problem, where you receive two identical threads, but this time they will have two different thread id numbers).

Hope that helps and does not merely confuse the issue.
Re: But....

fictionalcharctr said:
But I'd still have two threads where I need to have just one.

Sorry, I guess I did confuse the issue. You will only get a duplicate thread if you approve twice in the same session (e.g. because the internet is going slow). In this case, the thread has been posted by you. If it is resubmitted by the author (providing they are resubmitting the same thread) then the next approval will simply overwrite the original.

Hope this helps (ever the optimist!:) )
Last edited:
The system: explained!

The system doesn't care about any of the text...

All it does is say "thread id # 216, has continuing threads numbered 323, 412, and 434" ...

The numbers are kept in a database and they all point to continuing thread numbers...


If threads 323 and 412 are identical.... you can edit thread 323 completely, changing everything, storyline, etc... resubmit it, and it will still be thread 323... But now they won't appear as identical threads... (the key is to note the unique thread id #'s, found in the address bar of your web browser)


This is the best workaround we've found to date!

That part I got...but if a writer submits the thread a second time, what prevents the system from assigning it a new number, so I'd end up with two threads that were almost the same?
Second time submissions!

That part I got...but if a writer submits the thread a second time, what prevents the system from assigning it a new number, so I'd end up with two threads that were almost the same?

As long as the original writer submitted it via their "modify thread" avenue, that won't happen. If they submit it via the story line's "Add a new thread", it will.

Basically, you need to make sure they resubmit it via their home page editing, rather than the story's add - function

I see....they'd have to fix it and resubmit it, and it'd be automatically approved because that thread is already approved. There's no way for me to fix it if I didn't the first time I approved it.
I'd have to ask him/her to fix it (if they can), and resubmit. Maybe I'll see.
Re: Oooooh!

fictionalcharctr said:
I see....they'd have to fix it and resubmit it, and it'd be automatically approved because that thread is already approved. There's no way for me to fix it if I didn't the first time I approved it.
I'd have to ask him/her to fix it (if they can), and resubmit. Maybe I'll see.

No, they could resubmit it via the modify thread button, then it would return to you for approval and you could put in whatever fixes you want. Then you approve it and any changes overwrite the original. And as SparkyMan says, its the thread number that is important here. You can change the thread title, text, or follow up question no problem.