When we first married I asked my wife to shave her pussy for me, she did. Once. Then complained the whole 3 weeks or so it took for her hair to grow back. Fourteen years later I was able to talk my wife into shaving herself for me one more time, this time I even talked her into staying shaved for "a while" to see if she would like it.....well after less than a month her pussy hair is back in full. She says it is too difficult and uncomfortable to get the last couple of hairs around her perineum region. So since it was not easy to get those hairs, and they continued to 'bug' her, she just let all of it grow back.
Let me say here that I volunteered numerous times to do the shaving for her/with her...
My wife has never been comfortable with her body, she doesn't like me to go down on her.....she has never masturbated, yes thats what I said, she has never masturbated. Once in a while she will play with herself in bed for my entertainment, but she has NEVER brought herself to orgasm.
My wife shaves her legs, but not for me........she shaves when she feels like it.......which if I'm lucky is once every 2 weeks or so. All you ladies who don't care for a day or 2's growth of beard irritating you, imagine my wifes legs.
This is also a woman who takes 3 minute showers in the mornings and thinks she has gotten herself clean. (but that is a whole different subject)
So......am I asking too much, being unreasonable?? is it my wifes own personal hygiene habits? is it her being uncomfortable with her body?? What can I do to get my wife to shave and stay shaved? (I'm not talking forever, but maybe a couple months here, a couple months there...although, lolol forever wouldn't be a BAD thing..) Any hints, tips?
BTW I shave my balls every day in the shower, and keep my pubes neatly trimmed.
I let my wife know in no uncertain terms while she was shaved how erotic and sexy I thought she looked and that I loved seeing her pussy in all its glory. I love my wife and I love the way she looks with or without pussy hair, but........
Any one who can help, shaving tips?
p.s. there is a lot more to this story about my wife's sexuality (won't swallow, won't even try deep throat, believes oral is for foreplay and foreplay only, and that is only sometimes,{she told me once she didn't want to spoil me by going down on me every time,} is extremely reluctant to let me go down on her, doesn't like to try anything 'new', refuses to go to counseling about WHY she seems to be hung up/uncomfortable with her own body)but for now I would just be happy for shaving hints.....lolol.
Let me say here that I volunteered numerous times to do the shaving for her/with her...
My wife has never been comfortable with her body, she doesn't like me to go down on her.....she has never masturbated, yes thats what I said, she has never masturbated. Once in a while she will play with herself in bed for my entertainment, but she has NEVER brought herself to orgasm.
My wife shaves her legs, but not for me........she shaves when she feels like it.......which if I'm lucky is once every 2 weeks or so. All you ladies who don't care for a day or 2's growth of beard irritating you, imagine my wifes legs.
This is also a woman who takes 3 minute showers in the mornings and thinks she has gotten herself clean. (but that is a whole different subject)
So......am I asking too much, being unreasonable?? is it my wifes own personal hygiene habits? is it her being uncomfortable with her body?? What can I do to get my wife to shave and stay shaved? (I'm not talking forever, but maybe a couple months here, a couple months there...although, lolol forever wouldn't be a BAD thing..) Any hints, tips?
BTW I shave my balls every day in the shower, and keep my pubes neatly trimmed.
I let my wife know in no uncertain terms while she was shaved how erotic and sexy I thought she looked and that I loved seeing her pussy in all its glory. I love my wife and I love the way she looks with or without pussy hair, but........
Any one who can help, shaving tips?
p.s. there is a lot more to this story about my wife's sexuality (won't swallow, won't even try deep throat, believes oral is for foreplay and foreplay only, and that is only sometimes,{she told me once she didn't want to spoil me by going down on me every time,} is extremely reluctant to let me go down on her, doesn't like to try anything 'new', refuses to go to counseling about WHY she seems to be hung up/uncomfortable with her own body)but for now I would just be happy for shaving hints.....lolol.