help with shaving..?


Oct 1, 2002
When we first married I asked my wife to shave her pussy for me, she did. Once. Then complained the whole 3 weeks or so it took for her hair to grow back. Fourteen years later I was able to talk my wife into shaving herself for me one more time, this time I even talked her into staying shaved for "a while" to see if she would like it.....well after less than a month her pussy hair is back in full. She says it is too difficult and uncomfortable to get the last couple of hairs around her perineum region. So since it was not easy to get those hairs, and they continued to 'bug' her, she just let all of it grow back.
Let me say here that I volunteered numerous times to do the shaving for her/with her...
My wife has never been comfortable with her body, she doesn't like me to go down on her.....she has never masturbated, yes thats what I said, she has never masturbated. Once in a while she will play with herself in bed for my entertainment, but she has NEVER brought herself to orgasm.
My wife shaves her legs, but not for me........she shaves when she feels like it.......which if I'm lucky is once every 2 weeks or so. All you ladies who don't care for a day or 2's growth of beard irritating you, imagine my wifes legs.
This is also a woman who takes 3 minute showers in the mornings and thinks she has gotten herself clean. (but that is a whole different subject) I asking too much, being unreasonable?? is it my wifes own personal hygiene habits? is it her being uncomfortable with her body?? What can I do to get my wife to shave and stay shaved? (I'm not talking forever, but maybe a couple months here, a couple months there...although, lolol forever wouldn't be a BAD thing..) Any hints, tips?
BTW I shave my balls every day in the shower, and keep my pubes neatly trimmed.
I let my wife know in no uncertain terms while she was shaved how erotic and sexy I thought she looked and that I loved seeing her pussy in all its glory. I love my wife and I love the way she looks with or without pussy hair, but........
Any one who can help, shaving tips?

p.s. there is a lot more to this story about my wife's sexuality (won't swallow, won't even try deep throat, believes oral is for foreplay and foreplay only, and that is only sometimes,{she told me once she didn't want to spoil me by going down on me every time,} is extremely reluctant to let me go down on her, doesn't like to try anything 'new', refuses to go to counseling about WHY she seems to be hung up/uncomfortable with her own body)but for now I would just be happy for shaving hints.....lolol.
I am wayyyyy comfortable with my body, and you know what? Shaving's a pain in the ass. So I do it when I bloody well feel like it. Actually what I do is I get them waxed about once a month and do a touch up at home at the halfway point. For the more 'intimate bits' I use my husband's beard trimmer and keep it all-over trimmed, but not shaved. (It fucking itches like all hell growing back in when you shave it, no wonder she was complaining.)

Hey if it was good enough for ya when you married her, what are you complaining for now?
I'll tell you from personal experience: when it grows back, it itches like a son of a bitch. Like Peachy said. If she's going to be in bed and being intamit with you, it would be common courtessy to shave her legs-the stuble factor. As for the showering thing....that's not cool. Try to tell her to shower for longer, enjoy the water (if she won't do it to be clean try to coax her into it like that or something.) I've never had that problem so I wouldn't really know. I've never felt the need to shower for 3 minutes...

If she is uncomfortable with her body, then don't rush her. Some people just are. I know I am. Try to ease her into things and see if it works.
Not to mattlinc directly - but more on the topic in general

A general word to shaving: it is not the rule- it is not the law!
Don't believe it is a common courtesy of women just becasue most magazines and TV-Shows make you think that.

Shaving - be it legs, under the arms or other (more private) body parts is something mainly the USA seem to be concerned with.
Shaving the female body is not that widely spread in Europe at all - women being intimately shaving might from all I know be more the exception to the rule in wide parts of Europe - it only is a trend that manifests in the younger generations who are getting all their beauty ideas from mainly again US-magazines and TV shows.

In any case the European population has well been able to survive sexually even unshaved and tremendously enjoy it (many French will consider a shaved pussy barbarian and they are after all said to be one of the greatest lover nations). And it is not a cleanliness issue, it is merely optical (I do assume you guys aren't shaving your legs, under the arms or the genital region? Are you "dirty" therefore?)

Hair growing back on legs:
it only has a stubble effect for approx 3 or 4 days - then it goes all soft and silky again - just like a man's beard ... once it is long enough it is no longer scratchy! Liking the look and feel though may be a different issue.

Tricks to get her to "bare it all":

a) many women do have severe broblems with shaving the genital region - or rather have a problem with the hair growing back. Razor burns, ingrown hair etc are waht cause the itchy feeling and the not so nice looking red dots and stuff. The solution I have found for it is "Magic" - do a search on this forum and you should find LOADS of cool info on this depilating product. I was hopeless with a blade of any kind - magic works well for me and the process of growing back is bearable. (there is NO WAY I will let a blade touch me there and chemicals of that degree aren't going to be a daily solution eiter, so basically it is a few days on and off ... but so far I had no complaints)

b) return the favor - as in: do it together, your and her furs so to speak! Maybe she will understand the thrill of it when she sees you all "nekkid" and at least she knows how much it means to you that you are willing to give it a go yourself ... and who knows, maybe she finds your new look so cool she will enjoy giving you head even more as there are no disturbing hairs tickling her tongue? ... and if nothing else you will have first hand experience about how itchy the growing back is and if you then still want her to go for it!

PS: I am a very bodyconscious person, I adore, love and pamper my body ... but shaving is something I do for me when I feel like it. I might consider a certain "style" (trimmed, bare, grown back to full furryness) for a partner should he ask, but after all it is me, my body and my decision, and keeping it smooth and yummy is a hell of a lot of work that I am not willing to put myself through unless I feel I want it myself.

Guys - honestly answer a question: if it were not for the looks, would you shave your faces every day?
And would you still do it if it meant to contort your body to explore regions with mirrors, blades and chemicals that were not really meant to be hairless?
Cleanliness is a totally different matter - but absolutely one not related to HAIR!

Just a few thoughts to ponder ...

If my wife never shaved again I would be the happiest man on earth

She will let it go for a month or so, just for me and I'm happy with that

Oh the feeling of the SOFT hairs on her legs when I run my hands over them

The sensation when I am down on her.....

When I suckle under her arms and hear her moans

but that wasn't the purpose of this thread

For me personally, I like the feel and look of shaved legs and slightly shaved pussy. (Only the "undercarriage" receives that treatmen) But, it is something I must do everyday - and, yes, it can be a royal pain! However, I hate the feeling of hairy legs under the nylon from pantyhose, and I must wear those to work, so.....

I have been asked by a number of men to completely shave bald, and have done so periodically in the past. When I was younger, I was more willing to do this. Now that I'm older, I refuse to. I don't like the look, I don't like the feel. I prefer to have hair on my mons, period. As far as the rest? I really do it for me, not for anyone.

I would say that if a man keeps pressuring his woman to do anything that she might feel uncomfortable with, he isn't going to get far. You don't say why your wife is uncomfortable with her body, but that is an issue she has to deal with. Was she like this when you married? If so, why the issue now, as Peachy stated?

Also, I agree with Hecate - I think Europeans have a much healthier view of the human body than we Americans do.
The one thing I seem to notice here is that each person has their OWN thing as to making themselves feeling sexy. Some shave, some don't, some shave a little... and yet each person here has their own time frame & preference. I'd suggest to mattlinc's wife to find out what makes her sexy. While matt might think something's sexy, his wife might not. How you wear something (in this case, NOT wear something) can make a difference. It might run deeper than just a cosmetic change here, her self confidence seems to be in need of a boost somehow & while she might have a dozen supporters, SHE has to find it within herself to be confident & sexy.

Best of luck.:)
Hairless Heaven

My wife first shaved for me (actually I did it the first time) about 8 years ago. She's let it grow back occasionally to a well trimmed patch but usually keeps it cleanly shaved. Its a regular daily (sometimes every other day) routine that she's into and I think she even enjoys it now. She knows I like the feel (and taste) of her better this way and she feels its easier to stay clean (how American of her!). Don't miss picking the hairs out of my mouth.

Have to say when I shaved completely for my vas. surgery it did itch like hell coming back in but would keep it shaved if she wanted it that way.
Here in Quebec I guess most francophone chicks feel like French and dont bother to shave ANYTHING, that includes legs and armpits and some even have what appears to be moustache.Weighting that vs cute french moaning, it overrides any pleasure I might get and I just dont bother with most of them.

My personal preference is that woman shaves at least armpits and legs. I just prefer smooth skin. Whether she shaves between her legs or not is not as much of an issue at all and its better if she doesnt shave there than if she does, and it looks good for a day or two, but she doesnt bother to reshave with any regularity then I endure next few days or pain from stubs rubbing against me during intercourse.

I doubt you can change your wife enough to make her switch all those things you listed. Basically, you married her, bite the bullet, see if you can get one or two things up to your tastes, deal with it that you wont be getting the rest. I will assume you married her because you love her and then it shouldnt matter as much, I guess.
For myself....I love to be smooth. Everywhere. I had a problem with the ingrown hair thing. Depilatories, however, are too rough on my skin. I prefer to shave....and it turns me on. LOL. After much research, the answer was a relatively simple one...neosporin (we're talking about my pubic aread here, legs etc aren't a problem). Shave every other day, fresh extreme3 blade, noxema sensitive skin shaving cream, and a bit of neosporin rubbed in after to all shaved areas. No ingrowns, no razor rash, smooth as can be. Works for me. Other women, I'm sure, have their routines

I love the slide of the razor across my skin....and the slide of a tongue across that bareness.


Thanks for all the responses, I hope Santa was good to all of you.
Anelize.......yours is I think exactly the kind of help I was hoping to find here.....neosporin.....who'da thunk it. lolol
maybe the whole reason that she behaves this way is to keep you away from her. I would suggest finding a babysitter and then taking her out for a nice date, and then a good glass of wine.

then home and a true communicative session, not about what you want but about what she enjoys. it could be that she is not enjoying the sex anymore. or she feels that something is missing.

course this is only my opinion.
For me when I shaved it all off for the first time that was all it took. I loved it and my husband made sure I knew that he loved it as well. As for your wife I dont see anyway that you should or could talk her into shaving it if she does not want to. But what you might want to have her try is using a beard trimmer to make it short and neat. It is very fast to do and she can pick the lenght to one that wont bother her when it grows.
Excellent suggestion tyme. Hopefully that suggestion will be a beginning to something more agreeable with matt than nothing at all.
help in shaving

I agree with native alien. You need to find a way to reconnect with your wife. Doing things together that arn't necessarily sexual leads to a better understanding between the two of you,and she may be more willing to work with you sexualy afterwhile.this is not easy. Iv'e been there. :D :D :D
Hi There...

There's a great product called Bikini's a gel that you apply right after shaving, and it's really soothing. It's medicated, though, so I don't recommend using it right before someone will be "visiting" you down there....he/she may end up with a numb tongue:p

There['s also a product called "Cootchie Cream" that I heard about at a "Tasteful Treasures" party....supposed to be great, but I've yet to try it.

Personally, I shave everyday in the shower or bath, with Skintimate shave gel...gets me sooooo hot :)

I love being smooth and bare....and guys love it, too.
Ladies, I'm happy with whatever you do in that area, from completely bald to braids if it turns you on! I just feel happy to be allowed a chance to discover a woman's 'hairstyle', you know?
Well, I dated a woman who, when she did a handstand, looked like Linc from the Mod Squad...afro-bush is my only dislike, really.
It can be just as bad it the guy has hairy balls! uggg you end up picking out hairs for the next hour. lol I like my guys to be shaved short.
tyme said:
It can be just as bad it the guy has hairy balls! uggg you end up picking out hairs for the next hour. lol I like my guys to be shaved short.
I trim with a beard and mustache trimmer, but I don't expect I'll ever shave my sack...

tyme said:
It can be just as bad it the guy has hairy balls! uggg you end up picking out hairs for the next hour. lol I like my guys to be shaved short.

Me too. I hate when guys don't even trim much less shave. It doesn't have to be smooth, but keep it short!
gawd was i glad to find this thread. i have only shaved once. horrific experience. swore i would never do it again...heard about the Magic Stuff. so bought that.

i used it worked out really well. im glad i found the product. but i have another concern.

i am bare now around the whole area..but i have to admit i have fleshy mons. and now i have hair in the inside of the lips...too scared to use Magic here...would not be a good thing i think. anyone have a solution? kind of defeats the purpose to shave if the really important bits are still hairy.

thanks in advance.

*blushing* Skye
Re: Not to mattlinc directly - but more on the topic in general

Hecate said:
A general word to shaving: it is not the rule- it is not the law!
Don't believe it is a common courtesy of women just becasue most magazines and TV-Shows make you think that.

Shaving - be it legs, under the arms or other (more private) body parts is something mainly the USA seem to be concerned with.
Shaving the female body is not that widely spread in Europe at all - women being intimately shaving might from all I know be more the exception to the rule in wide parts of Europe - it only is a trend that manifests in the younger generations who are getting all their beauty ideas from mainly again US-magazines and TV shows.

I actually wondered about central and south america. Do they shave underarms, legs, or genitals?
(I'm interested in a guy who travels and occasionally lives down there, and I wonder what he's used to. No chance to get him yet, but it never hurts to be prepared... )

Hecate said:
In any case the European population has well been able to survive sexually even unshaved and tremendously enjoy it (many French will consider a shaved pussy barbarian and they are after all said to be one of the greatest lover nations). And it is not a cleanliness issue, it is merely optical (I do assume you guys aren't shaving your legs, under the arms or the genital region? Are you "dirty" therefore?)

Altho, I do find that smells linger more when I'm unshaved. I do trim, but the sweaty smell seems to linger among the hairs... :mad:
I haven't figured out what to do about the smell of sweat (not like horny-turned-on-woman-smell, but actual sweaty b.o. smell. :confused: )