Help with resubmitting


Apr 20, 2023
Ok so I wrote chapter 5 of my Jenny series and it was published. Then it was pulled due to some readers having objections to some content. Ok fair enough. I rewrote the chapter and removed the objectionable material. I’ve resubmitted the story and after 2 weeks it still showed pending. I sent a message to Literotica asking what I needed to do to get it published. No reply. Very frustrating. So I resubmitted again. It’s been another week and still pending. Help! None of the other chapters took more than two days to get published. Thanks I’m advance for any help.
If you want a volunteer editor try the editors forum. I’m willing if I’m into your story, conversation (private mail) me for an email address. I have no experience with resubmitting but imagine the mods are busy so good luck.
A resubmission gets handled as an edit, which are always low priority. By resubmitting it again, you've just put it back to the end of the slow moving queue, and started your low priority clock running again. You'll need to wait another two weeks or so, and don't touch it again. Laurel will get to it in time - I doubt a PM will do much good, and I doubt even more you'd get a reply.

Moral of the tale: stay within the content policy lines, next time.