Help with a children's book title


Super Jewess
Mar 12, 2002
No, not writing one.

When I was a kid I had this picture book about a squirril who kept her house very clean (I remember a pic of her sweeping) and then some big grey squirrils come in and trash the joint.

Any clue?

I loved this book (even though I can't remeber it lol) and I want to get it for my neice.

Any help would be great!
Well, I don't know the story myself, but I did a search. I think it's Miss Suzy by Miriam Young. Does this sound like the right description: Miriam Young, illustrated by Arnold Lobel 1964. When a little squirrel is chased from her home by a band of red squirrels, a troop of wooden soldiers come to her aid.

If so, it's unfortunately out of print, but there are used copies floating around on the web.
Nora you are my goddess. I :heart:you! I'll find a copy somewhere. That's the book. You rock.
It sounds sorta similar to my recollection of Miss Suzy:

Woohoo! glad it was the right one. In the reviews on Amazon is the funniest line: I still hear my mother's gentle voice as Miss Suzy singing, "Oh, I love to cook. I love to bake. I guess I'll bake an acorn cake."

Oh yeah...not a pro-feminist story, I'm guessing? ;)
Did Miss Suzy inspire you to cook and bake, Tortoise? *grins*
tortoise said:
It sounds sorta similar to my recollection of Miss Suzy:


That's the book! Tortoise you even found the cover. I'm all nostalgic now.

I found it at amazon and ordered it.

No Nora. lol Not feminist. But sweet.
Sweet's good.

While I have all these children's book afficianados lurking, anyone ever read "The View From The Cherry Tree"? It was the story of a boy who saw his neighbor murdered. Kickass kid's story.
Ummm, I don't think so. lol Doesn't sound like a kid's story to me. lol
Nononono! It was cool! Here's the synopsis from Amazon: "From his favorite perch in a cherry tree, Rob sees a murder committed, but when he tells his preoccupied family, no one will believe him."

Read the reviews there. You'll see I'm not totally sick for liking it! *grin* Amazon Review
Goodnight Moon is the only book.

Well, okay, Pet The Bunny is strong on story as well.
Ooh! And the other thing I've been trying to remember was a story about some kids who lived in Concord, MA. It was also a suspense/mystery style book, but the key things I remember about it were a mock-up of the Statue of Liberty, a giant fake diamond and a lot of discussion about Ralph Waldo Emerson and the transcendentalists of Concord. It was odd. I *think* it was a Zilpha Keatley Snyder (whom if you didn't read as a kid, you should read now. very seriously. Especially the "root series"), but I'm not finding it in the descriptions. Grr!
I remember reading a mystery that involved two kids and a donkey.

No seriously. lol I read it in an afternoon. Just devoured it. But I don't remember anything else.
Now Sunstruck...your early porn experiences aren't the topic here, honey. :D
EWwwww! No donkey porn!!! WRONG! So WRONG.

Actually the first pron I ever saw was set in Victorian England and involved a priest.

That explains a lot actually.
That's why you like us, Peteypie.

But omg, sunstruck! Guess what?? I found that book I *just* mentioned*

You gotta understand, I've been trying to figure out what it was for like 3 years now (ok, not very hard, but still!).

It's The Diamond in the Window by Jane Langton. Here's the synopsis (cuz I know you're dying to know):

Eddy and Eleanor Hall have always known that their family was a bit out of the ordinary. After all, they live in one of the most remarkable houses in all of Concord. But they never guessed just how extraordinary their house really is, or what tremendous secrets about their family's past it holds. That is, until they discover the magical attic room with its beautiful stained-glass window, abandoned toys, and two perfectly made-up, empty beds that seem to be waitingperhaps for two children just like themselves....

It was cool to me, cuz I was born in Concord (lived in Acton, though).
Mass girls are the coolest.

I don't think I read that book, but I'll check it out for my nephew. He's 8 and he loves mysteries. He goes online daily to see when the next Harry Potter is comming out. lol More famtasy than mystery, but he loves it all.
heheh ayup. Thought you're from the really cool part. *grin*

The book is wonderful! Apparently there are a bunch of sequals to it, which I never knew. Check out the reviews at Amazon if you get a chance: The Diamond in the Window Reviews.