HELP. Newbie panicking... about publishing.


Really Really Experienced
Jul 3, 2012
Um, I got an email from a chap who apparently wants to publish something I've written on Literotica. This is great and everything, but I'm not sure about it.

I don't know whether or not this guy is for real. I don't know how to find out if he is for real. And if it is for real, I don't know how to not get screwed over by a publisher who knows I've never been published before.


"...I am emailing you on behalf of Legend IM Solutions, a small business Internet marketing and publishing company. A member of our team recently came across some sample writings of yours..."

Anyone know anything about these guys? They have a website but it is under construction apparently. A bit out of my depth here.
Um, I got an email from a chap who apparently wants to publish something I've written on Literotica. This is great and everything, but I'm not sure about it.

I don't know whether or not this guy is for real. I don't know how to find out if he is for real. And if it is for real, I don't know how to not get screwed over by a publisher who knows I've never been published before.


"...I am emailing you on behalf of Legend IM Solutions, a small business Internet marketing and publishing company. A member of our team recently came across some sample writings of yours..."

Anyone know anything about these guys? They have a website but it is under construction apparently. A bit out of my depth here.

Everyone seems to be getting this e-mail or one like it. If you want to allow this person to make money off your stories while you get the publicity then go right ahead.

As far as I'm concerned it's a scam. Amazon has been booting people and freezing their accounts for stealing stories. This is one way of getting around it.
Alright, cheers. I didn't know whether or not I was right in being wary, apparently so. :)
Alright, cheers. I didn't know whether or not I was right in being wary, apparently so. :)

Another writer I know got this exact email a few days ago (was it a Ben Murray?). Not sure if it's a total scam (i.e. that they are wanted criminals), but apparently you would get no money for your story, it would only be for promotion/exposure purposes and you'd have to be oh-so-careful if they start asking for rights to anything (always say NO).

So, always good to be wary, even if they are the one scam who seem to be able to use a spellchecker!
This is just my opinion

A. They're going to make money. So why shouldn't you?

B. If they're not going to pay you, you're just diluting your brand. I looked at the website that was involved in the email I got, and it was not something I wanted to be associated with. Literotica has a certain class in that, while it does have pictures around here somewhere, and audio, and probably video somewhere as well, they keep them out of sight of the people who are here for the pure written word.

C. It so happens that in a very close time frame (I want to say the same day) that I got this email, I also got a message from Laurel, one of the creators of this site, that someone had tried to reset my password here on Literotica. You can draw your own conclusions from that.
LaRascasse has a thread about the same group/company so while you got some help you can read his thread and the replies there too.

I got a similar message either yesterday or this morning (what's it say about me that I can't tell the difference?). And I got a similar one a couple months ago.

In neither case was there a discernible website attached. They claim to have a publishing apparatus up, but they don't have their website ready to go? Really?

Anytime you think a message might be serious, do your due diligence. Look for a website, and then cruise around on it to see if there is actual content or just a lot of placeholders and vague flavor text. Google up the company. See if they have anything else under their name.

I ain't sayin' I can't be scammed, but goddammit, I want the scammer to WORK for it.
Cool, thank you everybody. I did find a website for them, but it is supposedly under construction... If the website has been 'under construction' for such a long time then it looks like bull for me.

And yes it was that nice Ben Murray chap. This morning I got the email that basically said I wouldn't get any money in return for my work so I said no.

Thanks. :]
I didn't know whether or not me reacting so suspiciously was reasonable, cheers. :)
Be careful, they could still steal it and publish. Google check it and notify Laurel if you find any copyright probs.
Ok, thank you, I'll keep an eye out for anything like that.

Do you know how to Google check a story?

Pick a line or two that is in the story and paste it into Google search with " " around it. Hit enter and see what comes up. Lit should be the only thing if that is the only place you have the story posted.
Do you know how to Google check a story?

Pick a line or two that is in the story and paste it into Google search with " " around it. Hit enter and see what comes up. Lit should be the only thing if that is the only place you have the story posted.

That's also how I check student writing for plagiarism.
I've done it when I'm writing along and something starts to sound more familiar than it should.

Interesting point. I feel for this latest journalist who was suspended for a month for plagiarism. I try very hard not to simply re-write one of the bazillion erotic stories I've read over many years (going back to when Playboy and Penthouse had "Letters").

In one of my stories, I introduced card games as a plot device and then I fell all over myself to give credit to (going from memory here) PaulSendarac's "strip poker" series because it truly was intended as an homage. I actually got an email back from Paul thanking me, and telling me that my stories had a "whimsical" quality.

Well, it goes without saying, I'm still fuming about that! ;)
Interesting point. I feel for this latest journalist who was suspended for a month for plagiarism. I try very hard not to simply re-write one of the bazillion erotic stories I've read over many years (going back to when Playboy and Penthouse had "Letters").

In one of my stories, I introduced card games as a plot device and then I fell all over myself to give credit to (going from memory here) PaulSendarac's "strip poker" series because it truly was intended as an homage. I actually got an email back from Paul thanking me, and telling me that my stories had a "whimsical" quality.

Well, it goes without saying, I'm still fuming about that! ;)

I started reading sci/fi very early and read all I could get my hands on up to my late thirties. I still have boxes and boxes of it in the attic above the shop. Now if i even contemplate writing sci/fi I get the shivering shakes. Everything looks like something I've read before. I have managed a few stories but not nearly as many as I have ideas for.
There's a lot of sharks out there in the new frontiers of publishing. You have to watch out for these so-called consultants and small time publishers, a lot of them are just trying to make an easy buck off the backs of other people's hard work.
I started reading sci/fi very early and read all I could get my hands on up to my late thirties. I still have boxes and boxes of it in the attic above the shop. Now if i even contemplate writing sci/fi I get the shivering shakes. Everything looks like something I've read before. I have managed a few stories but not nearly as many as I have ideas for.

Interesting. When I was in grad school, I read more sci fi and fantasy than I did the things I was supposed to be reading.

Here's a dangerous personal detail to throw out on the webs. Right now I'm watching Doctor Who on BBC America. Anyone else?
Interesting. When I was in grad school, I read more sci fi and fantasy than I did the things I was supposed to be reading.

Here's a dangerous personal detail to throw out on the webs. Right now I'm watching Doctor Who on BBC America. Anyone else?

I had one favorite Doctor Who way back when, I can't remember his name at the moment, and when they changed him out, I quit watching.
The Doctor

If you haven't watched the series since "way back when," I encourage you to give it a look. Three recent Doctors have been pretty impressive. Christopher Eccleston and David Tenant (apparently both of them recognized British actors) and currently, Matt Smith. The story lines are definitely worthy, and the production values are much higher than they were back in the day.

If you haven't watched the series since "way back when," I encourage you to give it a look. Three recent Doctors have been pretty impressive. Christopher Eccleston and David Tenant (apparently both of them recognized British actors) and currently, Matt Smith. The story lines are definitely worthy, and the production values are much higher than they were back in the day.


First, I'll have to buy a TV, get satellite or cable... :eek:

Are you sure it's worth it? ;)
Nah, keep writing, instead :)

But if you happen to find yourself in the college dorm room of blonde lesbian twins who have a big-screen tv and, ...

Oh hell, ignore the tv.