Help needed: King and his servants story

Dec 29, 2012
So I have this idea about a common man that just becomes king of the land and part of the spoils are his five young personal servants and and an older woman that keeps them in line.

I was hoping to get some ideas from anyone, preferably females, about what they would like to see the the servants doing.

some basic story ideas are:

introductions to the girls
training the girls
some general scenes
maybe a love interest
some bickering between the girls
things that make them uncomfortable but must they do anyway

most of it based on power dynamics, obviously, so if that sort of thing interests you then respond here or PM me with some ideas

thanks ahead of time
Are you going for tongue-in-cheek, or serious? If serious, you're going to need to explain how he became king in the first place. Is it like the Ming Dynasty, where a commoner rose through the military ranks and made himself king, or is it the sort of thing where a long lost relative is the sole remaining heir? Because honestly, that never happens in real life. All you get are other royals. When Queen Anne died, they had to go to Hanover, but they would have never considered a commoner.

My suggestion would be this: the previous dynasty had only recently been toppled a generation or two ago, and their descendants are now simple, impoverished peasants. The current king is a Caligula, and the praetorian guard or a peasant uprising or some generals or aristocrats take him out, but need a new figurehead. They pick this peasant bumpkin, confident they can control him, only to discover his will is stronger than they believed.