Help me please , Internet Explorer problems!!!


Dinner Time
Dec 30, 2002
I need computer help!! Everytime I try and start accesing stuff on the web , I get the pop up" This program has performed an illeagal operation,blah,blah,blah." I click on details to see what the problem is and it tells me that explorer has a "page fault". I uninstalled 5.5 and installed 6.0,but the same problem persists.If anyone has any suggestions I would be so grateful,I'm pulling my hair out.Thanks.
When this happens to me, it's usually because I have too much stuff running at once. Java applications typically are culprits (be they appliactions or running off IE/Netscape), but even having WinAmp running when I have my browser access a heavy page can prove to be too much.

My suggestion would be to make sure you don't have a system resouce hog running in the back-ground. Any one else?
This may sound a bit defeatist, but you could try using a browser such as Mozilla 1.2 or above.

I use Mozilla exclusively now.

Other than that, you may want to reduce the stress on your system by (in this order)

- Clearing some disk space. If you have at least 250 Mb free, that's good, but even more is better.
- Defragmenting
- Deciding what programs you do NOT want running in the background. Particularly the "quick start" type things that tend to sit in the tray. Permanently disable the ones you don't need.
- Visit Windows Update and see if there are any updates for your version of Internet Explorer. Don't get things you don't already have - just update the things you have.
- If you continue to have crashes you may need to repair internet explorer. I did it once and it worked, but I can't remember how to do it. Maybe do a google search for "repair internet explorer".
Hi... would agree with flawed about checking what's running in background. Towards that end thought I'd toss this URL at ya:

Though I'm scratching my head wondering how you could uninstall IE. Perhaps you're not using Windows... cause IE is essential to Windows 98 or later. Anyway if you're using Windows you may want to try Windows Update to make sure you have all their bug fixes (never ending thing with them :p )

Speaking of which I have to go reboot now due to MS crashes myself :(

Love Jeanette
(new techy grrl here)
I'm going nuts!! I've defragged,cleared disc space,id windows update,and Internet Explorer Repair,and I'm getting the same fucking problem .Explorer has a page fault "mfc42.dll" I'm ready to throw my computer in fire.Any new ideas I'd love to hear them.I'm running windows98,with explorer 6.0 thanks.
loveyamon said:
I'm running windows98,with explorer 6.0 thanks.

IE6.0 and Windows 98 aren't really compatible. If you can go back to IE5.0 tht might solve your problem.

I'm not sure what "mfc42.dll" is. A google search on that filename might turn up some information on problems and cures for you.

Windows comes with a diagnotsic tool named DrWatson (DRWATSON.EXE). When that's in your start menu, it traps the kind of error you're having and collects information on exactly what went wrong and save an information file MS technicians can use to analyze the problem's cause.
thanks weird harold,I have not heard that 6.0 was problematic,but I'm willing to try any thing at this point.Tanks again
Hmm... I have another puter in my house running Win98 *(no comment please :p) with IE 6... no problems for me. *shrug* Not that that helps, loveyamon... *sigh* sorry... guess all I can offer is a friendly hug and suggest you ask MS about that dll. ;)
Weird Harold said:
IE6.0 and Windows 98 aren't really compatible.

Where did you get this information? I don't believe that is true, but would be willing to believe it if you provided some evidence. Do you have a link to a page in the Microsoft KnowledgeBase about this?

At any rate, Windows 98 SE is probably quite different to Windows 98 in this matter. Windows 98 SE is a remarkably good OS (when compared with previous versions of windows 95, 98, and windows ME), and works fine with IE6.

loveyamon, do you have windows 98 SE?

As I mentioned earlier (but I couldn't remember how to do it) you may want to try repairing internet explorer:

Go to control panel, add/remove programs. Select Internet Explorer and internet tools and click Add/Remove. Select "Repair Internet Explorer".

If this doesn't work, let us know.
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And the last resort in any problem is reinstalling windows if you can (just make sure you back up your data).
Sebastian Sanders said:
Where did you get this information? I don't believe that is true, but would be willing to believe it if you provided some evidence. Do you have a link to a page in the Microsoft KnowledgeBase about this?

I haven't researched a link. The statement comes from anecdotl evidence -- i.e. a common complaint of those who upgraded to IE6.

IE6 is optimized for Win XP and Windows is NOT noted for maintaining downward compatibility when they optimize something to work with a particualr version.
ive had IE6 running on win 98,ME,and or course XP with no problems.try the repair method and see if that helps.if it doesnt you might just have to face the music and either see what microsoft suggests or format and reinstall windows.a downgrade to IE 5.5 might work.also what version of IE6 are you using because isnt there a normal version then a newer version meant to run with XP service pack 1?