Help in choosing a category


May 27, 2002
Hello All,

I'm new to posting stories on literotica and I was told by one of your writers that this is the place to come for good honest help. Just last week I had two stories post on the site and am thrilled to be able to have an outlet for my writings, as I have many more either already written or in progress.

I'd like your help on deciding which category to place one of my stories in. It is based on the character of General Thaed from the Planet Of The Apes movie, involving him and human females. While I doubt it would fall into the Celeb category, since it is more about the character than the actor, it could be classed as Nonhuman or even Science Fiction. What do you folks think?

Oh, and one more question. How many would you consider too many submissions in any given period of time? Like I said, I've got quite a few stories either written or floating around in my head. I just don't want to glut you all with stories and over use my welcome.

Thanking you all in advance for any help you can give me,

Mylynka said:
It is based on the character of General Thaed from the Planet Of The Apes movie, involving him and human females. While I doubt it would fall into the Celeb category, since it is more about the character than the actor, it could be classed as Nonhuman or even Science Fiction. What do you folks think?

Oh, and one more question. How many would you consider too many submissions in any given period of time?

I'd put a Planet of the Apes fan-fic story in Science fiction & Fantasy -- that's where it would probably find the best audience.

I wouldn't post more than one story a day. One story a week would be even better unless you write more than 52 stories a year.

Spacing the stories out gives readers time to read and vote on all of your stories and builds a bit of anticipation in your fan-base.
Thank you

Science Fiction/Fantasy is where I had originally thought it should be placed but there was still that which caused me to question considering Thaed is a Chimp. Thanks a bunch WH:)

And as far as how many don't quite have THAT many that I could post daily, even weekly. I just sort of thought there may be a limit here on like there is in a few of the fan sites I go to. I've got quite a few that aren't just yet ready to go (I am the proverbial write, rewrite, REwrite type) but I do have one more that is. I guess I was trying to figure out if it was too soon on the tail of my other two stories. I like the idea of building up the anticipation of my fan base. I have gotten more feedback letters on my BDSM story than I ever thought to get and all of them positive (so far) Well, that is if you count the one that went "I lak ur storie. It wuz hot. I cud tell u sum 2" :rolleyes:

I agree with Weird Harold on this one. Actually I wonder whether I disagree with him on any thing... :rolleyes: So my vote is for SF & F.

About submitting stories... I know through personal experience that even if you submit more than one story per day, they'll just post one and leave the other 'pending'. So, I guess your submitting them togaether is okay as they won't come out on the same day anyway.

And I really don't think three is too much. :)

Ah, you'd suggest staggering my stories too. That's pretty much how I figured it as well. Like I said, I like the idea of building up the anticipation in a fan base (as if I've got one

Thaed's story will definately head for the SciFi section when it's perfected.

Thanks to the both of you!:)
