Help! I have a question!

Tx girl

Back and forth!
Nov 9, 2000
If i wanted to add a "picture" or anything i saved to my signature line how would i do so? Anyone please answer!!

Yet another reason to kiss the ass of the person who coded the Turn Off Siglines function.
Ummmm excuse me? I only asked a question.. and wanted a little help..
Can't you just....

Post the picture on say a yahoo photo album, then link to it using the img command like you do here in a post? I am pretty sure the whole board uses the same command prompts and tags. The img command embeds the link into your sig line, so each time you post...the image is placed from the online image into your sig line. Correct me if I am wrong, but I am assuming that is how everyone else does it. If not I will dissect the source code of a page to see the html tags used. Time consuming yes, but very possible....since I hand code source code every day, so it is no big deal.
Tx girl said:
Ummmm excuse me? I only asked a question.. and wanted a little help..
It's just that some people find pictures in sig lines a little tiresome. I don't mind. I don't keep them turned on.
Thanks Riddder i appreciate your kindness and not "bashing" me for asking a question.

Kotori its not really a pic just a little something i wanted to add below.. thats all nothing major and not 5 mi. long!
In the how to board they have all that covered. That is normally were I go, and it is normally on the first page.:)
I guess since it was so rudely pointed out.. how do i turn on my sig lines function?

And please if your gonna be rude about it .. don't answer .. thanks
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"Show user's signatures in their posts?" Check "yes" if you want to see sig lines.. and "no" if you don't want to see them.
I wasn't bashing you. Bashing involves insults. Don't like what I have to say? Use the ignore function.

I just think your choice of sigline material is vastly irritating and a real drain on load time.

I cruise with sig lines off because of people like you who have little or no consideration for others who have to choose between being subjected to your "expression of individuality" or to turn off the sig lines and miss out on witty things people have to say.

As much as I miss the interesting things people put in their sig lines, it's not enough to make me want to put up with whatever it is you're planning on slapping into your sigline.

If I find the prospect of missing out on a unique piece of lit culture because your billboards are entirely too annoying to be irritating, then I will be more than happy to do so. I don't feel the need to keep quiet about it either. You will just have to put up with it like I have to put up with your interior decorating.

And for your information, this was not bashing either. Bashing involves character assassination and I have not done that. I have merely expressed my extreme distaste for an activity that you intend to engage in. One that does, by the way, effect me and the choices I make on this board.

People who put what amounts to billboards in their siglines are the bulletin board equivelent of the moron in the car who has the music turned up so loud that the bass measures on the richter scale.
KillerMuffin? For 1 i ONLY asked a question.. I didn't ask for all of the mess you gave me for asking simply one QUESTION, I do have the right ask if i so choose to. #2 My Sig line isn't long like LOTS of others i have seen so therefore you are right to have your opinion, just as i am right to ask a little question. You like what you want too,and dislike what you want too.. But the thread was .. "help i have a question" NOT tell me what you like or don't.

As far as bashing.. I myself just call "bashing" being rude, as you are right now. I for one didn't ask you to post. So if it pisses you off so bad about sig lines questions and so forth, dont post on my question anymore.
Ahhhhh and yes for those who think im "inconsiderate" for having a "Sig line" S'cuse me. Then again i guess thats what Sig lines are there for .. to have something posted behind them.
What makes you think I'm pissed off? I'm not.

Just happily pointing out how inconsiderate you are for wanting to put a picture in your sigline.

Rudeness is bashing? So am I allowed to get huffy over your bashing when you stick a pic in your sigline? It is, after all, pretty damned rude to subject people to a picture over and over and over and over again.
Sig line issues remind me of the great Dolly War of 2001.


Sorry I can't help, Girl. I've never tried to figure it out. I bet Lavender knows how though.
I dunno, why is it inconsiderate for your neighbors to have a loud party in the middle of the night when you're trying to sleep? After all, with earplugs, the noise is optional.
You know KillerMuffin if you think its soooo inconsiderate, maybe just maybe you ought to take that up with Laurel after all this is her site.. am i right? I don't recall seeing anything with your name on it. And further more if im sooooo inconsiderate that must mean that tons of others are as well. Especially seeing how i only asked how to do, out of curiosity no doubt.. just BECAUSE i was curious. I didn't know there was something wrong with that. I can be curious can't i? And i did say i was thinking of adding something to my Sig line, not that i was GOING to. Excuse me for wondering.

As i said again I asked a question, if you didn't like my question you didn't have to post .

Oh yes and thankyou have a wonderful evening
Tx_girl, to add an image, I believe all you have to do is add "
" before and after the image link (minus the quotation marks).

Barbi said:
I wonder if it's incosiderate, why is it an option? :confused:
The way people abuse signature lines is inconsiderate, not the actual signature line itself. Once upon a time, most people actually posted a signature line. Now many post signature illustrative essays.

Long signature lines interrupt the flow of a thread and make a person's post disproportionately large relative to the actual text of the post. It's annoying as fuck. As soon as the sig line off function was added, I've used it. And I miss reading sig lines because of the behavior of a few.
There is some really nice ink showing in this thread, ladies.

I think I'm partial to the all-black tattoos on women.

Can you both explain what your tattoos mean to you personally?




Tell saintpeter all about the Great Dolly War of 2001.