Help! I cant stay Hard


Mar 16, 2002
I need some help with a problem I have been having. I am a 34 yo and have been divorced for just over a year. I have been intimate(almost) with 4 women in that time. The problem is that when we get unclothed and ready to get to it I go limp as a dead snake. I knew beforehand that none of these women were a potential future partner so maybe pshychologicaly and subconciously I knew it wasnt right but at the moment I wasnt thinking that. Its funny because as we were getting intimate and still had our clothing on I was just about busting the buttons on my pants. I am not self concious about my body or my penis. I cant figure out what is causing this but it happened again last night and I am getting a little scared. Any suggestions
Don't dead snakes get stiff?
Wouldn't you go as limp as a live snake?

Stick a leaf blower in your ass. That should inflate the arrogant worm.
glamorilla said:
i suggest a slim line anal vibrator.


I like that suggestion. :D

If it's such a problem why not see a medical professional about it? :)

Oh and Moi snakes do go limp when you kill them.. at least the ones that I have. Though I don't keep them around for long afterwards. :)
Sounds like it could be a perfomance anxiety issue because you aren't used to women besides your wife. Have you ever tried Chinese Brush? Put it on a couple of hours before you are going to have sex and guaranteed when you do get hard, it won't go down no matter what happens.

My 2 cents, hope it helps :)
roxanne69 said:
Sounds like it could be a perfomance anxiety issue

I agree. Your problem is more psychological than anything else. You could just be nervous/anxious...whatever. You just gotta get over the hump, and then you'll be fine.

Sounds like promiscuity isn't your style, and that you do better when you're with someone you care about and are serious about. Find someone you like, and don't give up until it finally happens (which take a few occasions/tries...but trust me, if she cares about you, she'll understand and won't give up either).

And remember that you're not alone, it happens to many guys, especially after a long-term relationship. Don't worry so much about's nothing more than a little blow to your ego.
I'm only guessing here but,

I think you still have some issues with your ex.

I think in you mind somewhere your someplace where you not supposed to be with someone your not supposed to be with.

I have felt that way before. I was lucky enough to focus on the woman at hand so to speak.

I have talked to others who was not so lucky. It just might be.

Time will help, don't give up. Talking to some people you trust can help.

The mind is a powerful thing.
I agree with performance anxiety, and that you probably have unresolved feelings about your break up.
april-wine said:
Apparently Lance is my new promoter.....One little problem...Chicks Lance Chicks....thanks

I thought you might enjoy that...I was sniffing around looking for material for an April Wine tribute thread just around the time limpy showed up.
Miles Rules of Life

If you have a plumbing problem, call a plumber
If you have a legal problem, see an attorney
If you have a medical problem, see a doctor
If you have a porn question, go to Literotica

None of the above are substitutes for another. What you'll get here is at best anecdotal advice.
First, are you able to maintain an erection on your own? Is it just with female's that it doesn't work, so to speak?

Try taking it slow going into a relationship. Don't just decide to jump into bed right away. Get to know the person well before hand, and see what happens.

If you still are not able to preform, then I think it's likely time to look into talking with a doctor.
I once had a very exciting and wonderful relationship with a man who had been cheated on by his wife. They were apart two years when we met. He could do just about anything... getting hard was never an issue... in fact, he was able to maintain an erection for oral and climax just fine. When it came to penetration, it was an entirely different story. He said it was psychological. He was aware that it was, anyway. Let me just say, this man was totally hot for me... it was a big blow that he could not "see things through"... but where he was lacking? He made up for in many more ways!


But still, I agree with the "issues about the wife" statement. Perhaps it would be good to talk to someone.

Thanks for all of your good comments. I know it is a psychological issue as I have no problem masterbating(hmm maybe too much of that?) but it is comforting to know people understand this and I am not alone.
good luck

I think with time and the right woman you will be able to work through this issue. If, however, it becomes apparent that you can not do it on your own seek psychological help. You would be surprised to know that these problems have a high rate of resolution when professional attention is sought out.