Help, help, help, HELP!


stuff & junk
Dec 24, 2001
OK So I know it's my fault for putting it off for the last minute. Now I have this paper to write on how avatars affect the way we perceive the people we talk to online because of them....

I can't find anything!
All I find are like 124 different av chatroom & message boards. Not what I want! Now, I can bull shit my way through most of the paper but I have to have 2 points of reference to back up what I'm saying.

The idea of the thing is that supposedly the internet allows us to have contact with the outside world, but have it focused on the mental rather than the physical. But av's kind kill that for us since the moment there's an image attached to the person out opinion is either changed or confirmed

So here's what I need from all you lovely, beautiful, wonderful people of lit.

What do you think?
Have av's been part of the reason you talk to the people you talk to here? Does it matter to you? Your opinion is greatly appreciated. If you’d rather pm me with your thoughts that would be fine….
It's certainly been an ice breaker, but not a deciding factor. I can lust after an AV, but unless I see something of some substance attached to it at some point, I usually won't try and converse.

Of course, this has led to many occasions of hoof in mouth for me

It depends on the AV. If it is a photo and it could be the person I am chatting with, it does change my perceptions of the person. However if it is a drawing or an abstract photo, it just gives me more insight into their personality. It doesn't change how I percieve them.
Hmmmm. At the risk of being made out to be stupid or something I will try a stab at this.

When I first came online I thought that the avs of people were the real deal. I could see tose people and then as I talked to them I could picture in my mind how they looked. I soon discovered that those pics are not always as they seem. I also discovered in most cases there was honesty behind them if one only asked.

If one does not ask then one can assume the wrong thing about that particular poster. It was a very hard lesson for me in one instance, and I had a time getting over it. Now, I can see that who or what the av looks like is a reflection of what image that person wants to convey to the public. It is also a functional way to call or detract attention from oneself.

I do still have a time with some avs because the pictures are so-o-o sexy or beautiful that I can lose track of the reality of the situation. There are some who post their real pictures too and to them I say thank you very much because it helps me to reinforce my overall outlook on this whole net thing.

I hope J.B. that this helps you in your studies. :rose:
Sexy av's are nice, but don't substitute for the person behind them. One of the sexiest ladies around never posts her pics or uses them in av's...the attraction developed long before I ever saw a picture.
I want to thank you guys for your help. The pm’s & especially Shameless those links really helped.
I think in some cases, the av's are a fantasy of how we want to be perceived or seen.

For some, it's a way of expressing creativity, for others it's a symbol or picture of something we relate too.

Av's may catch my attention, but a picture of an ass or breast isn't going to sustain my interest. I usually judge on posts, on the way the interract with others or me and make my decision then.

Of course, having said that, I droooooool over ma_guy's Av of Sam Elliott :)