Help- computer Techs..


Rarrr No caffeine
Oct 25, 2002
Alright this is for all those that know how to fix this problem. My computer was shipped to me from my old house to the new one. In the process the optical cords in the power supply became loose. I have since put in a new power supply but now I'm getting the notice "Operating system not found" when I boot up the computer... any one??
That's a tough one. Try kicking it! I don't understand these computers, you follow? it's all geek to me, b'god!
silken_kitten said:
Alright this is for all those that know how to fix this problem. My computer was shipped to me from my old house to the new one. In the process the optical cords in the power supply became loose. I have since put in a new power supply but now I'm getting the notice "Operating system not found" when I boot up the computer... any one??
Check both the data and power cables for your hard drive(s). Check the data cable at both ends, at the drive and the motherboard or HDD adapter.

Is the hard drive spinning up? Can you hear it making any kind of access? Can you see an access light come on? Can you feel any vibration from it? When you first turn the computer on does it show that it recognizes the drive by mentioning it in a BIOS screen?

Do you know how to get into your BIOS settings? If so, do those settings show that they recognize that the hard drive exists?
How do I get to the BIOS setting?

yes the hard drive spins and each time I hit a button the light comes on as well...
silken_kitten said:
How do I get to the BIOS setting?

yes the hard drive spins and each time I hit a button the light comes on as well...
It varies with each computer. IIRC on mine I hit the delete button at a particular point during the startup sequence. Yours may require that you press some other key or combination of keys. During the BIOS startup sequence most computers usually say something on the screen like "to enter BIOS press the F8 key". You may have to watch the process several times to see where it says that. If you can then get into your BIOS settings then just look to see wht hard drives it is recognizing (they may be called a "HD" or "HDD" or something else altogether). Don't change anything in there just yet.

Also, while the BIOS is starting up then look to see what it says. It should say something about the boot devices it sees, including any hard drives you have.

Also, make sure you don't have a CD or floppy stuck in a drive as sometimes that causes this very problem.