HELP! Computer Problem!


"Pole" Dancin'
Sep 11, 2001
Can someone tell me how I can find out what's running in the background on my computer? My PC is lagging pretty bad and I was told it was probably because I have to many things running in the background. I have no idea how to check this out. I have Windows XP.

HELP! :confused:
you will have to be real careful of what you remove in the startup

click Start and then Run, in the box type MSCONFIG
the system configuration utility will open, at the end right you will see Startup.

In there you can desactivate the software you dont want to start when you boot your computer. But be very careful and just desactivate what you know it is.

Good luck!
And I also thank you. Really excited about this link freaky. Going to do some house cleaning now. :D

But first, can either of you computer wizards tell me why my shift keys only work part time and getting worse? Please don't say new keyboard.:confused: