Help Carnal Gerund

Well fuck, Which do you want me to do? Pics or figure out how to fuck with Trillian for you? Sheesh, woman! I'm surfing as fast as my fingers will type!!
Ok, when I FIRST saw his nick this was the first thing that popped into my head (along with the song, of course).
Copy it to your hard drive (right click on the pic when you open it, choose "save as.." and save it somewhere you'll find it again).

Go to your control panel. Choose um.. options, I think. You can change your av at the bottom of that page.

Glad you like it. I'll keep looking once you have a good idea of what you want. =)

You can also put "I did my thing in action!" as your sig line *smirk*

I love Schoolhouse Rock! lol

(true story: Eumenides claims to have never seen Schoolhouse Rock. Isn't that SAD???)
Nora rocks my socks off and my shoes and my shirt and my skirt and my bra and my panties.


I'm nekkie!
Eumenides said:
Nora rocks my socks off and my shoes and my shirt and my skirt and my bra and my panties.


I'm nekkie!

Just the way I found you! *Grin*
Happily jammie-clad here. As always. lol

Running argument with Eumenides, actually. I told her just yesterday that I'm the only person on Lit who doesn't post naked.
LOL, well that's anomalous

I felt strongly compelled to nudity in the presence of you two
To sleep, perchance to dream

I'm afraid I have to check out for the night. But I hope to chat with you both soon :)

Night :kiss:
Oh. Oops.

Hey wait! After all this time, everything we've meant to one another, you're gonna ditch me for some stinking part of speech?? Oh sure, fine. Just cuz he has a penis... *Grumbles*
Nora said:
Oh. Oops.

Hey wait! After all this time, everything we've meant to one another, you're gonna ditch me for some stinking part of speech?? Oh sure, fine. Just cuz he has a penis... *Grumbles*

Wait, wait wait....

YOU are the one who only likes the penis.

I looove the pussy too.
I think this works

Eumenides said:

Wait, wait wait....

YOU are the one who only likes the penis.

I looove the pussy too.

Just to get this right, Nora likes the penis. Eumenides likes the penis and loooves the pussy. I'm pretty nuts about the pussy. So Nora, if you warmed up to the pussy, seems like we'd make a great trio.

So please Nora, open your heart to the pussy :)