Hello! I'm new and this is my first post How do I take good pussy pics???


Dec 20, 2012
I have a friend w benefits right now the're just sex txt benefits but after the holidays we are finally getting together He has sent me pics of his cock and he wants some of my pussy I have no problem sending him pics I just don't know if the're any good or not and would like tips on how to take better pics also where would I post these pics for feedback, in the Amatuer Pic Feedback forum?
Pussy's pussy, no matter which way you slice it. He won't care. Trust me, he'll ask for multiple sets. So you have plenty of opportunities to practice on him.

And you cannot upload pictures of va-jay-jay's on the forum. You have to link it out to another website.
Do you have a full length mirror that goes to the floor or a dresser mirror that faces your bed? Taking a picture in the mirror of you with your legs spread is always good. Do you have a camera in your computer or laptop? You can take pictures that way. I had a lady friend years back who delighted in taking naked crotch pics or bent over "doggy" pics with her computer cam and sending them to me.

Good luck, but remember....once those pictures are "out there" and no matter how much you trust this guy now, if you break up, those pics could end up being sent to his friends or even onto a web site or facebook page. Do you care if the world might see them? I have a feeling that a lot of young people will eventually regret "sexting" and facebook when they go apply for a job and the HR person does a search. My daughter works in HR for a large organization and they routinely search facebook and google people when they apply for a job. She says you wouldn't believe some of the stuff they find. Think twice, act once.
The only "bad" pussy picks I've ever seen were the fake posed ones where the model is really skinny and pulling herself apart like she's trying to show us her tonsils. Just my preference, I guess. But you really just need to understand that guys like looking at vaginas and boobs in general, so it doesn't matter so much how it's taken. I think the most beautiful ones are those that leave something to the imagination however, not ones that would work for Gray's Anatomy (the book). We're naughty boys with naughty thoughts, not doctors looking for a rash.

Also, a 2nd to what the other posters say. Remember it's a digital record that can exist for the next 100s of years, so be careful about how, how many, where you face is, or any other identifying data. Think about what you might wish you'd have done 20 or 30 years from now, with the image today.

And, I would only add that you should only send pictures you want to send, both when and how often, and not so much because you're asked -- even though we all like you very much ;) -- and never because you're pressured to.

Best of luck with your new relationship. Hope things go well for you both.
I'm tripping over my dick to make nice to the new girl said:
even though we all like you very much ;)
She has two posts. How can anyone on this board know her well enough to "like" her?

Oh, wait. She has a female-sounding username and she wants to know how to post pussy pics. That's all some of y'all need to know, I guess. :)
Help! I've fallen, my dick is wrapped around my ankles and I can't get up!

She has two posts. How can anyone on this board know her well enough to "like" her?

Oh, wait. She has a female-sounding username and she wants to know how to post pussy pics. That's all some of y'all need to know, I guess. :)
Bravo ! Very good response, justly deserved !
This is just my opinion...... yours may differ.

Personally, I've never found close up crotch shots very attractive (don't get me wrong, I :heart: pussy!) And I'm sure that most of the women on Lit will agree as well, as many of them will have likely received unsolicited cock pics. However, if there is context, and if the two people know each other and have an attraction, it can be very erotic. (I'm sure those same women will agree.) This seems to be the case here.

But still, I would recommend to the OP that if they are going to go down this route, they first have a look at the various classier pic threads here on Lit ('Delicious Derrieres', for example), Google search Tumblr for erotic pics, or visit HelloKisses.com for some ideas - find something you like, and try to replicate it.

Or, even better, keep the mystery. Take a pic from behind with nothing on, but your fingers hiding the treasure. Nothing is more sexy that desire, and want. And for many people, once they get what they want - there is no longer any desire or mystery.

Have fun!

(ps. I don't care if the OP is real or not - I'm responding to the question in the true sense of question)
I have to say that it's a relief to know that there are men who like mystery as well for erotic shots. I've been thinking all this time that women who appreciate more mystery are odd ducks, probably because that's the impression I've gotten from men. You learn something new every day. :)
I have to say that it's a relief to know that there are men who like mystery as well for erotic shots. I've been thinking all this time that women who appreciate more mystery are odd ducks, probably because that's the impression I've gotten from men. You learn something new every day. :)

I can't speak for most men, just myself. I believe that the whole point of lingerie, flirting, sexting, etc.. is to create desire and mystery. While some men may prefer to devour their steak first then poke at their potatoes with a lack of interest, I prefer to take my time and savour my flavours.

If the OP wants to keep her diner's attention, she'd be well advised to let the scents waft out of the kitchen for a while first. Otherwise she's just another fast food restaurant.

Are there really any tips for pussy pics, really? If its wet and has a hole I'm sure he will enjoy it.
I can't speak for most men, just myself. I believe that the whole point of lingerie, flirting, sexting, etc.. is to create desire and mystery. While some men may prefer to devour their steak first then poke at their potatoes with a lack of interest, I prefer to take my time and savour my flavours.

If the OP wants to keep her diner's attention, she'd be well advised to let the scents waft out of the kitchen for a while first. Otherwise she's just another fast food restaurant.


And your pic threat is a great example of your beliefs and much appreciated. Looking forward to your next series. :)
I have to say that it's a relief to know that there are men who like mystery as well for erotic shots. I've been thinking all this time that women who appreciate more mystery are odd ducks, probably because that's the impression I've gotten from men. You learn something new every day. :)

There is a difference between a good sexy "show everything" picture and a simple textbook type close up crotch shot. I'm not a fan of lingere or fake modesty shots, but I do like the more natural naked shots. Pics of a woman sunbathing or triming her bush or drying from a shower or waiting in bed for her lover without looking like a hooker are all good because they show the total woman. Looking natural and relaxed in the "all together" is sexy. I like seeing and dealing with a total woman and not just a crotch and I think a lot of men are probably more like me than those who want it up so close that they can count hair follicles. I'd prefer to save that "in your face" thing when I'm with a live woman and she's really in my face if you get my drift.
There is a difference between a good sexy "show everything" picture and a simple textbook type close up crotch shot. I'm not a fan of lingere or fake modesty shots, but I do like the more natural naked shots. Pics of a woman sunbathing or triming her bush or drying from a shower or waiting in bed for her lover without looking like a hooker are all good because they show the total woman. Looking natural and relaxed in the "all together" is sexy. I like seeing and dealing with a total woman and not just a crotch and I think a lot of men are probably more like me than those who want it up so close that they can count hair follicles. I'd prefer to save that "in your face" thing when I'm with a live woman and she's really in my face if you get my drift.

I have a friend w benefits right now the're just sex txt benefits but after the holidays we are finally getting together He has sent me pics of his cock and he wants some of my pussy I have no problem sending him pics I just don't know if the're any good or not and would like tips on how to take better pics also where would I post these pics for feedback, in the Amatuer Pic Feedback forum?
Just send a picture of your pussy. Men don't care 'bout quality, they just wanna get off. Send him an ugly one, and I promise you, he'll say it's beautiful.
Do you have a full length mirror that goes to the floor or a dresser mirror that faces your bed? Taking a picture in the mirror of you with your legs spread is always good. Do you have a camera in your computer or laptop? You can take pictures that way. I had a lady friend years back who delighted in taking naked crotch pics or bent over "doggy" pics with her computer cam and sending them to me.

Good luck, but remember....once those pictures are "out there" and no matter how much you trust this guy now, if you break up, THOSE PICS COULD END UP BEING SENT TO HIS FRIENDS OR EVEN ON TO A WEBSITE OR FACEBOOK PAGE. Do you care if the world might see them? I have a feeling that a lot of young people will eventually regret "sexting" and facebook when they go apply for a job and the HR person does a search. My daughter works in HR for a large organization and they routinely search facebook and google people when they apply for a job. She says you wouldn't believe some of the stuff they find. Think twice, act once.

Had that happen once. Got more ass then you can count. :cool:
There are a billion pussy pics on the internet. Anybody can have as many as they want.

What makes yours special is that you sent it to him. Other than clear focus and good lighting, nothing else matters.
Open her up, clean out the vigassle and go click click on the camera. If you want me to judge if it's a good pic or not just PM me hunny ;)
My daughter works in HR for a large organization and they routinely search facebook and google people when they apply for a job. She says you wouldn't believe some of the stuff they find. Think twice, act once.

Could also help you get the job ;)