Hello Gen Board Motherfuckers!

Nothing you haven't seen before. Karen is a guy, if that counts.
So Many Naked Women, So Little Light:devil:


What's going on with yer crazy self!?

Still six feet above ground and hanging on to that rope! :D

This joint isn't as cool-breeze and Sunday-morning-easy fun as it used to be, but the no-sex-having bitters and losers haven't completely vanquished the good times! ;)
I'm well, and so is my mrs.

Just to make me feel old, how old is your oldest?
hey there bitch. Glad you're not like, dead or something worse.

Ditto Sweetness!

Still six feet above ground and hanging on to that rope! :D

This joint isn't as cool-breeze and Sunday-morning-easy fun as it used to be, but the no-sex-having bitters and losers haven't completely vanquished the good times! ;)

Awesomeness Tarzan:cool:

I went, like, 6 pages back yesterday, and only found, well,,, nothingness! It seems ya'll are still around and having a good time...where does one hang out for that?
Ditto Sweetness!

Awesomeness Tarzan:cool:

I went, like, 6 pages back yesterday, and only found, well,,, nothingness! It seems ya'll are still around and having a good time...where does one hang out for that?

Kinda sporadic. I'm spotty with attendance depending on what I got going on during the day and night if I choose to stay home, others have different skeds. Aside from the killjoys who always show up at the same time on the daily, it's potluck these days. But weekends at night tend to get hoppin' with the good folk.