Hello from a new member


Oct 17, 2002
Good morning (or afternoon/evening, as the case may be) everyone,

I've just recently joined Literotica at the suggestion of someone who stumbled across my webpage and thought that my stories and artwork might be appropriate here.

Being fairly shy, I'm not much of one for posting publically - I'm sure I'll still be a 'virgin' a year or more down the road! - but having discovered this Author's Hangout (and read through most of the posts), I wanted to say what a friendly, inspiring and helpful forum I think it is for those interested in writing erotica. It is the one forum I will likely try to follow on a regular basis.

I'm not sure if I've done it right, but (think) I have included a link to the two stories I've submitted here in my signature, for any who might care to look.

~shy smile~ I look forward to learning more about writing from all of you.

Hello Glory and welcome to Lit.
I am one of those shy ones also and have just a few weeks ago lost my virginity. It won't take as long as you think! I will read your stories later today and let you know what I think, I'm sure they will be good though. Again Welcome and glad to see you found your way here.
Welcome glory! - hope you enjoy your experience here *smiles*

btw - checked out your site - you do nice work!

Welcome to the site (according to some I bite though).

I hope your being directed here does for you what it did for me. I have found some damn good friends just for having come here (people I have come to know off site independently of Lit).
Welcome to the Hangout!

Kick off your shoes and make yourself comfortable.

Perhaps I should caution you to be more careful when using the term 'member'. :eek:

On the other hand, that would be one way of getting over your shyness. :rolleyes:
Hello and welcome!

Believe me I am shy and quiet really but this place kinda releases your wild side!

Just go with the flow and enjoy your literotica experience!!!
Joining this VERY elite group of people here

To welcome you aboard Glory. And...don't be "shy"...we've all been there...done that. Easier to get one's feet wet by simply jumping in I always say........

I am looking forward to reading your stories........so look for me, and expect me to do so! <wink>

I'm an avid conversationalist....so feel free to email or pm Thesandman anytime. Always available........

I remain,
Welcome glory. Hope you enjoy pontificating with the rest of us. I thought getting any number of posts up would be difficult, but have found I enjoy being opinionated and have ended up with a purdy picture after just 6 months.

Hope you enjoy yourself again and remember: It's much more difficult to lose your virginity if you keep your mouth shut :D.

The Earl
Thank you!


Wicked - Thanks for your warm welcome. For you and anyone else who may read my stories, I should perhaps give a word of warning in advance. Most of what I write contains elements of BDSM, which I know some may find unappealing or offensive. So saying, I am not at all offended by those who choose not to read my writings....but for those who do, I welcome and appreciate constructive comments and criticism.

kristydoll - Thank you. I admit, I have a bit more faith in my artistic endeavours than I do in my writing ones ~shy grin~ Your E-zine looks very interesting. I've bookmarked it and will explore it more thoroughly when I have a bigger block of time.

it's Leslie - Thank you for your welcome (and your 'warning' ;) ) I'm also in Ontario, the eastern part and share your admiration of Terry Goodkind.

Whispersecret - Thank you. I've bookmarked your stories page and am looking forward to edifying my mind and exciting my....errr.....well...edifying my mind! ~grin~

Quasimodem - Thank you for your welcome. I must say, I get a real kick out of your name! Very nice play on words. I read both your stories and enjoyed the humour in them.

English Lady - Thank you very much for your warm welcome. It's nice to 'meet' you.

Thesandman - Thank you for the encouragement, though I confess, I've always been more of a 'toe-dipper' than a 'cannon-baller' ~shy grin~ I welcome your honest opinion on my stories (please see above caution) and look forward to reading yours.

TheEarl - Thank you for the inviting welcome. I anticipate finding much enjoyment in your and everyone else's pontifications.

Thank you all for your kindness. Have a lovely day.

I have to say g1ory, that's a classy signature line.

The Earl

FYI.....Thesandman's about to "dive" into his first BDSM story...I won't be submitting it until it's back from my editor...but when it does come out...I hope that "you'll" be gentle with me! <wink>

I remain,
The Earl - Thank you ~bright smile~ It rather struck a chord in me when I found it a few years back and I've used it as a kind of 'motto' ever since.

Thesandman - Ohhh! I'll look forward to reading it...and promise to leave my whips and chains locked in the closet! ~eyes twinkling~
