Hell on earth


Aug 27, 2002
Just feeling shitty today... excuse any spelling or form errors,I don't feel like editing. Enjoy all

Winding roads in a fog of gloom
blind like the local begger
feeling the heat of the musty streets
knowing the next meal
may be the last,fighting hunger,
cold,and the menacing stares of disgust.

Does my fellow man even
know that I exsist,breathe,feel?
do they think me a bastard
son that they need not admit

Can you see past the filth
the anger,the beaten eyes
find in your heart the ingrained love
that once warmed your soul
the love that was given to
you when god kissed your
forhead softly sending you to
this fucked up world.

But am I only a device
to you,a reminder of
your own mortality and
how small you really are?
tell me am I a product
of society or just another
of gods forgotten children?

Was I made to remind the public
to clean there plates,say there prayers
and love thy neighbor?FUCK NO
SHIT it's hard being a martor to
ungreatful,unloving and uncaring
beings. Sad people going
thru the motions of everday life.

Let me go please......

I'm not your poster child
not your reminder of how
low we can get. I did feel at
one time,I did love at one time
I knew the warmth of our father.
Soon....I will be in his arms again...
Hey ya'll I see that people have read this crazy as poem.What do ya'll think is it a piece of babbling trash or does it have some BITE!!!!! Just wondering for my own.Thanks:p
Mac, this is tens of thousands times better then the first couple of pieces you posted............ both in content and form, looks like your learning well. Good to see you back on the board, hope you stick around and play a while.

Regards _Land

mac272 said:
Hey ya'll I see that people have read this crazy as poem.What do ya'll think is it a piece of babbling trash or does it have some BITE!!!!! Just wondering for my own.Thanks:p
Hey Suzi,

That was really great timing,I was feeling a bit somber and read your poem and felt a lil lighter.Please send more I'm a poetry junkie. Were r u from if I may ask?:D


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Three lil words
that seem so hard
for my lips to utter

feel my heart pound
chest tighten,palms
sweat want to run
must be brave.

Does the fear show
thru can I be that
transparent damn
come on just say it...

I stutter and stammer
as if I was blind sided
in a bar room brawl
shit!!! here goes...

The three words
that every one is
so frighten to say...


That one was a departure from my gloomy stuff,I think I should stick to the gloom maybe huh?:p :D

or who?
I thought you starving then see you asking for beer and all butt plugged up the board, very funny by the way.
hope you are better soon,
realy soon