Healthy encouragement (taboo)


Aug 11, 2022
Hello. I’ve had a role playing ideas I’ve been dying to try with the right person (a couple actually) but the one that I’m really looking forward to trying goes something like this….
You would play the mother or father of a high school senior (18+) Your son has always struggled with the social aspect of high school, he’s an attractive young man, but he’s very slight and lean. He is often bullied and has a never seemed interested in the opposite sex.
You live together and the other parent is not around. He is an only child, you have always been very close.
He is about to confide in the only person he can trust (his mom or dad) that he wants to transition to a girl. He’s scared you will hate him and worried that he has no idea how to dress or look pretty.

I’m open to playing the role of the father or the son. Thanks for reading.