Have you had Covid?


Apr 24, 2021
I saw something the other day in a news item that basically said most people have had Covid at least once by now.

Have you had Covid? What was it like?
I had it about 2-3 months ago.

Whilst I tested positive I was ok. A bit tired (I did sort of have little afternoon naps) and a sore throat, nothing major.
When I started to test negative that was when the fun part started. I was having about 10-11 hours sleep at night and then another 2 hours sleep in the day. And the brain fog was terrible. I have my own business so do not receive sick pay. I had to stop taking on new work and try to get through what I had on the go. It was a nightmare.

I am not looking forward to getting it again. I am quite impressed I had managed to swerve it for 2 years but I had been pretty cautious.

My daughter on the other hand, she had a few sniffles you would never know she had it. But she did keep complaining about getting stitch - I am not sure if it is related. But she has never complained about it before or since.
I dunno if you can ask if someone has had Covid. I’m thinking it’s a HIPPA violation.
TBH. I think Covid is here to stay. In one form or another. I’m thinking it’s going to be like flu shots every year.
Take, with a grain of salt, anyone who says they haven’t had it. The symptoms vary from feeling nothing that draws your attention and being positive, to being miserable and even being dead. Unless you were and are testing regularly and consistently, you don’t know that you ‘never had it.’ You’re claiming the absence of something you can’t see Or smell, and may not even feel.

I have friends who tell me they “had a little head cold” and don’t test. Others who feel a bit tired and attribute it to work or allergies, and don’t test.
No salt needed. I'm tested three times a week.
Yup - but fortunately it was only like a mild cold in my case but it did leave me feeling fatigued for a few weeks after.
More recently a few friends, younger and up, have spent 5-10 days in bed, completely exhausted. Maybe that #5?
Maybe. I had a severe cold this year. I didn't need a stick shoved up my nose to know I was sick.
Had it at Thanksgiving in 2020. Symptoms, no taste and tired. Collected my two weeks of COVID pay and got a shit ton of stuff done around the house. Thanksgivng dinner was bland.
3 times.First 2 just like mild flu but the 3rd floored me.Totally exhausted.2 months on, I still have no taste or smell. No appetite but seem to have put on weight🤔I struggle to do a full day's work, I've had to take on extra help as I just physically can't do it.And that's not like me.
It's rubbish.
Yes, wasn't too bad until my heart rate went up and blood oxygen level dropped, resting heart rate of 110. Into hospital for various tests, luckily all settled down pretty quickly. Then had a couple of weeks of tiring really easily
I saw something the other day in a news item that basically said most people have had Covid at least once by now.

Have you had Covid? What was it like?
At least once…before vaccine. Had a fever briefly one night…tired for a day or 2 and a cough. But…I tested negative. Only found out when I gave blood and tested positive for antigens.
Got it a month ago coming back from UK - terrible flight with lots of people coughing so I suspect that was it. Double vaxxed and double boosted with last booster about 6 weeks before the trip. So I also suspect that my exposure was likely quite high as I have been in a number of likely exposure situations in the past without getting symptoms. Had a mild fever for about 2 days, cough and sinus congestion - plus tired. Not all that bad. The pain in the a$$ is the cough that I still have - mostly mornings and evenings. Am getting a good night's sleep this past week but still have slight cough in morning and after physical exercise (ie, pickleball). Have a number of friends who have come down with Covid in the past month too - all report stupid lingering cough.
Saw a friend today I hadn't seen since we were halibut fishing last summer. He looked like shit. He'd caught covid a bit after our fishing trip. Spent 6 months on the vent, died once and was revived. Three times, the doc's told his wife that they should pull the plug. Three times she said no and he came back. His muscles atrophied and it took him 3 months to gain strength and learn how to walk again. I was very glad to see him trying to golf today.