Have you ever????


Really Experienced
Dec 3, 2002
Hoave you ever had sex or Masturbated at work,Ever been caught. Lets talk it up!!!:D :devil:
The short answer is "yes" and "No". This is not much information I know but I had to do something for a fellow Celt!

Yes, I have masturbated several times before at work.

and No, I have never been caught. (unless someone was listening and never let on....:D )
Thanks for the feedback

Thank you everyone who had some feedback on this!!!
I've masturbated at work, and come close to being caught, but not quite...getting caught at it is only appealing if the right kind of person catches me!;)

In my early twenties I drove a delivery truck that serviced about 12 dry cleaner stores. Of these, at least 6 or 7 of them were small branches that had only 1 employee there at a time. The four years I worked there were very fruitful in the sexual relations department. I had sex with one of the girls once in the backroom of her store while we were both on the clock, and another time recieved oral sex in one of the stores from one of the girls.

Believe me or not, if you are a single 21-30 year old guy and you want a job that leads to meeting alot of women, become a delivery driver.
Keltic_Soul said:
Have you ever had sex or Masturbated at work,Ever been caught. Lets talk it up!!!:D :devil:

Yes, I have masturbated at work. I have done it in the ladies room in a private stall and I have done it at my desk in my private office during working hours with my door open. The advantage that girls have over guys when it comes to public masturbation is that we can wear a dress without panties and can then reach ourselves without getting undressed. If I get caught all I have to do is let my dress or skirt fall back into place and I then have an appearance of being normal. If a guy gets caught he has to stuff it back into his pants and then zip up. It isn't as bad for a girl to get caught, as it is for a guy to be caught, because of the double standard:
If a guy sees a girl naked he is a peeping tom; If a girl sees a guy naked he is an exhibitionist. :eek:
Gunner Dailey said:
In my early twenties I drove a delivery truck that serviced about 12 dry cleaner stores. Of these, at least 6 or 7 of them were small branches that had only 1 employee there at a time. The four years I worked there were very fruitful in the sexual relations department. I had sex with one of the girls once in the backroom of her store while we were both on the clock, and another time recieved oral sex in one of the stores from one of the girls.

Believe me or not, if you are a single 21-30 year old guy and you want a job that leads to meeting alot of women, become a delivery driver.

LMAO...leave it to you Gunner...yu naughty boy!!!
Mmm my answer is yes also and thats all I'm saying:p :devil: