Have you ever smoked dope?

Smoked Dope?

  • Yes

    Votes: 58 65.9%
  • No

    Votes: 26 29.5%
  • No comment

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • do not recall...I\'m a politician

    Votes: 3 3.4%

  • Total voters
I don't know anything about that. Not me. No sir.


This is some good shit, oh dammit, I'm still posting.
BustyTheClown said:
What is up with your AV, 70/30?

Remember how your mom always told you to finish your supper cuz people were starving in Africa?
I didn't believe her until I came across this photo. Ever since I've cleared every crumb from my plate.
whissssssthhhhhhh.........nope.............'ere man. and pass the screamin' yellow zonkers dude.
By dope, I assume you mean marijuana.

Marijuana use is illegal and therefore wrong. I would never ever break the law, or do anything to disappoint Nancy Reagan.
70/30 said:
Remember how your mom always told you to finish your supper cuz people were starving in Africa?

Lol whoever came up with that saying deserves an award for the most bass-ackwards thinking in the history of mankind. How does our eating all the food off our plate help starving people in other countries -- or in our own, for that matter? I don't mean to detract from the subject of the thread (my answer was no, by the way), but the whole "we must eat so others don't starve" thing seems stupid and self-serving to me. Pun very much intended.
One time we had 3 jumbo joints in a rotation of 4. I was tempted but I passed each time.
You should have asked "Have you ever taken drugs?"

its not the same

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Think of the scientific advances, great works of fiction/art/music, and civic leaders we would have missed if it weren't for drugs in general.
Only gotten high three times....1977 to 1979...1982 to 1987...and once lately..
I'm not sure I understand the question. What are you asking? Ummm, I really can't remember... If anything happened, it was such a long time ago. No, I don't think so.
we used to call it smoking dope, and skipping rope.

We never did make it as far as skipping the rope though. :confused:

I'm this messed up and paranoid on my own.

I do wonder what it would be like tho....
70/30 said:
Maybe I shoulda asked, have you ever tasted bong water?

That is the grossest thing in the world.... But I earned 50 bucks out of it... Still dont know if it was worth it...

Wait wait... No I would never do such a thing. I'm a perfect angel, darn it!