If you've had any crazy person yell at you (or try to throw bricks at you while screaming obsenities in an unknown language at the top of their lungs) please share your experience here.
I dated a girl who pulled a cybil on me once. She attacked me...she was a gymnast so she was really strong and it was hard to defend myself. Had to call the cops. The cops came and gave me this look like, why didn't you just go upside her head?
I could have knocked her out with one punch (I'm tough like that), but I was decent about it...I don't believe in hitting women. Maybe a little spank of the tush now and then, but that's it.
This was a no brainer question for me. A couple of years ago the wife and I were having breakfast at Denny's. Behind us sat a lady, and I use the term loosely, who showed us who wore the pants in her family, two kids in their early teens. and a father figure although I am still not certain if this poor schmuck was this ladies first husband or not? Their conversation must have been very boring because I do not recall hearing them say much of anything. Instead, they were apparetly keyed in to our conversation which was in no way out of line, distasteful, arguementative, or anything else. When those people got up to leave the restaurant all of them went toward the cash register except the woman. The first words out of her mouth were that she and her family had their breakfast ruined by having to listen to our conversation. Stunned, but only for a moment, I politely told her that I had no idea what she was talking about and that I had no idea what her problem was. She stormed over to the cashier and asked for the manager. At that point the wife and I got up an joined the party already in progress. This bitch complained to the manager and asked that because she and her family had to listen to our conversation they should have all 4 of their meals paid for at no expense! I briefly explained to the manager my side of the story and politely suggested to this lady that she get a life and maybe take an extra Midol. With that the wife and I returned to our breakfast and the Swiss Family Robinson or whoever the hell they were left the building after being told they WOULD pay their bill in total. By the way, this guy never said one word the whole time. We don't know if he was mute or embarrassed. I believe that both my wife and I showed an enormous amount of restraint and only wish we had taken our disagreement outside or into the nearest ring.