Have you ever been attracted to someone here


Literotica Guru
Jul 4, 2012
Have you ever been attracted to someone on Lit?

I can honestly say I have been.
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Yes. He even made a pass and I turned it down 'cause I wasn't there yet, but now regret it and wish I'd followed through Now he won't even answer my pms. Oh well. My loss.
There have been a few, but who knows if their pictures are of them or stolen from an online pic gallery...
Sure. I mean, not physically because I have no idea what most of y'all look like, but I have someone I quietly forum-stalk from time to time.
My mirror often bears the mark of my affection.

...I'm totally joking. lol I'm not that narcissistic.

The truth is; I haven't spent enough time on here to develop any feelings for anyone. I was MIA for years, and just started reading here again recently. Attraction can certainly happen from a distance, though, and I am certainly no stranger to that. I've had a few long distance relationships in my time, and even moved once for a girl. It didn't work out, but whatever; I'm probably better off without her. She was very controlling, and I'm not much of a submissive. I'm way too bold for that.
I might be on my way. I'm used to it, though. I am the queen of unrequited love. I wouldn't know what to do if the feelings were reciprocated, though.
I might be on my way. I'm used to it, though. I am the queen of unrequited love. I wouldn't know what to do if the feelings were reciprocated, though.

Unrequited love is a bitch; but, the fact of the matter is, most relationships do not work out--especially if we're speaking long-term. Chances are you're just on a bad streak. Your luck is bound to turn around eventually.

As for what to do, should the feelings be requited; well, that's a whole nother matter. But if there is a will, there is a way; and if it's real, then it's a two-way.
I have been and am sexually attracted to some of the people in the pictures I see on here.

As far as mentally or emotionally attracted to someone, I can't say that I know anyone well enough.
Yes I have been, but it's usually someone unattainable so I tell myself to stop being silly and move on. I am attracted to personality more than looks, so it's easy to become attracted to someone through PMs or general banter.

Yes. personality is a big draw for me too. And yes it is easy to become more attracted to someone thru PMs.
Yeah. I've met a few here who are fantastic. Met someone irl from another webiste and it was nice.
If someone actually lets you into their real lives, it's hard not to have some sort of feelings for that person. I'm not attracted to someone through mere sex talk. Then it's just a lustful fantasy. But when you know someone and they tell you everything about themselves because they trust you to the fullest, it's hard not to fall for them at least a little bit. Even if you and them are in relationships.

But after awhile, I try to keep my guard up because I've gotten hurt in the past.
If someone actually lets you into their real lives, it's hard not to have some sort of feelings for that person. I'm not attracted to someone through mere sex talk. Then it's just a lustful fantasy. But when you know someone and they tell you everything about themselves because they trust you to the fullest, it's hard not to fall for them at least a little bit. Even if you and them are in relationships.

But after awhile, I try to keep my guard up because I've gotten hurt in the past.
Yes, this pretty much sums it up for me :rose:
getting hurt imo is part of the risk of becoming attracted to people.
Yes I have been, but it's usually someone unattainable so I tell myself to stop being silly and move on. I am attracted to personality more than looks, so it's easy to become attracted to someone through PMs or general banter.


I agree with you completely .. It is personality .. * sigh * My signature sigh LOL