Have you been photographed/filmed for money, or would you?

I asked

a friend of mine who was very attractive if she would ever pose for Playboy....It was the time they had Lindsey Lohan.

yes for $ 1million !
Just once, 4 guys and 1 girl, got 50 euros for it; never seen the result.
You !

I'm just curious as to how many people have done this, as there are always plenty of adverts in our local papers, be it amateur photographers, private collectors, or actual website owners.

Have you? Would you? Did you get paid much? Did you get offered more, for 'more'?

I'm thinking more about the discrete 'one off' opportunities, rather than people looking at a career in pornography.

My but don't things get interesting there in East Sussex Jenny !!!! It is an interesting, age old question, mostly of women. What would you do and how far would you go for money ???? I have had some experience in the amatuer video area. What are the discrete "one off" opportunities you speak of ????
I'd be up for it. I've always wanted to be a live nude model for a painting class...I'd do that for free.
If there weren't going to be consequences with my 9-5, i would do it in a heartbeat.
Yes I was a nude model I got paid 200 an hour. One time me and hubby even had sex on a desk and photographer came and watched everyonce in awhile and he paid us for that.
I did a few times...model for art class, then modeled for a couple of art students, and then did some pictures for the AANR newsletter. (Yeah, life-long nudist.) It helped me get some acting work back in the day.
Now I'm an artist, on the other end of the lens and paint brush. Was able to help a few models build their portfolios while I had art subjects to paint. Too old to be in front of the camera anymore so I'll settle for taking the pictures and painting these days.

Aparently you don't have to be a
total hunk to apply. I've been tempted to reply to one of the gay porn
adds just for the thrill of it,with
no intention of following through
with it.
I think it would be something where you could easily find yourself 'locked in' though. Some of these
porn people are probably very much like underworld mafia.
It could get scary. You might not
be able to get out.
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