Have you ate pussy during woman's period before?


"Been there, done that."
The question should have been: Have you ever eaten pussy during a woman's period. Please, let's be literate. No, I haven't. I don't like pure blood all that much, especially after it's been passed through the uterus.
Did somebody leave the front door unlocked again? Where do these fruitcakes come from?
It's nothing soap and water can't cure.

I wonder how this clown feels about rim jobs.
It's nothing soap and water can't cure.

I wonder how this clown feels about rim jobs.

Obviously. Have I sucked a maxipad or slurped chunky menstrual blood? No. Have chewed a clit shortly after they got out of the tub? Hell yes!

Campbell's® Chunky Tomato Soup...

Mmm mmm good, mmm mmm good...
I had some rather crude post all ready and then I hit preview instead and saw Dolf a wee bit doe eyed and I couldn't ruin it for her so I'll just mention I once gave a girl head whom was at the end of her light cycle (Not LIFE cycle, but bicycle able to go light speed). It was a totally bitchin' bike.... man!