Hate…Lust…Love in the Air (closed)


Shadow Dancer
Mar 16, 2003
Looking for a male writer to write the character of horse trainer, please PM first with ideas for your character.

“Mistress please, just lie still, at least until we know they’re gone. They can’t see us from here so we’re safe.”

“They’ll get away and I’ll never know who did this. I have to get to Shadow and go after them.” the young mistress whispered.

“I’m sorry mam, but you’re not going anywhere but back in the house, not with that bullet in your shoulder. If your mama were here she’d be using a belt across my bottom for even letting you get this far.”

“But what about Dad, he’s down by the waterhole checking out the cattle. What if they get to him? I’ve got too….”

“Hush…” Kelly, the house maid said sternly and covered her mistress’s mouth. “I hear something…” she whispered in her ears.

There was a rustle of bushes and both women hid silently as they heard twigs being broken. They stayed very still hoping whoever it was would not detect them and move on. Even though Laura had her rifle with her, there was no way she could shoot with a bullet in her shoulder. Especially when it was beginning to throb terribly.

Out of the bushes suddenly came a man, well over 6 foot tall, with muscles in his upper arms that looked like melons from the garden. He was well built and looked like he could handle several men at one time. He instantly picked up Laura with his strong arms and at first she hit him with her good arm.

“Put me down this instant, who the hell do you think you are anyway?” she asked fighting to get away from him, believing him to be one of the men that had caused the ruckus at the house.

“I’m the new horse trainer hired by Mr. Watson and I’m guessing you’re his daughter.” the stranger said.

Besides his muscles, the next thing Laura noticed about the man was his scruffy but handsome face, dark hair and piercing green eyes.

“Bring her into the house so I can see about getting that bullet out of her.” Kelly said as she stood up leading the way with Shadow, Laura’s horse trailing behind them all.
Edward Jack Kenway , picked her up on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes( he would have been nicer to her but hey thats what she gets for hitting his arm ) and started to follow the Kelly girl . Its not his way of following people around , but then again its not everyday Jack gets to have a pretty girl on his broad shoulders either.

Jack Served as a special forces commando as a captain commanding his own unit, however after a few " miss calculations" Jack has been Honorably discharged. So at the Age of 25 Jack was without work and a lot of free time. Thats when Mr Watson came in, one of his fathers old friends , Mr Watson gave a the Job to look after and train the horses that he keeps.

At first Jack was not very eager to take the job, as he going back to the country side was really not his thing, he left that life when he joined the army. But then again , after dealing with " problems" of internation scale, training a bunch of horses seemed like a very tame job . He reluctantly accepted it. But mainly because it is to ease the worrying look on his fathers face when ever Jack told him that he was off to another mission. But really , from top secret mission running after terrorists to now running after horses, a little change of pace that jacks sense of adventure is slowly adopting , maybe a bit slowly then he would have liked.

" Stop punching my back " rasped jack , annoyed. Here he was trying to help her out, and she was trying her best to re arrange his backbone.
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“How dare you talk to me that way,” Laura ranted, but was hushed once again by Kelly, who was in charge of all the house hold staff.

Laura felt like she was being bounced around as they walked and her shoulder was increasingly feeling more painful.

Kelly went in and cleared away what little was on the kitchen table. “Set her down on the table so I can look at her shoulder. And would you mind going into the den just down the hall a bit and bringing me one of the bottles of whiskey, doesn’t matter what kind.”

“Whiskey, what’s that for? You’re not touching me Kelly, I need to see a real doctor in town, this isn’t one of your…..OUCH….STOP THAT!” Laura cried out.

All Kelly had down was ripped Laura’s t-shirt off her shoulder and was patting away the blood with a soft moist cloth.

“Hurry up and bring me that whiskey, I need you to help me out here.”

Laura was about to pass out, just the thought of Kelly doctoring her up like she did the ranch hands and other help around the ranch. Her own father said she was the best doctor around, she just didn’t have a license, that was all.

“Hey what’s your name?” Kelly called out to the man finding the whiskey.
"Jack " he smile before turning around to go fetch the whiskey, he went down the hall ,taking note of the location just in case he ever got a chance to nick a few and he returned to the girls.

"Here" he said handing her the bottle before settling himself down on the chair nearby.

" your names are ?" said jack , observing the ladies in front of him,
“Well Jack, I’m Kelly,” she said taking the bottle from him, “I’m in charge of the household staff and also known as the Doc around here.”

“She’s not a real doctor, they pulled her license cause she was sued for malpractice when a patient died….OMG….” Laura screamed out louder this time as Kelly poured some of the whiskey on the wound. The pain was horrible.

“Grab hold of her so she doesn’t fall over, Jack,” Kelly said, knowing Laura was about to pass out. “Here this will help,” she said to Laura, holding the bottle of whiskey to her mouth and pouring some down her throat which made Laura choke.

Two ranch hands came running in, “Doc, Doc we need you down by the watering hole, right now, it’s life or death, come on let’s go and bring your bag.”

“Jack, looks like you get the pleasure of pulling this out, it’s right at the surface, didn’t go far in. Here’s a pair of good tweezers, that ought to take it out. Sorry to leave you here like this. Miss Laura can be a bit hard to handle, she’s been awfully spoiled by her father.”

After handing him the tool, Kelly got the rest of her bag together and left with the two young men. “Oh by the way, keep giving her the whiskey, she actually likes it and it’ll help her out.”
"Right " nodded Jack ,as he watched Kelly leave the room. Jack off course has had some experience with this sort of work in the military, but only on himself, having operated a bullet out of himself when in a remote jungle in south america. But that is a story all on its own.

" better hold still " He said pushing his left arm down agaisnt her shoulder, she gave a scream , but Jack calmly took the bullet out of her shoulder and but it on the side bucket.

"You should be fine soon , drink up the whiskey with your other hand" said jack casually , tempted to leave her on her own, but for some unknown reason he stayed, maybe instinct ?

" i suppose getting yourself shot is a fun thing to do around here ? " smiled jack , as he sat down opposite to her
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“If catching those thieves steeling anything they can get there hands on, or riling up the horses so they’re hard to handle, if you call that fun then yes, getting shot was fun too. Although they usually shoot up in the air, I guess one ricocheted and hit me.” she said, picking up a towel and pressing it to her wound. “Thankfully it’s just a scratch, but what about next time? You didn’t happen to Know any of them, did you?”

She asked and took another gulp of the whiskey and put it down. When she got off the table, she swayed and lost her balance, landing right in Jack’s arms.
“I’m alright, really, guess I just need to sit down.” Her words were beginning to slur.

She didn’t move just looked up at him as she felt the warmth of his body against hers and the heat of the whiskey beginning to kick in.

“You sure are tall, rather handsome too if you shaved your face. I bet you’ll be having all my woman staff hanging around you in no time.”

She started to move away but was very unsteady on her feet, so she quickly fell into a seat at the kitchen table.

“Thanks for getting the bullet out, I’ll put a little extra in your pay for that. What were you doing out there anyway? Everyone else ran to hide, as usual.”
" Ya i get the feeling , that you will be joning all your female staff as well " observed jack , with a cheeky grin. her falling on his arms were totally unexpected surprise. But a pleasant one Nonetheless.

" today is my first day see ? so i thought i would have a look around the place. the rest you know offcourse " Jack finished his glass and put it down.

" you better rest yourself , Dont let me catch you outside again untill you are fully fit " said jack in a somewhat commanding tone, then again its his nature. Excusing himself from her with a a nod he left and made his way to his Hut.

Its night time , and Jack sat down on his balcony with full view of the country side, its full moon and right past midnight .. perfect time for a few tunes on his guitar , he thought , a he started to hit the right notes, in the middle of the night. His guitar helping his through his lonelyness.
Laura took a few more drinks from the whiskey bottle and then managed her way thru the den and up to her room where she lay down and instantly fell asleep.

She had slept a couple hours when she heard a lot of commotion going on downstairs. She said up in bed and groaned from the pain in her head and shoulder. She went to the massive onsuite bathroom she had in her bedroom and quickly took two Tylenol from the medicine cabinet. She looked at herself and realized what a mess she was with her long auburn hair tangled, her t-shirt torn off showing how tan her arm was. She only needed a large bandage to cover the scratch to keep it clean.

She started brushing the tangled mop on top of her head, yanking at the hair now and then so she could get downstairs quickly. The noise had grown louder and she decided to go find out what it was instead of cleaning up.

When she got downstairs she was shocked to see so many men standing around. She had to push her slender 5’4” body thru the men to the kitchen. When she saw what was there she almost passed out, having fallen against Tom, one of the ranch hands.

There was blood all over the kitchen floor and table, Doc Kelly was just now cleaning off the body on the table, tears falling down her cheeks.

“There was nothing I could do, Miss Laura, he was already that way when I got there.”

Laura went white when she saw that it was her father laying on the table and then she passed out. Tom carried her back up to her room, then went back downstairs to clear everyone out.

“The corner is on his way out here. You can tell him what happened when he gets here. I need to go sit with Miss Laura. The plans for the funeral will just have to wait a day or so.

Later, after dark, Miss Laura woke up and saw that Kelly was asleep in the chair. She covered her up with a blanket, then went outside her balcony door. She didn’t know what time it was, but she saw a small light coming from one of the huts and heard beautiful guitar music. It brought tears to her eyes, especially with her dad having died.

She took off her t-shirt and put a tank top on for now as the evening was rather warm. Then she left her room and went to the hut with the light on and the music playing.

“So you have other talents besides horse training and rescuing woman,” she said as she came up on him, startling him a bit. She knew that by now, everyone had heard about her dad, even Jack, the new guy.

“You play really well, where did you learn that from? It’s a pretty song.” she said, looking over him and how the moon cast a seductive glow around the guitar playing man.
" i learned guitar when i was kid ," he smiled , offering her the seat next to him , he was tempted to talk to her about her father , but then again , he guessed that the girl could do with some cheering up so he decided to skip the topic completly .

" Laura isnt it ? " he smiled , and started to play , a tune of his choice. he looked at her listening intently. he smiled and stopped and said " this little performence better have something in it for me , " he looked at her , eyes taking in every inch her body .. he would have loved to hold her against his body then and there but then again why not ?

He stood up and said " follow me " and he started to walk,

He walked all the way to the paddock and got on one of the horse .

" up for a mid night ride ?! he smiled . without giving her much of time to answear he picked her up on the horse and started to gallop fast and stragiht upto thhe mountains

The whole valley could be seen from such a a height and the full moon shone brightly on them ..

Jack sat down on one of the rocks and whispeared " beautifull isnt it ? "
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Laura loved the music he played, it seemed to sooth her aching heart. She studied him as she played, noting his good looks and a piercing eyes, along with a smile that would bend any woman’s heart. She was surprised when he stood up and just said, “follow me” as he walked away.

She watched as he went to the paddock and brought out a pretty red stallion, which towered way above her body. Laura saw Jack easily get on the horse, which stood still and accommodating.

“up for a mid night ride?”

Without waiting for her to reply, he pulled her up and onto the horse. She was very glad this was one of the gentlest horses in the stable and wondered if Jack had sensed that about the horse. Before any words were exchanged he took off. She had no idea where they were going, but that smile he gave her made her heart leap and she didn’t care where they were headed. She wrapped her arms around his taut waist and laid her head down on his shoulder, enjoying the warmth of his body as much as the wind in her hair.

Jack took her straight up the mountain, where the valley looked so small from where she was. Barely any lights were on, although the moon was full so she could see the other ranches and homes. Then he got off the horse, helped her off and he sat down one of the rocks, where the moon cast a shadow across his body making him look even sexier than he did on the horse.

" Beautiful isn’t it? " he whispered

She sat down next to him on the rock, her body softly pressed up against his as they both looked at the beautiful sight below.

“Yes, it’s very beautiful. I haven’t been up here in years,” she whispered back.

She then turned to look at him with his dark eyes glowing, drawing her in and drawing her in it seemed. Her face was barely a breath away from his, and suddenly she wanted to kiss him, feel his lips on hers, feel his arms wrap her in the warmth of his body.

“Thank you, for this…” she whispered still staring into his eyes, the warmth of her breath felt on his face, her eyes almost pleading with him to kiss her, hold her, make her forget the days events.
" whats on your mind miss watson ? " offcourse He knew whats on her mind but he decided to play anyway. He smiled and pulled his face really close to her face .. almost kissing her , before pulling his face away...

" yes ?" he said .
“You can call me Laura,” she said, wondering if he knew what she had been thinking. Should she tell him and risk rejection, or perhaps worse, having him laugh in her face.

But on closer inspection of his face, she didn’t think he would do either.

“I was just thinking how much I wanted you to kiss me, hold me, make me forget about today for a little while. Does that answer you’re question?” she asked, her voice but a whisper, her breath warm across his face.
" no , but that will do " he pulled his hand around her shoulder and for the frist time he kissed her on the lips. softly chewing on her lips his left hand on her shoulders ,his right on her legs.

"Lets get a little comforetable shall we ?" he whispeared and taking control , he put her on his lap tightly embracing her ,his arms tightly pushing her against him , kissing her lips.

" open your mouth baby , let me in " he whispeared. She eased a bit as he pushed his toung in her mouth , his left hand on her waist. his right drawing circles on her left boob. Kissing her neck , and kissing her chick and back to her lips again . Its been a long time since he has kissed a women. acting like a hungry, it was natural to act like this.
" no , but that will do "

Before she had a chance to ask what question she didn’t answer, his lips were on hers, kissing her, then softly chewing on her lips. She could feel the heat rising in her body.

"Lets get a little comforetable shall we ?"

His breath was warm against her neck as he easily picked her up and placed her on his lap, embracing her tightly. Her breasts pushed tightly up against his chest.

" open your mouth baby , let me in "

She opened her mouth accepting his tongue, sucking on it gently as he kissed her. She moaned against his mouth as his hand caressed her breast, making her nipple hard as he brushed against it. Laura put one arm around his shoulder, her fingers tickling and toying against the back of his neck as she moaned with pleasure.

“Mmmm, you taste so good…” she whispered, breaking the kiss but only for a moment before her lips were on his once again.

She could feel his hunger in his kiss, just as hungry as she was to be kissed. Her one hand went to his on her breast and she took it, slipping it beneath her shirt. His hand was hot against her bare flesh and as she guided his hand to cup her breast she moaned louder and let go of his hand. She knew she shouldn’t be doing this with him. She made it a habit never to get involved with the employees, but she justified it just this once because of the events of the day. She told herself she would stop soon, she just wanted the comfort for a little while.
Jack Kept probing her mouth with his tounge , she tasted so sweet !. Has sizable cock forming a sizable bulge underneath his Jeans right on top of which she sat. He licked the inside of her mouth, his big right hand gave her breast a firm squeeze , making he softly squeal a bit . He broked off from her , gently kissing her on the eyes forehead and lips .

" you are beautiful..." he whispered at her "A man has to be crazy not to like you "


" take off your top honey " this time it was more commanding. He wasnt going to drop her off any where soon.
Laura melted in his arms when he kissed her. All the passion she had denied herself for what seemed years, was felt in that kiss. Her tongue had opened and she tasted his as it explored her mouth, sucking on it and sliding hers against it. Then she explored his with her own tongue, it was like a dance within their mouths, both feeling the heat of the moment building. His hand was on her breast squeezing and fondling and she moaned against his mouth.

Laura shifted a bit in her seat and felt his hardness against her bottom. She knew now he was just as aroused as he was especially when he spoke.

" take off your top honey "

Just several simple words yet they caused her heart to pump faster, her pulse rising. There were no should or shouldn’t she, it was just plain and simple. She hooked the hem of her top with her fingers and pulled it over her head to expose her lacy pink bra to him. And then her mouth covered his, again kissing him passionately.
Jack looked in at awe as she did what he told her , totally impessed by what he was seeing . He was even more surprised by the passion with which she was kissing him . But the meat in his pants was getting unbearbly hard and he felt he needed to let it out before it broke.

He picked her up again and this time made her sit next to him , then he got up but was on his kness facing her .

He unzipped his pants and pulled it down , and pulled down his boxers, springing his almost hard cock out.

Looking at the beauty in front him , he slowly started to wank his dick, bringing it to its full hardness at 9 inches long and 5 inches thick.

while one hand was stroking his own cock , his other caressed her Jaw.

" take off your bra sweetie " he said softly .
Laura sat there with him between her knees as he opened his zipper and let out a very long and thick cock. Her eyes widened at the sight of it and how huge it was.

Then she watched as he stroked himself to full hardness, her mouth dropped open. No words came out she just looked at him and how big he was and what he was doing.

" take off your bra sweetie "

He spoke the words softly, but suddenly she was sober and watching him. She finally realized what her actions had done and she quickly stood up, grabbing her blouse.

“We can’t do this, it’s not right, I have to leave…right now I have to leave…”

And before he had a chance to do anything, she fled, running back to the safety of her own home. She quickly went to her room, stripping off her clothes along the way and went directly to the shower. At first she let the water be hot, but she stood under it until it was cold and her body shivering.

What was I thinking…I can’t be with him, he works for me now, not father….not father…

Laura wrapped a towel around her and dried off, then putting a one of her nightgowns on, she slid in bed. She cried herself to sleep.
Jack watched her run away , he fet a bit frustrated but decieded to let it go .. he will have her in time . He took his horse and rode back to his hut. He took out his frustration that night on one of the maids in the farm.

Despite the events of last night , Jack didnt really get it to him the next morning . Yes , it was his boss that he nearly fucked last night. And yes , he knew that she was into him. But he realised that things will be a bit awkward when he bumps into miss watson again.

So after hard days work Jack was back at his Hut. But he was greeted with a surprise.

Miss Watson Was there in his hut .

exactly what was on her mind , jack didnt know .

" never heard of knocking have you miss watson? " Said Jack , as put down his hat , his body sweating from the days work .

He went to the partioned area of his room with curtains , despite the fact that she has seen his privates, he figuered that he still wanted the privacy. But he still gave her the nod that she can speak her mind over the curtains. He was listening .
“You forget, I own everything including the huts you sleep in.”

She watched as he went to one side of the room and closed the curtain, she imagined he needed to change or something.

“Anyway, I wanted to apologize for last night. I owed you that much. I should have never been down here like I was or acting like I was. It won’t happen again, I am sorry. I hope it does stay between the two of us, if you don’t mind.” she said, hoping he would agree to be quiet about it and accept her apology.

“Tomorrow you will have the day free as the funeral for my father is tomorrow. It will be held at the small family cemetery in the east corner of our property, anyone is welcome to attend. It will be held at 1:00pm.”

“Do you have any questions, being new here I should have talked to you about that yesterday. “
"No "

Next day at the funeral , Jack attended , he really didnt need to do i but he did it anyway. Mr watson had been a kind Man to him . espacially when he was a kid. He felt he didnt repay the man enough by trying to screw his daughter over last night. But then again, he didnt know how Mr watson would look at their relationship, if it is too bloom .

Few days Jack has been here here he has already got himself well acquiated with his fellow staff. Ofcourse he has kept his little adventure with Miss watson to himself, though there has been a few whispering .

After the funeral Jack went to the cliff where he had taken miss watson just the night before .He didnt know himself how things turned into how it did. only it did. And offcourse this has already turned into his favarite place to hangout after his own hut. Though a bit lonely the spot is
For the next few days, Laura kept herself locked up in her house and her room. No one other than the house maid saw her. She wasn’t ready to see anyone.

At night she generally would have several drinks so she could fall asleep fast. But this particular night she had already four drinks and all they were doing was making her drunk, not sleepy.

She walked out on her patio and saw no light on at Jacks hut, nor did she hear his music. Why did she keep thinking of him, ever since that first night and the kiss they shared. She couldn’t get him out of her mind.

Laura poured another drink and decided to take a walk outside. All she had on was a small silky nightie with a silk robe that barely covered anything. She didn’t think about running into anyone, it was quite late and she figured everyone was sleeping.

Then she remembered the spot where Jack had taken her, how beautiful it was and how peaceful it was. Since she figured he would be sleeping, she slowly managed her way, stumbling a lot to the top and looked out at the view.

She went quite close to the edge and stumbled again, falling down on her bottom. She started laughing when she heard someone else laughing behind her.

“Oops, I thought uh…you’d beeee in you’re uh hut…” she stammered, obvious to Jack that she was pretty much feeling no pain.

She managed to get herself back on her feet and stumble up to where he was standing.

“Wanna kiss?” she asked with a sexy, but drunken smile. “Or would you preferrrr….some thin…. Else…”

She ran her free hand up and down his covered chest, something she had wanted to do since they met. By the time she finished, she had managed to undo several buttons of his shirt.

“Mmmm sexy,” she hummed and slipped her hand inside his shirt, caressing his bare flesh.

“Do you want me Jack? Want to take advantage of me….ya could ya know….I won’t run away…hell I can’t run…” she giggled like a school girl, but continued caressing his chest raking her nails over his nipples now and again.
Jack was smirking as he watched her tumble down . For a girl with such temper hell, the girl who lectured him just a few days ago, it was quiet tempting for him to take advantage of the situation . Hell why not ? Ya ok she was more drunk then a sailor but then again why yes ? In the end Logic won over lust in his brain .

" Laura .. laura " Jack grabbed both of her wrists in very strong grip.

" get a grip girl ! " Snapped Jack , as she kept on talking . She looked at him stunned . Jack put his index finger on his lips and showed "ssssssssshhh "

Laura probably thought Jack was going to make his move, she continued with her smile.

" Not here in your bed room " he said with a smile. Laura grinned, as she understood .

He swept her off her feet and picked her up in his strong arms and took her to his horse , and rode to her big house .

On the way she kept on about things that Jack could care less about, but hell some of them brought smile to his face.

He brought her to the door of the house and was greeted by Doc kelly , who was looking really worried,

" you got her ! " she rushed at him .

" ya ..she is fine ... this isnt what it sounds like " he said , as Miss watson went on about suggestive remarks about herself and jack .

" Dont worry ..." Kelly said with a grin.

Jack carried her off to the bed room where he left her and went back to his hut , much to his amusement a disappointed laura screaming to him about his lack of manhood, she clearly thought they were going to have sex then in her bed . He chuckled . well drunken or not, it felt good to pay her back about the disappointing she gave him a few days ago.

" ignore her Doc, she clearly had too much to drink " Jack said as he left,

" i already have " replied the grinning doctor.

Jack went to his room , took off his clothes and hit the bed naked , without bothering to put on pajamas. too tired to do it. It has been a weird night. But fun nonetheless. He hoped Laura would be fine soon enough.
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After several weeks, Laura started to get around more and started handling things herself again. She had been out several times to watch Jack training the horses, which she thought he was doing a good job. She would tell him that, but they never spoke of either night they had almost came together.

“Doc, do you think we should have a barn dance, maybe perk up the ranch hands. They could bring their spouses or partners if they wanted to. You could cook up some really good buffet for them. I think it’s something this place needs, a little unwinding. If they wanted to drink we could have a keg, but tell them they had to bring whatever else they wanted to drink. What do you say?”

“I think it’s a grand idea and I think it would do you some good too. Let’s figure out what to have and we’ll post some signs up saying it’s next Saturday night. Now, I think what you need to do is go into town and get yourself a knew dress for the occasion.”

“Wait, I didn’t say I was going,”

“Oh that would look no good if you didn’t Miss Laura. Go to town, have some fun and get yourself some nice things that a girl wears instead of those jeans and shirts you’re always wearing. In fact, take one of the ranch hands with you, he can carry you’re bags and boxes.”

“Well, if you think that’s really what I should do, I guess it might be fun. I haven’t done that in a long time. But I think I’ll go alone, they can help with the bags and boxes when I get home. In the meantime you can get word out and come up with a menu that we will need to order.”

Shortly after that, Laura took off in her white pick up truck. She had spent the day in town buying girlie things and doing her best to stay out of the jeans and tops department.

While she was doing that, Doc Kelly got hold of some of the men to pass out the flyers she had made up for the barn dance, one of them was Jack.

“It’s been a damn long time since she’s had a barn dance. Her father use to have them every Saturday night. They are some good parties, let me tell ya.” Tom told Jack, giving him some of the details of what went on at the parties.