hash and weed


Really Experienced
May 20, 2002
as im sitting here taking hoots of the bong it occurs to me..........is there a differance between strainght off the stem weed and processed hash??

Now im preatty sure most peaple who read this either smoke weed or have at one time in their lives smoked it

so my question is , is hash chemically different from weed, chemically being the important word to remember here

now im sure some of you will point out that hash is made from the different components that make up weed

so essentially its just weed but it is processed in some way

thank you for listening to !RaNt_RaDiO!

brought to you from the makers of those extra strengh suicide pills
well people tend to think of hash as different things. some stoners say hash is the "resin" that you can get outta of buds by hitting them agains sumpin like chicken wire. it produces a gumy substance people smoke.
WHOO HOO stoners unite!!

True hashish is the trycromes off of the buds. What that basically means is thats its the same subsance, its just more concentrated.

And its more expensive!! lol

Ive got like a bunch of really neato smokers pics, some funny, some of real stuff... should i put them in the thread??
no i only use these no small as joints an no resin filled bowls that resin shit taste nasty then a mutha'fucka