Has it been done already?


Really Experienced
Apr 22, 2002
Hello everybody!

Well, I think I might be about to break that stupid wall I've been bumping my head on for a few weeks now... :) Not only am I working on a thread or two for some of the stories that were pointed to me in another thread ('bout nurses and policewomen, kinda like 'em ;) ), but I think I might start a new story soon...

However, I just want to make sure it isn't a subject that has been discussed ad nauseam already... I'd rather contribute to a well established story than create a gazillionth alternate...

Basically, here is the idea:

10 women are abducted and dropped on a desert island. Desert? Not really. They are the unaware subjects of a social experiment. For an undefined period of time, they will be provided with food (under the cover of darkness), but nothing else. The goal of the experiment is to see how a small society is born and evolve under unusual circumstances. The women have almost nothing in common: age, language, social status, profession, nationality... all of these are different. However, they share three common traits:
-They would all be considered "very attractive" according to today's western hemisphere standards (i.e. generous breasts, not too fat, etc. Your milleage may vary, it's just a "standard" ;) )
-None has a regular lesbian love life
-They all suffer from some form of nymphomania (dictionary.com if you need help)

Once some form of society is established, the people supervising the island will purposefuly introduce disruptive elements to see how the newly born society will adapt. Such disruptive elements could be:
-Introduction of a phallic figure (some women being gifted with strap-ons or whatnot...)
-Drastic diminution of sexual desire of one or several women through drugs put in their food
-Forced isolation of one or several women without altering her sexual desire (one being caged, as an example)

Basically, it'd be a lesbo story that leaves a lot of room to innovations. :) About anything can happen, but unlike many stories that are focused around one or two character, this one would always keep in mind the idea of a community and the interactions therein. Nothing prevents, as an example, the irruption of some kind of tyranny, or the separation of the group into two rival clans.

Anyway, let me know what you think, or if you know of a story that is built around a similar idea, please point me towards it. :)

Thanks a bunch!

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It sounds like a great idea. I just don't understand why they all have to be women. While I don't mind lesbian sex, it's a lot more fun when there are both sexes in the story, IMO. I'm sure you can have men and women there and still have plenty of lesbian sex, as well as man-woman sex. That'd make the story more diverse and get people like me interested too ;)

Just a thought.
Add some men in!!

I am in agreement with Wolk. I think yo ucan create many more diverse stories with a few men. Maybe introduce them after the 10 women have been with our men for a while. Maybe have several men competing for the one hot babe.

I would enjoy writing for something beyond just girl on girl stuff.

I think it is a good idea that should be fun to write for.


Thanks for the feedback.

To address the all women issue: even though my stories seem to always focus more on women than men, I haven't written a lot about lesbian sex, or about plain non-sexual relations between women. That'd be a way like any other to "force" myself into writing some. ;)

Of course, as jakelyon said, nothing prevents men from being introduced on the island as a "disruptive element", either temporary or permanent. :)

Hum... Time for a dancing banana, me guess: :nana: <--- food for thought

More Lesbians! That's what this world needs!

I love the idea of it being only women. You can count on many entries from me, especially since I had thought of doing a story like this myself - but now that I know you're doing it, I'll just wait for you.

I think you should introduce all ten women at the get-go; you know, provide a short bio, description, what have you so that we the contributors have something to go on from moment one.

Also, I'm curious as to what point of view you'd write the story from. Would the reader be one of the women, or perhaps the mastermind who's running the show?

I'd be pleased to be your sounding board for ideas, or what have you. This sounds like it would be a kick-ass story!