Has Iran's Fordow Nuke Facility Been Decimated?


Literotica Guru
Jun 27, 2010
That's what Reza Kahlili, a former CIA spy and intelligence officer within Iran's Revolutionary Guard, is reporting a source in the security forces protecting Fordow has told him, here:


The Jerusalem Post is reporting the unconfirmed story of the explosion last Monday, here:


The writer of TJP story makes an interesting observation on a quote of "Emily Landau, director of the Arms Control and Regional Security Project at the Tel Aviv-based Institute for National Security Studies":

She added, “There have been many references to the fact that Israel doesn’t have strong enough bombs to penetrate it from the air, but the US MOP [massive ordnance penetrator] is reported to be able to penetrate it.”

Landau added that reports surfaced six months ago saying that the MOP is operational.

While the Fordow facility is indeed key to the Islamic Republic of Iran's nuclear strategy, the Natanz facility is enriching 3x the urnanium...

...could a possible devastating attack on Fordow be sending a message to the Twelvers that they need to come to the table before it's too late?

It is reported that Iran "has enough low-grade (3.5 percent) uranium stockpiled for six nuclear bombs if further enriched."
Iran has almost a hundred and fifty nuclear energy and research sites spread right around the entire country. It is impossible to undermine Iran's present capability of enriching uranium without launching some kind of 'Mother-f***er of All Wars' on Iran.

The plain fact is, strategically, one would be far better off to assume that Iran ALREADY HAS a few nuclear weapons and almost certainly missile systems capable of penetrating right into Tel Aviv.

And the other thing is, if the US government wants to be serious about who sponsors terrorism, who is genuinely capable of training, funding, and deploying high-level terrorist cells into Western nations and wreaking havoc on innocent citizens there - it ought to look at Iran and take them on properly.

But it won't do that because it is addicted to the world's best grade of petroleum - which comes virtually exclusively in quantity from Iran; it won't do it because it knows that unlike Iraq, which was in any case merely a puppet regime of weapons suppliers right across the globe, Iran carries the weight of all the other Islamic countries behind it and if ever the US wanted to lose a real war and become a completely destroyed glowing irradiated piece of toast - then it could hardly pick a better toast chef to do it than Iran.

People vote for nutty Right Wing lunatics like Netanyahu and within seconds he shows just exactly the kind or moron he is by pulling a silly stunt like this that the whole world can easily reveal as a complete an utter falsehood.

Bill Clinton already said he couldn't work with the lunatic and every country in the Western World that has bent over backwards to assist Israel, now has to to deal with this lunatic provoking millions of other lunatics intent on suiciding to get into heaven who will instantly turn their attention on London, and New York, and Los Angeles and just about everywhere they 'think' backs Likud - which nobody does except the guy who tinkers with the Diebold machines.

Stop the tax free movement of money from the USA to Israel and all of a sudden there wouldn't be a Likud.

Let's give Egypt some F-16s!

That ought to keep those damned dirty Jews and their Democracy and human rights in check!

Fucking Pigs and Apes...
Iran has almost a hundred and fifty nuclear energy and research sites spread right around the entire country. It is impossible to undermine Iran's present capability of enriching uranium without launching some kind of 'Mother-f***er of All Wars' on Iran.

The plain fact is, strategically, one would be far better off to assume that Iran ALREADY HAS a few nuclear weapons and almost certainly missile systems capable of penetrating right into Tel Aviv.

And the other thing is, if the US government wants to be serious about who sponsors terrorism, who is genuinely capable of training, funding, and deploying high-level terrorist cells into Western nations and wreaking havoc on innocent citizens there - it ought to look at Iran and take them on properly.

But it won't do that because it is addicted to the world's best grade of petroleum - which comes virtually exclusively in quantity from Iran; it won't do it because it knows that unlike Iraq, which was in any case merely a puppet regime of weapons suppliers right across the globe, Iran carries the weight of all the other Islamic countries behind it and if ever the US wanted to lose a real war and become a completely destroyed glowing irradiated piece of toast - then it could hardly pick a better toast chef to do it than Iran.

People vote for nutty Right Wing lunatics like Netanyahu and within seconds he shows just exactly the kind or moron he is by pulling a silly stunt like this that the whole world can easily reveal as a complete an utter falsehood.

Bill Clinton already said he couldn't work with the lunatic and every country in the Western World that has bent over backwards to assist Israel, now has to to deal with this lunatic provoking millions of other lunatics intent on suiciding to get into heaven who will instantly turn their attention on London, and New York, and Los Angeles and just about everywhere they 'think' backs Likud - which nobody does except the guy who tinkers with the Diebold machines.

Stop the tax free movement of money from the USA to Israel and all of a sudden there wouldn't be a Likud.
