Has anyone seen or used this thing called "The Perfect Sommelier"?


bootie shaker
Jul 11, 2002
It's some sort of magnetised disc that you set your bottle of wine on, and it 'ages' it as though it had been cellared. For example, if it sits on there for 30 mins, it's as though it had been cellared for about 3-5 years, depending on the wine.

Mr Keen and I were considering purchasing one as a gift to ourselves today, and it seems to have gotten rather impressive reviews from a cadre of wine writers, but it does cost about 50 quid (which is like $75) so although it's not a huge amount of money, we weren't ready to splash out on it just yet.

Anyone tried it?
Sorry, strictly Guinness, love.

I could use some craic, though.
Its new to me but I would approach with a healthy does of skepticism. Is there any indication how it actually works? Im not sure how it would bring out the nuances of a wine.

If you can provide a website I'd be curious to see some info.
you know, if I hadn't already drank like three bottles of wine today (not MYSELF, I had help) I could try to explain it better in like amore scientific kind of way but I just can't be arsed right now actually as I am slightly intoxicated and all that sort of thing. and I'm sure you know how to typoe the words into a search engine as well as I anyhow.

We were at Vinopolis, which is like this big wine museum/warehouse/shop sort of place here in London, where we buy a lot of our wine and we were having a look round at the gadgets and accoutrements, thinking we might buy a decanter and we saw this thing, and Mr Keen had seen it on a TV program a couple months back. They had a little stack of quotes and clippings from newspapers and magazines about it and they were all rather positive, quite a few of them from wine reviewers whose advice we respect so it seems a likely good buy, but I was just wondering if I could find any lay person who had actually used it and what they thought.
I heard of it. I've also hard of a instant bottle-chiller.

I'd stick with Tesco special offer, though.
One of my good friends sells wine to the various markets here in town and he turned us on to this magnetic wonder! I really noticed a difference after using it on a number of different wines. They seemed softer and rounder, not so sharp and acidic. You have to play with the times...sometimes 20 min and up to say 60 depending on the wine and your taste buds.

I found it online for $49.95 American, peachy. If you drink a good bit of wine, I'd say it's worth treating yourself!

(btw CV, that instant bottle chiller works pretty good too! ;))
Muchas gracias, Rose, just what I was hoping to hear. We do indeed drink a bit of wine in this here house.

We were already 90% convinced, just going to wait now to see if it goes on sale after the hols.
peachy, are you a member of paypal.com? I'd be glad to order it for you from here if it saves you $35, and ship it on to you.

Anyway, it's an option if you like.
Thanks but it's ok. I am one of those neanderthal type humanoids who has never bought anything online. Oh well except my Utne Reader subscription. So I'm not in paypal. But don't worry, if we can't get it here on sale we will pick it up when we make a trip back to the US in January.
Cool beans! I think you'll get a lot of use out of it.

Happy Holidays to you and yours, honey.