Happy Thanksgiving all you Canucks!!


Literotica Guru
Sep 2, 2002
Just wishing you all a very happy and enjoyable Thanksgiving!

Cheers to you and yours!


~ Rora :rose:
Happy Thanksgiving!

OK, since Canadians are gathering on this thread, what do you guys do to celebrate Canada Day?

For me it is a nice day to get together with family. Turkey, dressing, potatoes and gravy.
Watch some American Football and some Baseball games.
Play with the grand children and maybe get a load of firewood this year. Put the family to work ya know.
Mischka said:
Happy Thanksgiving!

OK, since Canadians are gathering on this thread, what do you guys do to celebrate Canada Day?

We prepare our dens with soft fur, twigs, and zipplocked timbits,

Just kidding.....this weekend I'm going to go downtown to Parliment hill and see the Queen. (honestly---she's in Canada) Then on Monday I'm having friends over for a big Turkey dinner.

:p <---num nums
Thanks for the Good wishes.

We gather family together, eat turkeybird, with all the fixin's, pretty much identical to what y'all do in the States.

Always on a Monday here so we get a long weekend, for which I am EXTREMELY grateful.
*whistles loud*

Mischka said:
Happy Thanksgiving!

OK, since Canadians are gathering on this thread, what do you guys do to celebrate Canada Day?

Peoples, she said CANADA DAY! ;) This past Canada Day I spent the day splashing about at the main beach in town (@ Science North if anyone of you know lol), wandering around all the festivals downtown, and then watching Great Big Sea perform in the evening and a fireworks display. Then back to a friends to toast the night away! :)

For Thanksgiving, I'm hoping to get my new kitchen counter installed! hehehe And then I am having friends over on the Monday for turkey and all the fixings! :)

~ Rora :rose:
We put ours typically on a Thursday so all us school kids and people with white collar management jobs get an extra long weekend...
LordMagicMan said:
We put ours typically on a Thursday so all us school kids and people with white collar management jobs get an extra long weekend...

Ya, but here the exchange rate doesn't permit us an extra long weekend! ;) :p

~ Rora :rose:
canadian thanksgiving isn't till the monday but my mother is going to be doing a big roast dinner to make our resident canuck feel at home :)
Thanks for the warm wishes Aurora. Happy Thanksgiving back to you also. You wanna cum out to Alberta this weekend? That outfit (in your av) looks hot. And its gonna snow today here....lol

Well we are having a relaxing weekend.... you know, hold a garage sale, freeze our nuts off.... a typical Alberta weekend. :D

Anyway happy Thanksgiving to all and have a happy and SAFE weekend.

Thanks Aurora!

Here in Quebec apart from having a day off Thanksgiving dont mean much....
we dont eat turkey with potatoes and all the good stuff :( each year I'm wondering if I'm loosing some cultural important celabration.
DéjàNu said:
Thanks Aurora!

Here in Quebec apart from having a day off Thanksgiving dont mean much....
we dont eat turkey with potatoes and all the good stuff :( each year I'm wondering if I'm loosing some cultural important celabration.

You can come share turkey with us...but really, northern Ontario isn't a "let go and visit" place...especially this time of year!

Damn nipply! *lil whimper*

hehe :p

~ Rora :rose:
Re: *whistles loud*

Aurora_s_Flame said:
Peoples, she said CANADA DAY! ;) This past Canada Day I spent the day splashing about at the main beach in town (@ Science North if anyone of you know lol), wandering around all the festivals downtown, and then watching Great Big Sea perform in the evening and a fireworks display. Then back to a friends to toast the night away! :)
I was beginning to wonder if I'd gotten the holidays confused. :) I have a few friends whose families are from Canada, and every Canada Day we drink lots of Molson and watch Strange Brew. It's a tradition. :)

I figured Thanksgiving Day is the same on either side of the border. But American football?! Hockey's started by now!
Re: Re: *whistles loud*

Mischka said:
I was beginning to wonder if I'd gotten the holidays confused. :) I have a few friends whose families are from Canada, and every Canada Day we drink lots of Molson and watch Strange Brew. It's a tradition. :)

I figured Thanksgiving Day is the same on either side of the border. But American football?! Hockey's started by now!

Football on Thanksgiving is traditional on both sides of the boarder!

No, Canada day is pretty much equivalent to your Independance Day party wise...just we have REAL beer! ;)

~ Rora :rose:
Happy Thanksgiving to my friends north of me. I was reading about this last night and discovered that the first formal Canadian Thanksgiving was held just over 40 years before the pilgrims landing in Massachusetts. An English explorer named Martin Frobisher had been trying to find a northern passage to the Orient but he didn't succeed so he established a settlement in Northern America upon where he celebrated a harvest feast. This is considered the first Canadian Thanksgiving.

Enjoy your holiday, Everyone!
thank you Aurora_s_Flame same to you. by the way science north is a great place to visit, well worth the trip from toronto to sudbury. also enjoy watching alan nursall, on the discovery station.

Mischka, to celebrate canada day my friends and i go camping, get drunk and sing our national anthem, which sometimes get many other sites singing along, it's great.

smilingblues, thanks for that info. sadly admitting that i did not know that.
Pandora's Box said:

smilingblues, thanks for that info. sadly admitting that i did not know that.

Pandora's Box,

It's my pleasure. I didn't know this until last night when my son had to look it up for homework. lol

My grandmother came from St. Catharines and I can remember visiting there as a child. It's so beautiful. What I remember is the ferry ride we took while we were there.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, All.
Thanks Aurora! And happy Thanksgiving day to all the Canadians here on Lit! Looks like it might be a quiet one for me.. Family is away and the parents aren't coming down.. and of course I can't get away from town because I work Saturday and Tuesday.

As for Canada Day.. Played a little softball with some friends, went to a Canada Day carnival and then the evening was at a friends place for a BBQ

LET,S eat ALL the FRESH turkey,s first......then
send the frozen ones , down south next month..GOOD PLAN ?
Pandora's Box said:
thank you Aurora_s_Flame same to you. by the way science north is a great place to visit, well worth the trip from toronto to sudbury. also enjoy watching alan nursall, on the discovery station.

Mischka, to celebrate canada day my friends and i go camping, get drunk and sing our national anthem, which sometimes get many other sites singing along, it's great.

smilingblues, thanks for that info. sadly admitting that i did not know that.

Alan Nursall is a fairly nice guy. If you ever see a Franco Marriotti, he's even nicer! I use to babysit his kids all the time...along with all their critters! :D

~ Rora :rose:
smilingblues you said:
It's my pleasure. I didn't know this until last night when my son had to look it up for homework. lol

My grandmother came from St. Catharines and I can remember visiting there as a child. It's so beautiful. What I remember is the ferry ride we took while we were there.
it's amazing what kids could teach us.

it's great that you have a couple of wonderful memories of st.cathrines. been there a few times, nice town.

Aurora_s_Flame you said:

Alan Nursall is a fairly nice guy. If you ever see a Franco Marriotti, he's even nicer! I use to babysit his kids all the time...along with all their critters!
you must have picked franco maiotti's brain apart. did you get to talk to him about his passion of chimpanzees?
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Pandora's Box said:
smilingblues you said:

you must have picked franco maiotti's brain apart. did you get to talk to him about his passion of chimpanzees?

Lots of times. I still take care of their critters when they go away on vacation. He was just over last weekend with his family for a movie night. It's amazing seeing the photos he has taken and hearing the stories. :) Not many people get to see such a wide variety of wildlife or learn so much in one lifetime.

~ Rora :rose: