happy families


aint giving a munkys nuts
Apr 1, 2002
not mine

found out that my sister has run a way from home (at the age of 17) to be with her 32 yr old partner (who happens to be her boss)

and shes dropped out of school to boot.

my mother and father are going up the wall and dont know what to do aand they keep blaming themselves for being bad parents.

my mother has stated that most of her anger is directed at my father. my father is one of the most family loving considerate guys i know. it is something to do with her being the only one of her 5 friends whos parents are stil together and live with a man in the house. i think this sort of state in society is fucked beyond belief. when was it ever wrong to have a 2.4 family

i know it is her hormones but she is being a little bitch at the mo. we have no idea where this guy lives or his phone number. she is too old to calll the police and school havent seen her.

myself and my brother want to castrate this fella as he is not acting the gentleman he should be. (ACT YOUR FUCKING AGE MATE) but we know that aint the right way of doing things.

whats the best approach folks any suggestions
oooh I dunno that there's anything so wrong with big bro's going over and rearranging this guy's face for him.

At 17 she is old enough to choose her own partners, don't make the mistake of pushing her away or leaving her feeling she has to stick with him to 'show you' etc.

Be supportive and allow her to learn her own lessons.
Re: ailenation

cliffchuff said:
At 17 she is old enough to choose her own partners, don't make the mistake of pushing her away or leaving her feeling she has to stick with him to 'show you' etc.

Be supportive and allow her to learn her own lessons.

that is what we want to do but she is not mature enough to see herself through the important year of studying that she needs to do to progress and achieve the happiness she thinks she is getting.
at the mo i dont know who's side i should be one.

on one hand i have to respect my parents and accept their judgements

and on the other i have to be the big bro and all that
I don't suggest its not a mistake, any guy who wants a girl half his age obviously has problems with his emotional development/control issues and shold be treated with caution.

But she need to learn this herself:(

As for dropping out of school, prehaps its for the best I went back to school at the age of 28 when I knew what I wanted from life, not everybodies cut out for the railroad of education.

If this guy is trying to isolate her the last thing you want is t9o give him ammunition buy behaving irrationally.
i dont want to become a father anytime soon me thinks
wizbit9 said:
not mine

found out that my sister has run a way from home (at the age of 17) to be with her 32 yr old partner (who happens to be her boss)

and shes dropped out of school to boot.

my mother and father are going up the wall and dont know what to do aand they keep blaming themselves for being bad parents.

my mother has stated that most of her anger is directed at my father. my father is one of the most family loving considerate guys i know. it is something to do with her being the only one of her 5 friends whos parents are stil together and live with a man in the house. i think this sort of state in society is fucked beyond belief. when was it ever wrong to have a 2.4 family

i know it is her hormones but she is being a little bitch at the mo. we have no idea where this guy lives or his phone number. she is too old to calll the police and school havent seen her.

myself and my brother want to castrate this fella as he is not acting the gentleman he should be. (ACT YOUR FUCKING AGE MATE) but we know that aint the right way of doing things.

whats the best approach folks any suggestions

That sucks man. I don't know if I can offer any advice. I just wanted to say that my family sucks ass. I disowned me mum a while ago, and I really don't get along with my family all that well.
Re: Re: ailenation

acitore_vuli said:

17 is old enough? I disagree, especially when the partner she chose is a 32 year old guy. Call me old fashion, but what could a 32 year old possibly have in common with a 17 year old?

However, I do agree that you have to be careful not to push her away.

I know what they have in common and its not who is the hottiest boy band......
Lol yeah. I could just imagine them being like "Like, oh my God! He is like so hot!"

Or something together. LOL....that would be so freaky, I would have to be like "Okay Rod Serling, step out of the shadows and say some freaky bullshit ended by "...in the Twilight Zone." now."
Velius said:
Lol yeah. I could just imagine them being like "Like, oh my God! He is like so hot!"

Or something together. LOL....that would be so freaky, I would have to be like "Okay Rod Serling, step out of the shadows and say some freaky bullshit ended by "...in the Twilight Zone." now."

Not only are you sexy but funny too!

Me thinks me likes :D
I dunno about you guys, but up here in BC, a 32 year old sleeping with a 17 year old is called Statutory Rape. (I may have spelled that wrong).

He could go to jail for it.
thanks for your contrabutions folks, its much appreciated.

we have been able to talk to my sister now and my mother has also spoke to John (32yr old bf) and it transpires that he thought that she was only staying a few nights and he wasn't aware that my my folks knew nothing of the senario. she has not imformed him of anything really.

i have spoken to her on the phone and made sure that she knows that i am here for her but also explained what she has done to the family.
my father is in the process of disowning her disloyal daughter and wants not to talk of her ever again and my mother is besides herself with worry of the possibilities taht could happen to her.
i also explained the reprecussions of this "good idea" both financially and emotionally.

the family is all over the shop at the mo. im trying to be the impartial middle man but it doesnt seem to work.

i wish she wasnt so nieve to what is happening around her
vixenshe said:
I dunno about you guys, but up here in BC, a 32 year old sleeping with a 17 year old is called Statutory Rape. (I may have spelled that wrong).

He could go to jail for it.

not here - 16 is the age of consent and that is it / you dont get statutory rape here

It is a difficlut one wiz , but cutting her off as your dad wants is wrong - just be there and when she wakes up and sees what she has done then sort it out

to try and tell a 17 year old girl what to do never works

try tell any teenager what to do for that matter - she is a young adult now and needs to take some responsibility for her actions

I was doon pit at 12 and had 3 kids by 16 - but things were different then
wizbit9 said:
... it is something to do with her being the only one of her 5 friends whos parents are stil together and live with a man in the house. i think this sort of state in society is fucked beyond belief. when was it ever wrong to have a 2.4 family

The majority of my daughters' friends come from split homes. When I deal with the education authority I get asked 'And your daughter's name is...' in that tone of voice that expects her surname to be different.

My too daughters are young and sometimes it is funny to see the look of astonishment from her firends when I answer, 'Yep, I am her daddy and I still live with her mother.'

Times have changed so much since when I was at school and single parents and 'new daddies' were considered shameful.

That isn't a bad thing. But reversing the situation is ridiculous.
Being embarrassed to be part of a 2.4 family is silly, just as it was to be embarrassed at being a one parent or 'new daddy' family.
Gord said:

to try and tell a 17 year old girl what to do never works

true true.

i remember when i was 17 (never again thankgod)

however i respected my parents judgements and rulings and i havent gone too far off the rails:D

and mr rabbit its true times have changed. wether it is for the best i am still undecided on the matter. thanks for your post however :)
I'm so sorry, wiz, that you and your family are experiencing this kind of pain. It's never easy to watch a loved one make mistakes.

juicylips said:
I'm so sorry, wiz, that you and your family are experiencing this kind of pain. It's never easy to watch a loved one make mistakes.


as we have said before jl love is blind and in this case thick as shit :p