Happy Birthday Silly Man and Everyone else!


Citizen of the World
Jan 7, 2003
Happy Birthday Silly Man,

I wish you life, health, peace and happiness.

Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and wish you well.

Just for today, I wish it was your birthday 10 yrs ago. If I could change the past or fix things, I would, but all I can do is be me, warts and all.

If you need me, you can find me beside the striped pajamas, in the falling rain when you walk, the light of the moon and the stars, the giggle you hear in the winds, and the rumble of distant thunder.

Miss you horribly,

Happy Birthday to all the silly men and women on lit whose birthday is today! :rose:

cascadevew, Desert Dweller, Oothoon, Northern Lights, JohnW1, choily, Outlet, Talking Head, LittleMC, 2Kool4Skool, Tine, MrMondayNite, Indianadude, cfx, mijo,vegetableguy, Bazza18, Blake Lofton, curiousgal_ca, Sarita2885, SillyLady, therathen, long1dave, flam979, hawaiianknight, AuroraChampagne, jeepmom, DreamAuthor,Nightjak, morris24590, splshnszzl, flygirl12b, StarlitLillith, LovingOne, skolpada, dragon_blood53, badgerbox, NC_HotChocolate, huntersangel, Plsurgiver, dgtex (83),linusbbd (74), Legion05 (73), SmallFry (71), oldpatsfan (68), pirateye (67), thepirate (67), Bigg Appleman (66), whiteknt4u (65), moises (64), kent51 (63),whatsinanameuk (63), Whatsin (63), systeman (63), a_silly_man (63), whatsinanamee (63), Loves Enjoying (62), BigDog75 (62), greenmands (62), KinkyWacoMan (62),jerry_efun (61), Flag staff (61), jayhawker9 (61), deepinyous (60), inneroasis (60), Dinkledorf (60), HOG1954, clerow (58), hotrize (58), romanticsoul4u (58), kinkyj (57),cycleman (57), Kinky Lady (57), Z and Larson (57), loreric (57), domntn (57), salinaoaks (55), myeyesonly6902 (55), whatstl (55), IITYWYBMAD (55), mysticman1958(55), neverboring, KKKKKKKKKK (54), wvboy6 (54), scottgr59 (54), kwade1 (54), baltimore5886 (54), systemanx (53), desert Xdawg (53), antontexas (53),teddybears1060 (53), Bob_d (53), 1lady (52), teddy12924 (52), Dancukcpl (52), Du Lac (52), tommason (52), fwdoz (51), sturat69 (51), sturat2469 (51), trishi (50),Darkmetal (50), jdf214 (50), sinnnnner (50), n8tive1 (49), eboniswetpantys (49), eboneelicious (49), jazzatnight (49), atalietigrou (49), Letsplayalittle (49), hard4u70123(49), playman64 (49), KGrey (48), ZenDragoness (48), asif965 (48), HawkwindBlues (48), Expertise (47), metoohornileus (47), tdave6 (47), Chatomana (47), deernut84(47), djmjj (46), John Wahl (46), ZBar (46), mysterion (46), jjjackson2 (46), SonicScrotum (46), hungrylikethewolf (45), SalisburyBen (45), idluv2licku (45), luvBIGtits(44), adonis_001sg (44), RoogeinMI (44), Devious Honey (44), DarkDreaming (44), Chidea (44), roxyyyyyy (44), Skrag (43), antpeks (43), KrazyMax (42), MaximusPrime(42), vnxone (42), lovergirl_lane (42), cuddlepie (42), sonja1971_2005 (42), bostondavid (42), nudedude72 (41), litespeed72 (41), warchilde (41), chistu05 (41), kriseis(40), misfit73 (40), baskingInTheSun (40), james_openguy (40), SANJAY1 (40), TDawg007 (39), sparky48228 (39), zen beatnik (39), Johnny Mayberry (39), olliecwl (39),HornynSoJersey (39), Tattooshaman (39), Caravelle (39), stuffinit (39), ilmj73 (38), drtymc (38), Wyldnight (38), TheJiggler (38), Face2055 (38), freshburst (37), eeusmc(37), lowke03 (37), foreverlost (37), humanitiesguy (37), Sloane30 (37), Qzip55 (36), naked (36), wanna69 (36), sdgydx (36), ButchMcfury (36), jazzyp (36), bigncheezi(35), Mnementh (35), alanmillan (35), BadBoy2004 (35), cwazygwasshoppa (35), AnatoleSJ (35), dirtyd1 (35), ssandman (35), fat_bastard (35), Bazzer1978 (35), OreXX(34), jd#3 (34), leveller (34), Thefraserman (34), complicatednblissful (34), TheIndividual (34), stormraven (34), NMF6162 (34), dr_e_friendly (34), sirpogo (34),scooter969 (34), complicatedfaery (34), jekyl_and_hyde (34), nightray (33), punkrockpoet (33), Amoeba123 (33), 94Accord (33), mott0204 (33), nowornever69 (33),Tattoed Guyi (33), badrenschen (33), pixie007 (33), ANLLUVR (32), pilotmonki (32), raerae81 (32), sandiegocatch22 (32), masochick (32), doublet26 (32), multiii (32),sacredfeminine9 (32), RedJuniper (32), pjc22 (31), longhardnight (31), pussykatt69 (31), krickyn (31), bells (31), Pho (31), LA_male (31), CherryCat (31), E_Z_BOY,RebelGoddess (30), Ferun (30), wahoo05 (30), darktempest (30), jlsfro (30), InHisSteps13099 (30), Humpty210 (29), Jasondm (29), odiuqsom11 (29), Doctor Jazza (29),mc_fun (29), jasoncar40 (29), Sven342 (29), amustang (29), mr.happy7 (28), _Toronto_Guy1_ (28), Ciera639 (28), ///Genesis\\\ (28), BerryBarely (28), deadphysh,LitMan857 (27), popcorn playa (27), cumster22 (27), bibuddabelly (27), cdcumqueen (27), squeekypunk (27), BlowjobQueen, beachlifeguard (26), fetish07 (26), escdude(26), DeathxCabxDrive (26), SororityGrl4U (26), alwayshard87 (26), Good_Guy3021 (26), mindfungus (26), yourOwngood (26), picollamia (26), Amity87, DelaynaDee(25), girlswithcurves (25), sir_johnathan (25), Sarienna (23)
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Happy Birthday Silly Man,

I wish you life, health, peace and happiness.

Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and wish you well.

Just for today, I wish it was your birthday 11 yrs ago. If I could change the past or fix things, I would, but all I can do is be me, warts and all.

If you need me, you can find me beside the striped pajamas, in the falling rain when you walk, the light of the moon and the stars, the giggle you hear in the winds, and the rumble of distant thunder.

Miss you horribly,

Happy Birthday to all the silly men and women on lit whose birthday is today! :rose:

View Birthdays
cascadevew, Desert Dweller, Oothoon, Northern Lights, JohnW1, choily, Outlet, Talking Head, LittleMC, 2Kool4Skool, Tine, MrMondayNite, Indianadude, cfx, mijo, vegetableguy, Bazza18, Blake Lofton, curiousgal_ca, Sarita2885, SillyLady, therathen, long1dave, flam979, hawaiianknight, AuroraChampagne, jeepmom, DreamAuthor, Nightjak, morris24590, splshnszzl, flygirl12b, StarlitLillith, LovingOne, skolpada, dragon_blood53, badgerbox, NC_HotChocolate, huntersangel, Plsurgiver, dgtex (84), linusbbd (75), Legion05 (74), SmallFry (72), oldpatsfan (69), pirateye (68), thepirate (68), Bigg Appleman (67), whiteknt4u (66), moises (65), kent51 (64), whatsinanameuk (64), Whatsin (64), systeman (64), a_silly_man (64), whatsinanamee (64), Loves Enjoying (63), BigDog75 (63), greenmands (63), KinkyWacoMan (63), jerry_efun (62), Flag staff (62), jayhawker9 (62), deepinyous (61), inneroasis (61), Dinkledorf (61), HOG1954, clerow (59), hotrize (59), romanticsoul4u (59), kinkyj (58), cycleman (58), Kinky Lady (58), Z and Larson (58), loreric (58), domntn (58), salinaoaks (56), myeyesonly6902 (56), whatstl (56), IITYWYBMAD (56), mysticman1958 (56), neverboring, KKKKKKKKKK (55), wvboy6 (55), scottgr59 (55), kwade1 (55), baltimore5886 (55), systemanx (54), desert Xdawg (54), antontexas (54), teddybears1060 (54), Bob_d (54), 1lady (53), teddy12924 (53), Dancukcpl (53), Du Lac (53), tommason (53), fwdoz (52), sturat69 (52), sturat2469 (52), trishi (51), Darkmetal (51), jdf214 (51), sinnnnner (51), n8tive1 (50), eboniswetpantys (50), eboneelicious (50), jazzatnight (50), atalietigrou (50), Letsplayalittle (50), hard4u70123 (50), playman64 (50), KGrey (49), ZenDragoness (49), asif965 (49), HawkwindBlues (49), Expertise (48), metoohornileus (48), tdave6 (48), Chatomana (48), deernut84 (48), djmjj (47), John Wahl (47), ZBar (47), mysterion (47), jjjackson2 (47), SonicScrotum (47), hungrylikethewolf (46), SalisburyBen (46), idluv2licku (46), luvBIGtits (45), adonis_001sg (45), RoogeinMI (45), Devious Honey (45), DarkDreaming (45), Chidea (45), roxyyyyyy (45), Skrag (44), antpeks (44), KrazyMax (43), MaximusPrime (43), vnxone (43), lovergirl_lane (43), cuddlepie (43), sonja1971_2005 (43), bostondavid (43), nudedude72 (42), litespeed72 (42), warchilde (42), chistu05 (42), kriseis (41), misfit73 (41), baskingInTheSun (41), james_openguy (41), SANJAY1 (41), TDawg007 (40), sparky48228 (40), zen beatnik (40), Johnny Mayberry (40), olliecwl (40), HornynSoJersey (40), Tattooshaman (40), Caravelle (40), stuffinit (40), ilmj73 (39), drtymc (39), Wyldnight (39), TheJiggler (39), Face2055 (39), freshburst (38), eeusmc (38), lowke03 (38), foreverlost (38), humanitiesguy (38), Sloane30 (38), Qzip55 (37), naked (37), wanna69 (37), sdgydx (37), ButchMcfury (37), jazzyp (37), bigncheezi (36), Mnementh (36), alanmillan (36), BadBoy2004 (36), cwazygwasshoppa (36), AnatoleSJ (36), dirtyd1 (36), ssandman (36), fat_bastard (36), Bazzer1978 (36), OreXX (35), jd#3 (35), leveller (35), Thefraserman (35), complicatednblissful (35), TheIndividual (35), stormraven (35), NMF6162 (35), dr_e_friendly (35), sirpogo (35), scooter969 (35), complicatedfaery (35), jekyl_and_hyde (35), nightray (34), punkrockpoet (34), Amoeba123 (34), 94Accord (34), mott0204 (34), nowornever69 (34), Tattoed Guyi (34), badrenschen (34), pixie007 (34), ANLLUVR (33), pilotmonki (33), raerae81 (33), sandiegocatch22 (33), masochick (33), doublet26 (33), multiii (33), sacredfeminine9 (33), RedJuniper (33), pjc22 (32), longhardnight (32), pussykatt69 (32), krickyn (32), bells (32), Pho (32), LA_male (32), CherryCat (32), E_Z_BOY, RebelGoddess (31), Ferun (31), wahoo05 (31), darktempest (31), jlsfro (31), InHisSteps13099 (31), Humpty210 (30), Jasondm (30), odiuqsom11 (30), Doctor Jazza (30), mc_fun (30), jasoncar40 (30), Sven342 (30), amustang (30), mr.happy7 (29), _Toronto_Guy1_ (29), Ciera639 (29), ///Genesis\\\ (29), BerryBarely (29), deadphysh, LitMan857 (28), popcorn playa (28), cumster22 (28), bibuddabelly (28), cdcumqueen (28), squeekypunk (28), BlowjobQueen, beachlifeguard (27), fetish07 (27), escdude (27), DeathxCabxDrive (27), SororityGrl4U (27), alwayshard87 (27), Good_Guy3021 (27), yourOwngood (27), picollamia (27), Amity87, DelaynaDee (26), girlswithcurves (26), sir_johnathan (26), Sarienna (24)