Happy Birthday Raw Humor!

Have a wonderful Birthday RH!

I hope that you get all the presents that you deserve and all the ones that you don't. ;-)
One birthday kiss for each year, to be placed where you wish. :kiss:
modest mouse said:
You don't act a day over 12.
hhhhhhhhhhhi mOUsy...

thank you for making the thread...

heh..another dark searet 4u

lOOky Rex.. my new friend.

and you have been so kind to me

i am super flatter...

hmmmmm.... you are just born kind


even your name says sO.. read...


dest~dearest ?



s p a l l

modest mouse !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Have a Happy birthday! Cold, but happy! It must at least cheer up the dark days of January for you. :)
Hey, thanks everyone. I have to say, of all the people who I thought might start a thread for me about this, MM would not have been one that I'd have guessed. So, thanks MM!
His_kitty said:
Have a wonderful Birthday RH!

I hope that you get all the presents that you deserve and all the ones that you don't. ;-)

Thanks, sweetie!
glamorilla said:
hey whaddya know~it is.

happy birthday rh.

avoid std's!

You always know what a person likes for their birthday. LOL

Thanks, Glam.
I can't keep responding to everyone individually, but thank you all.

Chey, the Weather Channel said -9F this morning when I got up. Apparently, it got to -17 overnight.
Have a Happy BD, Raw!!!

No reply needed just do it.:D :p