Happy Birthday Kikmosa! (November 28)


Literotica Guru
Dec 26, 2000
Happy Birthday Kiki!!!!!!!!!

(Geez, I had no idea before now!)

Happy Birthday my friend. May the next year fill you with light and hope for the best of things to come your way. You truly deserve them. and thank you for being such a terrific part of Lit.
It's worth repeating....(double the threads, double the pleasure! hehe)

Happy Birthday Kiki! You are such an awesome, talented person!

May all your wishes be granted and your year be filled with happiness and joy!

Blush and double blush. Wow... two b-day threads for me. Thank you all so much. I truly love you all. Your the best people in the whole world
:kiss: 's and ((Hugs)) foe everyone.
cake and candles
and bollons
a room full of mandels
should help you swoon

my wish for a life
full of all good
take all the strife
and eat like a plate of food

hey there beautiful!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIKIMOSA YOU ARE A SWEET ,WONDERFUL LADY !! XOXOXO :heart: :kiss: :rose: X12 BABE huggs ya tight , hope it was great for ya love..
A big happy birthday to you Kiki! May all your birthday wishes come true!!!:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

had your spankin' yet, darlin'?...:devil:
:rose: :rose: :rose:
kikmosa said:
Not yet... Care to do the honors....:devil:

:D nothing that I'd like better kiki... ;)

but, under the circumstances...

would you settle for a ....

{{{{{{{{{{{{ KIKI }}}}}}}}}}}}
Soron said:
:D nothing that I'd like better kiki... ;)

but, under the circumstances...

would you settle for a ....

{{{{{{{{{{{{ KIKI }}}}}}}}}}}}
Mmmmmm...... Thank you Soron
Soron said:
My pleasure sweetheart

Happy Birthday

are you drinking age now?...:D
And doubled, giggle. Not ashamed of it. I'm 42 today. And earned every year of it.
kikmosa said:
And doubled, giggle. Not ashamed of it. I'm 42 today. And earned every year of it.

Ah hell, you're in the prime of your life darlin'...;)

I still got ya beat...25 going on 50 :devil:
Soron said:
Ah hell, you're in the prime of your life darlin'...;)

I still got ya beat...25 going on 50 :devil:
Lol, you haven't even reached middle age yet.

25 = adult

60 = middle age

120 = old age
kikmosa said:
Lol, you haven't even reached middle age yet.

25 = adult

60 = middle age

120 = old age

all I know is, I'm still having fun :rose: ;)

nastygirl said:
*Birthday Bump*

Hmmm.....let's do the *bump* together....maybe getting her in between us??? *weg*

Sending out more birthday wishes for a wonderful lady, and like sirhugs said.....to hell with what you deserve, get what you WANT!!!

Curious_Fem said:
Hmmm.....let's do the *bump* together....maybe getting her in between us??? *weg*

Sending out more birthday wishes for a wonderful lady, and like sirhugs said.....to hell with what you deserve, get what you WANT!!!

Awww... you guys and gals are making me blush. And I do have what I want. A place to go that accepts me as I am. I feel so at home here at Lit. More so then I ever felt anyplace in r/l. I love you all.
((((((((((hugs)))))))))) and :kiss: 's for you all.