Happy Birthday, Darrenfate


Literotica Guru
Oct 2, 2001
I’m in desperate need of a reprieve from this arctic mountain air. I miss the feel of the warm sun coating my bare flesh. So, I’ve decided to use your birthday as an excuse for an island getaway. You don’t mind, do you? All you would have to do is pack a toothbrush. <grin>


Happy Birthday, Darren! I hope your day is full of wondrous surprises.


Chanaud aka Jamie, Giselle, Kara, Dr. Chanaud, Rosita, Lexie, etc., etc., etc.
Darren -

It's been far too long since I've given you one of these...



Happiest of Birthdays to you, luv. You deserve the best.

Chanuad -

I'm sure we'd all love detailed descriptions of your bare flesh. It sets my mind wandering...
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Awwwwwwwwwww, I missed this thread!

Happy belated Darren. I hope you got the PM Birthday wishes I sent. Had I seen this thread, I'd have posted it here!

I hope your birthday was filled with fun. *huge hug and a great big kiss on the lips*

Happy Birthday!
I missed your birthday, too? DAMN! I deserve to be tied up and flogged! Please? *grin* Miss you much love. Hope to talk to you soon.

Happy Birthday Darren! Sorry to have missed your day, will a kiss buy your forgiveness? Hope your day was all you desired.

Caspi, thanks for posting so I could add my good wishes to the rest.
Happy Birthday, Darren. I hope I am not too late to say that.

Long time no see.
