Happy birthday Azwed

Happy Birthday...

Hope you spend it with people you like being with, and not some dumb place like.....work!

Ahhh, to be 19 again....
Ackk this is early damn you people across the international dateline. ;)

LC I am 23 i would love to be 19 again too. :D
Didja' get any presents?

Give us the inventory.
Or are you like me, I buy what I want instead of I need, a reward for making it another year.
Re: Didja' get any presents?

Lost Cause said:
Give us the inventory.
Or are you like me, I buy what I want instead of I need, a reward for making it another year.

No presents no one in my family has any money right now.

I think my mom and dad are going to help me put a dent in my CC bill but thats about it.

I am going to go out tomorrow with some friends so I will get free drinks then and I usually go to one of the public speakers that my university has right around my birthday. That is Tech's present to me. We have James Earl Jones coming up next week so that will be cool.

I got my 53 dollar tax refund so that is the States present.

I am just trying to save money right now since me my roommates and some other people are trying to buy a locak business.
Happy Birthday...

Go Party...:D

But don't touch the Bacardi...


Enjoy today Azwed for yesterday is but a memory and tomorrow is not yet, but today...is yours for the taking! :)
I bought you your own mini for your birthday. I hope you like it.

Happy Birthday, Azwed :kiss:

Happy Happy Birthday, oh, leader of my party .. uhm .. I'd put the name of it .. but I don't remember what you called it and I'm too lazy to do a search ..

Anyway, :nana: have a happy!