Happy Birthday AmeliaIsHorny


Creepers Gotta Creep
Jan 24, 2002
And Happy Halloween too!

I know I'm a day early, but that's only so I can beat DebbieXXX to the punch.

And I know that's not your screenname anymore, but I still think of you that way.

And you share your b-day with my god-daughter, but she's quite a bit younger than you.

And you're hot.
Happy Birthay Amelia.

I hope your day is fruitful and filled with many dancing bananas.

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:
Upon that night, when fairies light
On Cassilis Downans dance,
Or owre the lays, in splendid blaze,
On sprightly coursers prance;
Or for Colean the route is ta'en,
Beneath the moon's pale beams;
There, up the cove, to stray and rove,
Among the rocks and streams
To sport that night.

From Halloween by Robert Burns

Happy Birthday to such a beautiful spirit! Amelia, I hope your birthday is wonderful! :rose:
Happy Birthday Bediliaishorneeeeeeee <grinning> Keep your gnome in full view, so you don't get your ass kicked *laughing*

Happy Birthday, amelia!

this lady had just the right idea for her garden....perfect height......for easily straddling of the gnome cap.....lil garden nookie.....;)

Happy birthday Amelia Badelia!!!
Hope you have a fantastic day. :)

May your glass always be over
half full. :D
Happy Birtday Amelia.

Pucker up, I have some "boo"-tieman Kisses for you.

aka "Mr. Bootie"
Happy B-day amelia and and lilminx. Hope you both have wonderfaul halloween/b-days filled with everything your pretty lil hearts could hope for.
Many happy returns, Amelia :D

I'm still taking care of little Maximus Zaphod Blayde :D He's getting bigger, you know :D
I have nothing original to add.

Happy birthday, I hope you feel as good as you made the rest of us feel :D
Happy birthday Amelia.

You have many people here to help you feel happy on your special day.

I am at a loss. :)
Happy burfday Amelia!

I invented a word for you...


Do with it what you will...
lilminx said:
Happy early birthday to my fellow Halloweenie.
OK, so what's the deal, eh? I have enough trouble keeping track of birthdays without having to know in advance.