Happy 100th Birthyear, friggin' 16th Amendment!


Literotica Guru
Jun 27, 2010
As Tax Day 2013 dawns on the morrow, what better to do than celebrate the Federal Income Tax's centennial anniversary allowed, of course, by the ratification of the 16th Amendment to the Constitution, giving the federal government the arbitrary power to forcefully tax its citizens...

A federal income tax was first seriously considered to finance the war of 1812, but that war ended before the effort gained steam. But then came America's next war - the so-called Civil one - and Lincoln, Republican, all by his Executive lonesome, dictated the very first income tax and created the Office of Commissioner of Internal Revenue to finance the War and collect taxation for it to exist; the South, meanwhile, countered by creating its own income tax the next year for the very same purpose.

Ahhh, war...

...don't you just love the friggin' smell of it.

10 years after the War and Lincoln ceased to be, so did that initial chapter of the income tax as it's law was reversed, and it was back to tariffs only to finance the limited government which also returned after Lincoln's colossal statist adventure...

...by 1884, eg, federal government revenue was outpacing outlays by 35%, the surplus being used to continue to pay down Lincoln's War debts from more than 20 years earlier.

Alas, America's nirvana of existing in its original untaxed state was quickly threatened as the progressive political philosophy of Europe's statists began in earnest invading these great shores and another war began - this time a war of socialist class variety that continues into this very day...

...for all of a sudden in America it wasn't fair that less-incomed folks had to share the cost of goods equally with their more-incomed fellow citizen, so Democrats proposed America's first peace-time income tax while dressing it as tariff-reduction legislation to ease the politically-perceived financial burden of one class at the increased expense of another class. The legislation passed both chambers of Congress, and Republican President Grover Cleveland allowed it to become law in 1894 without his signature because even though he didn't like the Democrat version, he thought it better than nothing.

Yet, a bit of fight was still left in class-warfareless Americana: the Supreme Court stepped-in the next year, 1895, and struck-down the legislation by its Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co. ruling...

...but the progressives were only beginning to fight, and with over the next decade+ of stern statist championing of the twin imperial racists Republican Teddy Roosevelt and Democrat Woodrow Wilson, in 1913 the 16th Amendment was ratified, making the federal income tax the law of the land.

The highest arbitrary rates at which American citizens have been taxed to keep military and class wars alive began at 2% on the most wealthy; it reached 94% during-right after WWII; today it stands @ 39.6% (although I believe I recently read that President Obama - as staunch a class warfarist and progressive income tax champion as has ever lived - somehow managed to arrange his income to only be taxed this year at a 18% rate).

So, there you have:

Involuntary federal income taxation arbitrarily decided by the whim of government, the Constitutional power to collect that tax guaranteed by the 16th Amendment 100 years old this year, military and class warfare eternally demanding annual payment now...

...yet, the USSA is minimally over $16 trillion in debt today.

< enter PT Barnum, stage left <
Cleveland wasn't a Republican.

Also: "Lincoln's colossal statist adventure?" Seriously?
It's a dark day tomorrow. My tax bill this year is so brutal that I'm considering switching political polarity for the nonce.
It's a dark day tomorrow. My tax bill this year is so brutal that I'm considering switching political polarity for the nonce.

Ha ha ha - you suck. I overestimated and get $ back this year. Plus I owe $0 in state taxes for 2012.
We have Napoleon to blame for income tax. Bastard French.
Next year will be the last year I have a tax deduction. I wish kids aged backwards sometimes.
The highest arbitrary rates at which American citizens have been taxed to keep military and class wars alive began at 2% on the most wealthy; it reached 94% during-right after WWII; today it stands @ 39.6% (although I believe I recently read that President Obama - as staunch a class warfarist and progressive income tax champion as has ever lived - somehow managed to arrange his income to only be taxed this year at a 18% rate).

So, there you have:

Involuntary federal income taxation arbitrarily decided by the whim of government, the Constitutional power to collect that tax guaranteed by the 16th Amendment 100 years old this year, military and class warfare eternally demanding annual payment now...

...yet, the USSA is minimally over $16 trillion in debt today.

< enter PT Barnum, stage left <

Yeah, remember how fucking terrible the economy was right after WWII? The USA just went into a deep depression, the Soviet Union took over the world, Klaatu had to come and tell us to stop sending nukes into outer space,it was awful. Clearly, high tax rates will be the doom of us all.
Next year will be the last year I have a tax deduction. I wish kids aged backwards sometimes.

I know those feelings well. After several years, you'll get a return if you're dumb enough to walk out on a job that was your saving grace in day-to-day living large. By the time you've regained your sanity by accepting a lower paying one is what it is, then you won't complain with the 'bonus' return.

But I'm 'moving up' again w/out kids under my roof, so I'll be paying back in again next year......big time. No regrets, I just hate the side effects.
Thanks for the informative post. I didn't know that there was a federal income tax during the civil war.

Perhaps someday the federal income tax will be abolished again, just as many state governments have abolished their income taxes. It may seem like a ways off now, but as I always say: "its always darkest just before sunrise." ;)
Yeah, remember how f**king terrible the economy was right after WWII? The USA just went into a deep depression, the Soviet Union took over the world, Klaatu had to come and tell us to stop sending nukes into outer space,it was awful. Clearly, high tax rates will be the doom of us all.

I thought a Republican Congress lowered income taxes after the war. Have to check on that though.

At any rate, I think its pretty unarguable that America's post-war Golden Age has more to do with the fact that we stopped taking so many immigrants. It corresponds to one of the period's with one of the historically lowest rates of immi's. That has much more to do with our Golden Age than any tax policies or anything else.

Our current gradual decline dates from about the time we re-opened the floodgates in the late 60's.
Cleveland wasn't a Republican.

You're right - he was a Democrat...

...making the Donkeys fully responsible for passing into law the income tax of 1894, which the Supreme Court struck down the next year.

Your Asses...

...my mistake.

Also: "Lincoln's colossal statist adventure?" Seriously?

Willing to sacrifice the very life of the republic just to forcefully prevent, go to all-out war against sovereign states voting to voluntarily leave the very Union they voluntarily joined in the first place?

Your wife very well may have already divorced you, I really don't know (but would certainly understand if she has)...

...but if she hasn't and decides to someday, you gonna do a Lincoln and be willing to kill her instead of letting her leave freely?
Here's to me having a job! *raises a glass*

Is that why all the H&R blocks are having a party? I thought it was just because tax season was almost over.

I did not realize it until a few minutes ago, but President Lincoln was assassinated this very night in 1865...

...@ approximately 10:15 pm, EST.

At any rate, I think its pretty unarguable that America's post-war Golden Age has more to do with the fact that we stopped taking so many immigrants. It corresponds to one of the period's with one of the historically lowest rates of immi's. That has much more to do with our Golden Age than any tax policies or anything else.

Um, I'll argue that. How about Wehrner von Braun? He was an immigrant, and he was pretty helpful after the war. We are, approximately, a nation entirely of immigrants and their descendants. How can you say that immigrants hurt us? As for "unarguable," which historians agree with you? I want citations.
Should five per cent appear too small
Be thankful I don't take it all
'Cause I'm the taxman, yeah I'm the taxman . . .