Hanns Schmidt 1...Lit. Police 0...Too Damn Funny...


Lits. Only GENIOUS...
Feb 21, 2001
The people who protest and post the most "anti-troll" topics turn right around and troll the so called trolls...Four weeks of the "Hanns Schmidt Invasion" have gone by and now the board is implementing a "Can't beat Hanns Schmidt, so troll Hanns Schmidt" philosophy...

Flood Hanns' PM Box...
Constantly post to Hanns...
De-rail every topic of Hanns...
Diss Hanns 24/7...

You so called "troll haters" have sunk to his level...You have become trolls yourself...

Hanns Schmidt 1...
Lit. 0...

KID ROCK1 said:
The people who protest and post the most "anti-troll" topics turn right around and troll the so called trolls...Four weeks of the "Hanns Schmidt Invasion" have gone by and now the board is implementing a "Can't beat Hanns Schmidt, so troll Hanns Schmidt" philosophy...

Flood Hanns' PM Box...
Constantly post to Hanns...
De-rail every topic of Hanns...
Diss Hanns 24/7...

You so called "troll haters" have sunk to his level...You have become trolls yourself...

Hanns Schmidt 1...
Lit. 0...


Another salad tosser.
I think he's about done. Do you think you could give him the address for The Home For Worn Out Trolls? He'd make a great roommate for you.
KID ROCK1 said:
The people who protest and post the most "anti-troll" topics turn right around and troll the so called trolls...Four weeks of the "Hanns Schmidt Invasion" have gone by and now the board is implementing a "Can't beat Hanns Schmidt, so troll Hanns Schmidt" philosophy...

Flood Hanns' PM Box...
Constantly post to Hanns...
De-rail every topic of Hanns...
Diss Hanns 24/7...

You so called "troll haters" have sunk to his level...You have become trolls yourself...

Hanns Schmidt 1...
Lit. 0...


Hmmm....sooner or later Hanns antics will no longer amuse and then he will be forgoten and die away......it's happened before, but then you of all people should know that ;)
Re: Re: Hanns Schmidt 1...Lit. Police 0...Too Damn Funny...

HeavyStick said:
You're like a hemorrhoid, but uglier.

He's a hickey on a hemorrhoid on a hemorrhoid.
Re: Re: Re: Hanns Schmidt 1...Lit. Police 0...Too Damn Funny...

Bob_Bytchin said:
He's a hickey on a hemorrhoid on a hemorrhoid.

you mean the ones that hang out like a bunch of grapes?
Re: Re: Re: Hanns Schmidt 1...Lit. Police 0...Too Damn Funny...

Bob_Bytchin said:
He's a hickey on a hemorrhoid on a hemorrhoid.
And we know who put that hickey there, don't we, KR?
KID ROCK1 said:
The people who protest and post the most "anti-troll" topics turn right around and troll the so called trolls...Four weeks of the "Hanns Schmidt Invasion" have gone by and now the board is implementing a "Can't beat Hanns Schmidt, so troll Hanns Schmidt" philosophy...

Flood Hanns' PM Box...
Constantly post to Hanns...
De-rail every topic of Hanns...
Diss Hanns 24/7...

You so called "troll haters" have sunk to his level...You have become trolls yourself...

Hanns Schmidt 1...
Lit. 0...



"blah blah blah... I have a killer mullet... blah blah blah... I'm a redneck from hell... blah blah blah... I'm only educated to 6th grade and that was a fluke... blah blah blah"
Re: Re: Re: Re: Hanns Schmidt 1...Lit. Police 0...Too Damn Funny...

HeavyStick said:
you mean the ones that hang out like a bunch of grapes?
Re: Re: Hanns Schmidt 1...Lit. Police 0...Too Damn Funny...

TN_Vixen said:

"blah blah blah... I have a killer mullet... blah blah blah... I'm a redneck from hell... blah blah blah... I'm only educated to 6th grade and that was a fluke... blah blah blah"

Several women on this board that come to mind are getting wet reading that.
Re: Re: Re: Hanns Schmidt 1...Lit. Police 0...Too Damn Funny...

Problem Child said:
Several women on this board that come to mind are getting wet reading that.

And the men? How's your fidoodler?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hanns Schmidt 1...Lit. Police 0...Too Damn Funny...

HeavyStick said:

all we need now is jelly or syrup.

Now that is nasty !!!

I like it :D :D :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hanns Schmidt 1...Lit. Police 0...Too Damn Funny...

HeavyStick said:

all we need now is jelly or syrup.


"I prefer Syrup!!"
I find it amusing that the majority of the "troll haters" are the ones who respond to an opinion voicing their opposition to what was posted and argue to the contrary with such kindergarten vigor and intelligence with replies like,

"You're a salad tosser too"...
"You're uglier than a hemmoroid"...
"You want me"...
"You belong at a home for worn out trolls"...

Ya know whats even funnier...

I haven't trolled anyone since I returned...I never post to one person just to harrass them...I make a comment based upon my board observations and then the boards "troll haters" become trolls themselves...You "troll haters" can't condemn Hanns for his posting ethics and in the same breath do a 180 and become a "Hanns" yourself...

The reason you Lit. Police can't get rid of trolls is because you're trolls too...

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hanns Schmidt 1...Lit. Police 0...Too Damn Funny...

HeavyStick said:

all we need now is jelly or syrup.

That guy has strawberry preserves up his ass!
KID ROCK1 said:
"You want me"...

I make a comment based upon my board observations and then the boards "troll haters" become trolls themselves


I'm not a troll hater, I'm a troll lover.
badasschick said:

I'm not a troll hater, I'm a troll lover.

da Chronic must be good where you are. I'm jealous.

and I just wanna sing Limp Bizkit now.
KID ROCK1 said:
I find it amusing that the majority of the "troll haters" are the ones who respond to an opinion voicing their opposition to what was posted and argue to the contrary with such kindergarten vigor and intelligence with replies like,

"You're a salad tosser too"...
"You're uglier than a hemmoroid"...
"You want me"...
"You belong at a home for worn out trolls"...

Ya know whats even funnier...

I haven't trolled anyone since I returned...I never post to one person just to harrass them...I make a comment based upon my board observations and then the boards "troll haters" become trolls themselves...You "troll haters" can't condemn Hanns for his posting ethics and in the same breath do a 180 and become a "Hanns" yourself...

The reason you Lit. Police can't get rid of trolls is because you're trolls too...


I've read a post about you and from what it says you posted peoples private and personal info on the net where any nutcase could use it.....do you maybe think thats why people here don't like ya...ehhhh ?

So why are whining now....cause people have memorys ?