hanging breasts

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HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM........I've been told these are Emmy's pics....
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lucklucky i dont think these are pictures of you they have been altered and you are posting someone elses pictures please stop
I am wondering though...

These were 2 of your best.

We are able to catch a little of your beautiful smile and lovely hair


This looks like Emmy to me looking at it a bit more carefully here. That seems a little odd.........:confused:
Nice photoshopped work of EMMY....
Does everyone know what you are up to??
Apparently the mods don't care, but anyone chatting with you should know that you are not being honest about your pictures.
Anyone who likes Emmy, should cut you off.

Yes, Emmy wanted to deal with it herself :(
Nasty, is all I can say.
She's removed all her pics now.
I must have missed something here. Hope it didn't kill the thread as it was one of my favorites.
for fred

before anyone asks.... 40F :)
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