hands ~ at work, at play, at rest

I like the lean and the hiding hand and I love the purple! looking wonderful, Tali.
Thanks Mara!
*whistles* Tali, you're beautiful.


Mara, I'm sorry for not posting anything in your thread in so long. I'll try to take a pic for ya today or tomorrow.
At work...and at play
Where do you work? ;)
I absolutely love this thread so from me bored at home hands :D

Oooo, pretty nails and bracelets, nice hand too Cute3Kitty!!
Mara, I'm sorry for not posting anything in your thread in so long. I'll try to take a pic for ya today or tomorrow.

I always love seeing your photos, TD, and I'm so grateful you feed this thread

At work...and at play

dancing in my seat... I just Love a naughty librarian! Great pic, TarHeelGuy, and thanks for posting here.

I absolutely love this thread so from me bored at home hands :D

mmm... beautiful hands, Cute3Kitty. Such pretty nails and bangles. Thanks for adding to the thread!
For Mara...

oh my MY, TD.... simply stunning :kiss:∞∞∞:heart:

I'm laughing because I was just on your thread drooling over your clamp pics. And you remember correctly -- I've got quite a collection.

*chuckles* And I remembered you have a few rather lovely scarves soo... tada! I did post this in my thread first though...:eek: