Hand Tremors


Virginal Temptress
Apr 13, 2013
Hey, I hate to bug you guys but has anyone on here had any experience with really bad hand tremors? I swear right now they are so bad I barely write. Typing seems to be no problem though. I take lithium for another condition i have an they have already checked once to see if my level were in toxic ranges which can cause this. Results were normal. This is important. Your feedback has been very helpful to me in the past.
Hey, I hate to bug you guys but has anyone on here had any experience with really bad hand tremors? I swear right now they are so bad I barely write. Typing seems to be no problem though. I take lithium for another condition i have an they have already checked once to see if my level were in toxic ranges which can cause this. Results were normal. This is important. Your feedback has been very helpful to me in the past.

I would definitely get that checked!
Hope everything's ok.:rose:
Breathe deeply through your nose, exhale through pursed lips, slowly.
Siren, listen..its very important to stay calm, ok Sweetie? You could be having a panic attack on top of the tremors, and that increased anxiety won't help. Deep breathing, warm bath, non-caffeinated beverage -but no alcohol which will interact with the Lithium.

Ideally, the local health department will have resources to help you get care if you can not afford it. They will see you on a sliding scale.

I really hope you get answers. :heart:
Siren, listen..its very important to stay calm, ok Sweetie? You could be having a panic attack on top of the tremors, and that increased anxiety won't help. Deep breathing, warm bath, non-caffeinated beverage -but no alcohol which will interact with the Lithium.

Ideally, the local health department will have resources to help you get care if you can not afford it. They will see you on a sliding scale.

I really hope you get answers. :heart:

I have both
I do feel a bit better but the tremors have worked its way up ot my breast and there is a visible twitch.
Hon, I can't diagnose you but I can reassure you that there are several possibilities - some quite benign. The most common reason for hand tremors is palsy. When you overuse muscles and they twitch from fatigue.

I agree with the others. The best thing you can do for it is to relax. I know; that's far easier said than done. I'd suggest a warm bath and concentrate on deep breathing. Remember when you had your babies? Those breathing exercises? Yeah, it's time to bring them back. I always tell my patients to "breathe in the roses and blow out the candles."

I'd definitely try to make it by the health dept tomorrow. I hope you get some answers and it's nothing serious.
My wife developed a hyperactive thyroid about 7 years ago, when it was bad she could barely hold a coffee cup.
My mom was diagnosed with lupus last year and the symptom that finally had them check for it was trembling in her hands. Don't mean to frighten you, but please get it checked.
My mom was diagnosed with lupus last year and the symptom that finally had them check for it was trembling in her hands. Don't mean to frighten you, but please get it checked.

I have already been diagnosed with another condition similar to lupus called CVID. Common Variables Immune Deficiency

Certain parts of my immune system don't work. I was diagnosed with the full blown disorder at 15 but its something I have always had. The tremors idn't start until after I had a nervous breakdown 2 years ago.

It has just been the last few weeks that it has gotten so bad. I got stare from people in the station when i was on vacation because I couldn't even keep a hold of my water bottle.
I have already been diagnosed with another condition similar to lupus called CVID. Common Variables Immune Deficiency

Certain parts of my immune system don't work. I was diagnosed with the full blown disorder at 15 but its something I have always had. The tremors idn't start until after I had a nervous breakdown 2 years ago.

It has just been the last few weeks that it has gotten so bad. I got stare from people in the station when i was on vacation because I couldn't even keep a hold of my water bottle.

I hope you're feeling better this morning!
Please do make an appointment to get that checked out, never wait to see if these things will go away...it's usually a first indicator of something else.

I was on lithium for a short while and had the same problem. I've been on a couple different anti-depressants for years now.....lamictal and wellbutrin. I have tremors in my left hand but not my right. It was a problem because I'm left handed. I had to learn to use my right hand for that. My doctor said it's not an uncommon side effect.