Hand Jobs........ They're aren't just for men!


Literotica Guru
Jun 26, 2011
Most of us guys love a good hand job, that's a given. But, how many of you "One Way" lovers fight off the urge to lick or fuck your woman's pussy and reciprocate by giving her a hand job?
I am talking about stimulating her manually using nothing but the palm of your hand and your fingers, no dildos, no vibes and no excuses...........

I love surprising my lover this way, especially in the morning or when we're parked on a back road at night with her skirt pulled up and her panties pulled down. I also like to pleasure her this way when she is face down and spread eagle on the bed or while we're spooning and I can whisper dirty things into her ear as I kiss and suck on her shoulders and neck. She is usually begging to be fucked by the time I push her over the edge..........

Hairy or smooth doesn't matter, as both have their own special nuances. I love to squeeze my fingers together and gently tug at a thick full bush, and smooth shaven pussies make a sharp wet sound when they are slapped. I like to trace the outline of her pink wet pussy lips with the tip of my middle finger and run it slowly up and down along the inside of her steamy folds. I like to tug back her fleshy hood with my first and third fingers, then strum her exposed clit like a guitar string with my middle finger. I can also spread her wide open this way and plunge that same teasing finger deep into her wetness.

As I mentioned, pussy and clit slapping are also part of our play. I would be ashamed if I didn't mention smearing the sweet slippery juices from her hot throbbing pussy over and around the tightly puckered ring of her tender asshole. Don't be afraid to let her see you lick or suck on your well coated fingers. I love it when she bites the pillow! ;)

I would love to hear from the experienced men that provide this type of pleasure and the lucky ladies who ultimately receive it. Do you like it? Do you love it? Do you want some more of it? Hmmmmm, guess my country roots are showing..........
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As a woman who has been fingered a time or two, I can assure you, you are not the first person to ever do this.

Got anything else?
UhlBWett, yes!

What really gets my woman writhing is some gentle work with my forefinger in her pussy, thumb circling at her clit, then when she's really glistening with her love honey to go deep in with forefinger and middle finger both, then move them each back and forth independently, and twisting them through 90 degrees; gets her explosive. I so want to keep doing it for longer but usually she begs for or insists on a bigger appendage in there and NOW! Just sometimes I refuse, and take her all the way to orgasm with my cock no-where near. Then, to lick my fingers appreciatively while she watches? Oh yes. I like it, and I also think I'm saying, "You're beautiful and tasty, ALL over".

Hey, this belongs on the 'everything but size matters' thread I started ...

Si ;)
I used to have a girlfriend who loved receiving hand jobs. Whenever I tried to go down on her, she'd tug on my hair and say "I want you up here with me." Then we'd kiss like teenagers while I fondle and finger her to a great climax.

I haven't had my oral talents disparaged by other partners, so I assume she just preferred that method, probably for the kissing that goes along with it.

One of my Hand Job Slut stories includes a boy-on-girl handjob, but I don't remember which one it is!
Ah, UhlB, I love the way you describe things.

I absolutely love giving and receiving (though, my handjobs never stay that way, I can't ever resist a cock in my hand for too long without having my lips wrapped around it). But its a great way to play when you don't have enough time for full sex, and though I like quickies, I prefer to take my time with my partner.

And I wonder if you get ad turned on writing as your readers doubtless do!
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Properly applied,I've found that most of the women I've been with can have a SCREAMER of an orgasm from one very well used finger,and they do seem to love it as a bit of foreplay.
Properly applied,I've found that most of the women I've been with can have a SCREAMER of an orgasm from one very well used finger,and they do seem to love it as a bit of foreplay.

Mmhmm! A very wise statement. A little fingering before the main event always generally has me cumming harder later.
As a woman who has been fingered a time or two, I can assure you, you are not the first person to ever do this.

Got anything else?

Thanks for sharing cookie...... This thread was merely meant to enlighten those men who often overlook the merits of this type of play and tend to focus on the more mainstream alternatives. My guess is that not many men are in tune with this type of play and even fewer are properly skilled at it. I am happy to hear that your getting your share. ;) Since it isn't listed as the "Impress Cookie" thread, I thought my post was...........appropriate. It wasn't meant to be a "can you top this" volley. I'm sorry you found it so non-chalant...............

Incidently sweet girl........ I do have other weapons in my orgasmic arsenal;). Thank you for your input, as I indeed asked for it.
I can have very intense orgasms if he plays with my clit and fingers me, especially if my nipples are being sucked as well. I love to feel how wet I get as I get closer to cumming. I think part of the excitement is that it reminds me of when I was a teenager and trying to have fun, but not go "all the way."
Ah, UhlB, I love the way you describe things.

I absolutely love giving and receiving (though, my handjobs never stay that way, I can't ever resist a cock in my hand for too long without having my lips wrapped around it). But its a great way to play when you don't have enough time for full sex, and though I like quickies, I prefer to take my time with my partner.

And I wonder if you get ad turned on writing as your readers doubtless do!

Thank you for the kind words sweet girl............ It's nice to hear that others share my enthusiasm for certain things.
UhlBWett, yes!

What really gets my woman writhing is some gentle work with my forefinger in her pussy, thumb circling at her clit, then when she's really glistening with her love honey to go deep in with forefinger and middle finger both, then move them each back and forth independently, and twisting them through 90 degrees; gets her explosive. I so want to keep doing it for longer but usually she begs for or insists on a bigger appendage in there and NOW! Just sometimes I refuse, and take her all the way to orgasm with my cock no-where near. Then, to lick my fingers appreciatively while she watches? Oh yes. I like it, and I also think I'm saying, "You're beautiful and tasty, ALL over".

Hey, this belongs on the 'everything but size matters' thread I started ...

Si ;)

Thanks, Si!

There is just something about it I like a great deal...... Thanks for your input!
I can have very intense orgasms if he plays with my clit and fingers me, especially if my nipples are being sucked as well. I love to feel how wet I get as I get closer to cumming. I think part of the excitement is that it reminds me of when I was a teenager and trying to have fun, but not go "all the way."

Hmmmmmm TeaforMe..........Steaming up the windows on a cool fall evening after the High School Football game maybe? I think there is a little teenager left in all of us ;)

Thanks for your reply!
Properly applied,I've found that most of the women I've been with can have a SCREAMER of an orgasm from one very well used finger,and they do seem to love it as a bit of foreplay.

A screamer indeed! It is great as foreplay also.................

Thanks DemianBiros!
*idly notes with a small smile that she's the only one the OP didn't respond to*

I'm feeling a tad left out.
I never want any sexy lady to feel left out :) :) ;)

Well, I realize, sitting at home on the laptop, that you DID respond ... but my phone didn't show it, for some odd reason. Therefore, I do apologize, UhlB ... You've been nothing but a silver-tongued and scarlet-worded gentleman to me, which is lovely. So ... keep it up, darling!
Mmmmmm wonderfully erotic stimulation! Just need someone with the skill to deliver it

Mmmmmm wonderfully erotic stimulation! Just need someone with the skill to deliver it

Someone with nimble fingers, a whisper light touch, and a working knowledge of a woman's body and her mind's desires...................
I never thought of it as a handjob, but it is, isn't it? :D I love it! My husband has large, thick fingers and he's found just the right way to turn them, bend them and move them that drives me crazy. I have found that I have these mini, rolling orgasms when he does this. I don't reach a huge peak, but have a long, drawn-out gentle orgasm that is lovely. Then if he adds a thumb on the clit, things perk up again and away we go. lol He's also good at paying attention to my rosebud, and never fails to lick his fingers when he's done, which also contributes to the craziness I feel. He pounds his fingers into me like a jackhammer sometimes and I love it. :eek: