Hallowe'en Poetry


May 1, 2001
Witchy woman has gone with the date,
But Halloween whispers, "Let's not wait."
Open your hearts and tell the tale's tale
Of when you first felt your face go pale.

When goblins and ghost and werewolves howled,
And you trembled under covers as the mummies growled.
Pick you monster, bring them out to the light
And give us a good, creepy, scary fright.

- Judo
Last edited:
Two Blocks Off Jackson Square

Not flying, not sinning, not courting fools,
Not staring deeply in limpid pools.
Not running, not quaking, but holding keen
A hunger within -- and fangs like jewels.

By moonlight, an ingenue strides briskly and gay
For an alcove along old Jackson's Way.
Her cheeks flushed tonight with marrow's gold.
Bright mind alight with naiveté.

A whisp of wind glides 'gainst her throat.
Her soft hands jump, tighten collar for coat.
The mind wonders why the street's grown quiet
And why the back of her neck has begun to float.

A block to the door, her heels click loud,
Drawing nearer to the room where she vainly vowed --
"Home before sunset and I'll be safe."
But she's far from the busy, partying crowd.

A flap of cloak rides against her heels.
She turns to find nothing, and so, the mind reels.
Blue eyes alight with the fear of time.
So, this is the tension of how panic feels.

Past boulangerie, bar and Minnie's Quick Loans,
She flies down rough, wet cobbled stones.
Dark silhouette from nowhere in front -- she stares,
Not fleeing, not seeing, not cries nor moans --

Cherubic faces dance gay without care
'Midst lights ablaze, they all take the dare.
But soft, a high voice doth pierce the air --
Just two blocks off Ol' Jackson Square.
Oh, I just saw this! I'll definitely be back with a Halloween poem.

*cackle, cackle, cackle and Boo!*
once upon a midnight groovy
watching some lame monster movie
trying to tear my thoughts away
from she who left the week before

searching for a good distraction
mystery science theater action
fills my brain with jokes about
the horror flicks of days of yore

sitting there with all the lights off
bela legosi and boris karloff,
monsters lurk in shadows,
if it’s scary I’m not really sure

while the flick was entertaining
another beer was slowly draining
until I heard a gentle knocking -
knocking on my apartment door

was it that or the werewolf’s roar?

hearing things, I sat and frowned
tricks of my stereo surround sound
not a knock but sound effects
of movies from a time gone by

though my brain may have gone kooky
everything seemed much more spooky
as I my gaze turned toward my window
and the black october sky

but then again, that late October
rapping made me quickly sober
rapping on my door that this time
could not be the movie’s lie

someone now was really knocking
though I found it somewhat shocking
who would call at such an hour
on this newly single guy?

and with my kitchen such a pig sty

putting down my beer and walking
toward the door, again more knocking
peeking through the peep hole -
almost falling from my feet

opening with needless creaking
as if the door itself were speaking
taking upon itself to help me
too speechless was I to greet

there you stood in costumed splendor
by head spun like in a blender
making the average costume look
like two holes in a sheet

I stood and wondered, were you stalking?
you left me, so why now shocking
with a sexy whisper from those lips
that could sink the entire fleet

“trick or treat”

you came in and our lips met
forgetting about the tv set
but remembering to shut and lock
the creaking old apartment door

to the bedroom we found our way
she made clear their’d be no fore play
and no questions in my mind
if this would be a night I’d score

hands and limbs and lips became one
skin on skin burned hotter than the sun
pleasure filling both of us
from our edges to our inner core

there was spent that autumn night
shrieking, yes, but not in fright
while your costume still looked dazzling
even crumpled on my bedroom floor

quoth us both in unison
"Ever-more, Basil! Give it to me!"

Good one, Cecil. Monstrous!

- Judo
Re: Request for Hallowe'en Poems

Judo, I hope you don't mind a newbie entering the fray.... but here was your request...

"Open your hearts and tell the tale's tale
Of when you first felt your face go pale."

... and here is my attempt. Hope someone finds it enjoyable.

At three o’clock in the afternoon
A boy scans a book-lined schoolhouse room
In search of some weekend fare...
This boy is normally discontent
On Saturday morning, if time is spent
Watching the cartoons blare...
Before his bus, he hurriedly looks,
Desperately searching dusty nooks,
Sorting through not-so-intriguing books
Until his eyes spy there
One that just might work

The author--Edgar Allen Poe--
(“Seems like someone I should know;
He wrote a poem I once read...”)
The Raven has yet again seduced
Some young lad to be introduced
To Edgar, while reading in bed:
To men in horror--buried alive!
Pendulums swaying side-to-side!
Criminal deeds unmasked by cries!
To guilty consciences bled
Until a mind went berserk

And as an autumn moon shines in
His windowpane, the boy begins
To read Poe’s yarns of death...
His reading fraught with nervous pauses:
Any small noise outside causes
The boy to catch his breath...
How long will Poe make eyelids sore,
Youngsters staring at the floor,
Or tree-shadows dancing across the door?
(Quoth the Raven, evermore!)
Still the youngster comes to the next
Story, and keeps on reading

Much long after the book’s return,
Memories linger and heartbeats burn
Each night, when the covers part...
Scared by a branch’s window-knock,
Unnerved by the ticking of his own clock,
Sometimes the boy awakes with start!
And thus, Poe’s musings: evil schemes,
Nightmarish, ghastly fantasies, dreams--
With readers that echo character’s screams--
Truly, it seems like the Tell-Tale heart
Evermore is beating!

- - - - - - - -

I posted the poem today, so I reckon it will show up in a day or two. Cecil, hope you don't mind another allusion to Poe; seems like he inspired early memories in a lot of us.

Happy October!
Newby posting? I don't mind at all, in fact, I love it! Thanks for sharing that early sleepless night with Poe as the inspiration. He was a lovely man, wasn't he? So warm, so caring...

(* cackle *) Is the wolfbane blooming where you are?

- Judo
edgy edgar allen poe
finding out what none should know
by means that wiser ones forgo


she walks lake bottom
with blood seaweed strands
snaking deep behind

from rotting deck
wet prints trail
to the house of before
where walls still scream
and halls whisper

she walks the floors -
boards stained
with naked indiscretion
and ebbing breath

by the fire, his bones shake
chilled by icy waters
and cold deeds

her touch is ghostly
he is not yet aware

life was fleeting
but her spirit will linger

On this grand night
the moon is full and proud
of its yellow orange hue
crayon bright but soft with
pregnant phosphorescence
it lights the way in narrow beam
and shines on fall’s night harvest

a tithe of candy bars
displayed in tantalizing array
fallow fields of bowls and baskets


awaiting small marauding pirates
guiless ghosts imperious princesses
those harvesters who come in groups

and stepping into light
study carefully
and reaching out
select the prize

the fruit of autumn plucked
made sweeter still this night
by triumph of possession
shining in young eyes.
More Halloween Poetry

Thanks for the poem, Eve and Angeline. Here's another one from me (hope I'm not overstaying my welcome). This poem doesn't really fit the theme of monsters and such, it's simply meant to be an erotic Halloween poem.


We’re all done handing out trick-or-treat candy--
The nocturnal visitors long gone home--
And we’re starting to feel a little bit randy
As the stillness blankets us, all alone...
While we nestle closer to warm our bones

Soon we’re nibbling, nipping, nuzzling
I can taste the remains of a Charleston Chew
Our whispers die down in self-imposed muzzling
Tongues too busy--pillow talk through...
And you sigh deeply as I embrace you

I pull you closer as the kisses get wetter
And love how our bodies are tightly pressed
Your hands start roaming as the kissing gets better
My hand starts to fondle your firming breast...
You undo a button, I unbutton the rest

My tongue no longer tasting chocolate
But the flesh of your perfumed breast, with sweat;
Your roaming hand finds a way in my pocket,
My masculine hardness getting set
And sending a message: we’re not done yet

You’re down to your panties, doffed your skort;
My pants are unbuttoned, pulled past calf
Gentle you tug at my boxer shorts
Then you lick and you tease with a playful laugh...
Tantalizing my throbbing staff

My breathing gets harder, my hips start to buck
You gleefully see my predicament now
Wanting prolonging yet wanting to fuck
Wanting to have both somehow...
As you coyly lift a flirting brow

You take off your panties in anticipation
Your wetness glistening in candle’s glow
A tug at my hair, mute declaration
I lick at my lips, and somehow know:
It’s time for my tongue to work below

Greedily, lustily, you part your lips
I taste the nectar that flows from your slit
Soon you are gently rocking your hips
As I nibble and tenderly suck on your clit...
Then you shake in a shudder, and I know: this is it!

And after I’ve licked, yes, after you’re sated
You dismount my head and lay on your back,
A grin for my eagerness, finally placated!
Commencing my vigorous thrusting attack...
No longer holding anything back

Then you respond to my increasing pressure
Your body responding in rhythm, in kind
The ecstatic highs, too joyful to measure
Electricity running through body, through mind...
Intimate areas working their grind

And as my body starts convulsing
My moans and collapsing groans suffice
To bring you one more inner pulsing
Your hips grow warmer, your tongue as ice...
One last taste of throes so nice

We become aware of a voyeur staring:
Grin all toothy, wide eyes bright,
Yet we remain naked, not really caring
About that ogler on this night...
Bathed in our Jack O’Lantern’s light


I wrote one other Halloween poem this year; it was entered in the Literotica Halloween contest. Maybe some of the poets here already saw it, maybe not. 28 long stanzas, 7000 views, 32 votes, no other feedback. Sorry to be soliciting, but I was kind of hoping that some other poet would at least give me a few lines of candid feedback. Any takers?

If you're interested, here's a link to Sarah's Visit...


Thanks, uwave

Not possible micro. This is no secret guild! I posted a poem about eight months ago and I still haven't left.

On a dark stormy night
with a frosty cold bite
I feverishly worked in my lab.
A thousand calculations
and a million frustrations
chasing the whale like Ahab

I knew it was near
it was almost so clear
the secrets waiting to be found
but perhaps some more air
in my scientific lair
would have brought my thoughts back to the ground

an amazing breakthrough
a discovery all new
was knocking that night on my door
a miracle of technology
or possibly mythology
which one I couldn’t yet be sure

everything was prepared
the computer screen glared
then I set a parameter or five
the mixtures I corrected
and the cables I connected
and with a flip of the switch it was alive

but then the lightening flashed
and my damn computer crashed
the upload to it’s brain was not complete
In my head I heard the crack
I should have got a Mac
I shouted out some words a won’t repeat

not knowing what to do
I was panicking I knew
desperately I tried to pull the plug
the ground was falling in
and not even Rin Tin Tin
could rescue me now from this hole I’d dug

my creation then stood up
and I dropped my coffee cup
I was shocked although this was my plan
like I’d just invented the gun
I faced what I had done
and knew what it could do to the world of man

it looked at me confused
as though it’s brain still snoozed
but the eyes and arms and legs were all awake
I tried to gain control again
but it was clearly gone by then
although I knew the world may be at stake

as it went for the door
I was glued to the floor
fear’s prisoner, I couldn’t move at all
I couldn’t stop it, no
but I knew where it would go
so perhaps I could still warn them at the Mall

with it’s unfinished brain
it ran through the rain
I watched it run off filled with rage
I’d intended no harm
it was supposed to have charm
and not need to be kept in a cage
I’d intended perfection
a perfect reflection
of the women who adorn the front page
though her body was a ten
the computer crashed when
her brain had only loaded to teenage
Re: Haunting

WickedEve said:
she walks lake bottom
with blood seaweed strands
snaking deep behind

from rotting deck
wet prints trail
to the house of before
where walls still scream
and halls whisper

she walks the floors -
boards stained
with naked indiscretion
and ebbing breath

by the fire, his bones shake
chilled by icy waters
and cold deeds

her touch is ghostly
he is not yet aware

life was fleeting
but her spirit will linger

WE -

I must have missed this one. I really like it. It reminds me of the ending to "What Lies Beneath." Did you see that film? I had a coat on in the theater, but I was chilled the whole time. Oooo, very scary.

- Judo
Re: More Halloween Poetry

microwave oeuvren said:
Thanks for the poem, Eve and Angeline. Here's another one from me (hope I'm not overstaying my welcome). This poem doesn't really fit the theme of monsters and such, it's simply meant to be an erotic Halloween poem.


We’re all done handing out trick-or-treat candy--
The nocturnal visitors long gone home--
And we’re starting to feel a little bit randy
As the stillness blankets us, all alone...
While we nestle closer to warm our bones

Soon we’re nibbling, nipping, nuzzling
I can taste the remains of a Charleston Chew
Our whispers die down in self-imposed muzzling
Tongues too busy--pillow talk through...
And you sigh deeply as I embrace you

I pull you closer as the kisses get wetter
And love how our bodies are tightly pressed
Your hands start roaming as the kissing gets better
My hand starts to fondle your firming breast...
You undo a button, I unbutton the rest

My tongue no longer tasting chocolate
But the flesh of your perfumed breast, with sweat;
Your roaming hand finds a way in my pocket,
My masculine hardness getting set
And sending a message: we’re not done yet

You’re down to your panties, doffed your skort;
My pants are unbuttoned, pulled past calf
Gentle you tug at my boxer shorts
Then you lick and you tease with a playful laugh...
Tantalizing my throbbing staff

My breathing gets harder, my hips start to buck
You gleefully see my predicament now
Wanting prolonging yet wanting to fuck
Wanting to have both somehow...
As you coyly lift a flirting brow

You take off your panties in anticipation
Your wetness glistening in candle’s glow
A tug at my hair, mute declaration
I lick at my lips, and somehow know:
It’s time for my tongue to work below

Greedily, lustily, you part your lips
I taste the nectar that flows from your slit
Soon you are gently rocking your hips
As I nibble and tenderly suck on your clit...
Then you shake in a shudder, and I know: this is it!

And after I’ve licked, yes, after you’re sated
You dismount my head and lay on your back,
A grin for my eagerness, finally placated!
Commencing my vigorous thrusting attack...
No longer holding anything back

Then you respond to my increasing pressure
Your body responding in rhythm, in kind
The ecstatic highs, too joyful to measure
Electricity running through body, through mind...
Intimate areas working their grind

And as my body starts convulsing
My moans and collapsing groans suffice
To bring you one more inner pulsing
Your hips grow warmer, your tongue as ice...
One last taste of throes so nice

We become aware of a voyeur staring:
Grin all toothy, wide eyes bright,
Yet we remain naked, not really caring
About that ogler on this night...
Bathed in our Jack O’Lantern’s light


I wrote one other Halloween poem this year; it was entered in the Literotica Halloween contest. Maybe some of the poets here already saw it, maybe not. 28 long stanzas, 7000 views, 32 votes, no other feedback. Sorry to be soliciting, but I was kind of hoping that some other poet would at least give me a few lines of candid feedback. Any takers?

If you're interested, here's a link to Sarah's Visit...


Thanks, uwave

Nice sexy one, Micro. Jack the voyeur strikes again!

- Judo
sideshow_cecil said:
On a dark stormy night
with a frosty cold bite
I feverishly worked in my lab.
A thousand calculations
and a million frustrations
chasing the whale like Ahab

I knew it was near
it was almost so clear
the secrets waiting to be found
but perhaps some more air
in my scientific lair
would have brought my thoughts back to the ground

an amazing breakthrough
a discovery all new
was knocking that night on my door
a miracle of technology
or possibly mythology
which one I couldn’t yet be sure

everything was prepared
the computer screen glared
then I set a parameter or five
the mixtures I corrected
and the cables I connected
and with a flip of the switch it was alive

but then the lightening flashed
and my damn computer crashed
the upload to it’s brain was not complete
In my head I heard the crack
I should have got a Mac
I shouted out some words a won’t repeat

not knowing what to do
I was panicking I knew
desperately I tried to pull the plug
the ground was falling in
and not even Rin Tin Tin
could rescue me now from this hole I’d dug

my creation then stood up
and I dropped my coffee cup
I was shocked although this was my plan
like I’d just invented the gun
I faced what I had done
and knew what it could do to the world of man

it looked at me confused
as though it’s brain still snoozed
but the eyes and arms and legs were all awake
I tried to gain control again
but it was clearly gone by then
although I knew the world may be at stake

as it went for the door
I was glued to the floor
fear’s prisoner, I couldn’t move at all
I couldn’t stop it, no
but I knew where it would go
so perhaps I could still warn them at the Mall

with it’s unfinished brain
it ran through the rain
I watched it run off filled with rage
I’d intended no harm
it was supposed to have charm
and not need to be kept in a cage
I’d intended perfection
a perfect reflection
of the women who adorn the front page
though her body was a ten
the computer crashed when
her brain had only loaded to teenage

Then, what happens at the Mall, Cecil? C'mon! A great take on the mad scientist bit. This would make a very funny prose story. Ever author prose?

- Judo

By the last glow of a coal
Near my sleeping bag roll,
I fell into a darkness complete.
The crickets were quiet
So my brain could buy it
And my dreams grew a generous heat.

Above, in the stars
Pulsed a ship, new from Mars
Whose inhabitants needed mates who could screw.
Descending as it searched
At the treetops, it lurched
When it spied a puptent in its view.

A great beam lit my tent
And I woke up and went
With suspicion to see what I could see.
Quite suddenly, I froze
Then my feet arose
Off the ground to fly heavenly.

The great belly of the craft
Opened up with a draft
And my clothes flew hither and yon.
And standing quite nude
I became very glued
To the deck like an innocent fawn.

Everything glowed white
Like the opposite of night
I was scared more than I thought able.
Then there beside me
Was a being so pretty
That I blushed as she pushed me on a table.

Her breasts were round
And her mouth quite profound
But it was her skin I wouldn't have believed.
It was shiny like chrome
On car bumpers back home,
But it was soft like a baby conceived.

She touched me quick,
But I wasn't slick
I shivered with fright, you understand.
Then, she picked up a light
And pointing it just right,
A buzz grew inside, not to comprehend.

My breasts swelled up fast,
My nipples at full mast,
I felt a puddle pool under my butt.
My eyes were half-closed
A shiver curled my toes
And my fingers flew in my you-know-what.

The being smiled at my state,
Then she sealed my fate
As my legs spread of their own volition.
I wanted her there,
Licking between my hair
I would've fucked her under any condition.

But the look on her face
Was filled with grace
As she touched my lips, then her own.
Then a change began,
She was suddenly a man,
Sporting a sizeable nine-inch bone.

I sighed when he thrust
And I grabbed at my bust
As he fileted me with skill beyond pale.
It was so very good
That I pulled back my hood,
Rubbed my clit and began to whail.

For hours and hours
He pounded me with powers
That surely would have earned a prize.
I'd be fucking him still,
If I'd had the will.
But do you think this is a pack of lies?

The next morning I awoke
And gave myself a poke
To make certain this had not been a dream.
And, there in my hand,
Now back on firm land,
Was the light that shines the sex beam.

Now, whenever I'm in heat,
And in need of some meat,
I want someone who can be quite slutty,
I pull out the beam,
And they beg to cream
As they become my lastest fuck buddy.
JUDO said:
Then, what happens at the Mall, Cecil? C'mon! A great take on the mad scientist bit. This would make a very funny prose story. Ever author prose?

- Judo

well the punch line was supposed to be the horror of setting something loose on the world with the brain of a teenager... but I didn't hit it very well. I think the problem with the "what happens at the mall" question is, that the monster would have fit right in.
and yes, I write prose stories often - much more than I write poem flavored things.
thanks for the feedback :)
SSC, its nice ta have ya in the poetry forum........ Your Poem was a very fun read thanks for sharing...............and share some more soon.

sideshow_cecil said:
well the punch line was supposed to be the horror of setting something loose on the world with the brain of a teenager... but I didn't hit it very well. I think the problem with the "what happens at the mall" question is, that the monster would have fit right in.
and yes, I write prose stories often - much more than I write poem flavored things.
thanks for the feedback :)

The leaf floated down from the oak tree outside
I watched from the window, and ate something fried
the clock on the wall fell back that morning
halloween was near, creeping up without warning
it soon would be time for mayhem and crime
to spread across earth like a darkening slime
monsters and madness crawling the earth
and candy for children to broaden their girth.
All this was prepared under my supervision
the world of the living and dead in collision
on the night we prepare to frighten and scare
you can come out and see for yourself if you dare
this throne I inherited from skeleton jack
it’s all mine now and I won’t give it back
Halloween is now mine with it’s treats and it’s tricks
but I’ve been using it to pick up hot chicks

when jack retired and gave me the throne
I gave halloween a sexier tone
while my minions were out where it’s dark and shady
I’d be in the bedroom of some lucky lady
she’d cower in my arms feeling safe from the fright
and I’d give her body a night of delight
I’d fill her with pleasure and hold her tight
and protect her from many a horrible sight
but all the while she’d never have known
that the reaping outside was that which I’d sown
but none of them would have cared I don’t think
if I told them the truth and gave them a wink
they love what I do for them year after year
all night long in the front and the rear
they’d give up the safety of the rest of the world
for one night with me that left their toes curled